Discussion Board #3:

You have now read diverse opinions of PowerPoint. What do you feel is PowerPoint’s role, if any, as an instructional tool in schools and businesses? Note: If you are more familiar with schools, consider that environment. If you are more familiar with corporate education, consider that environment.

Powerpoint is an excellent presentation tool. However, in schools, Powerpoint is often misused. Powerpoint is not a writing tool, or a research tool. If it is used as a teaching tool, it should be used to supplement other materials, not as the primary source of information. I really enjoyed reading the materials. Tufte clearly has a sense of humor, and reading his materials and then the article "In Defense of Powerpoint" showed both sides of the arguments. They both made good points, and as is often the case, I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle. My favorite part of the readings, though, was the Gettysburg Address in powerpoint - four score and seven years ago in graphical form! Here is how I have seen many teachers use Powerpoint: They bring their class to the computer lab with an assignment. "Research Spain, and create a powerpoint to present to your class. Your research should include location, climate, foods, ..." For the students, the most important thing is, "What background should I use?" That is quickly followed by, "Which animation scheme?" I have a fifth grade class whose teacher has brought them to the computer lab for 15 classes to do this type of project. The value in powerpoint is in the skills gained presenting in front of an audience, and in the pride of authorship in creating a final, formal project. I believe a much better way to assign a powerpoint would be to have a research project where students hand write answers to a series of research questions. Secondly, students should write an essay from their research notes. Ideally, there is something that forces the student to write in his/her own words such as, "You are an 11 year old in Spain..." Then, after all of that, the students could develop a powerpoint presentation from their written essay to present to the class. Students should be taught how to make short, succinct bullets. Almost every student generated powerpoint I have seen has way too much text on each slide. This is a skill that has to be taught. They should write note cards with their presentation notes. Powerpoint is great for making a presentation or giving a talk to a large audience. This is very different from teaching! It can be used for teaching, but only to add a visual component to other material. I guess I have an opinion or two about this! Marie

This has been my experience with PowerPoint presentations. As a member of the audience I have been exposed to the presenter using PowerPoint as a writing tool completely filled with textand then reads directly from it. It's not pretty to look at and it's boring. It should be used as an aid to the teacher as another way to make their topic more clear.

I found your post very helpful in my understanding of PowerPoint in a grade school. That students are more concerned with the bells and whistles of PowerPoint and less concerned with the information they are presenting is a real problem. Your tips on how to assign a better PowerPoint presentation are right on the money. I am currently not in the field of Instructional Technology, but hope to pursue a career in the near future. It is very helpful to hear the perspective of a current IT professional. Thank you.