Invitation for Bid (IFB) number: CU2014-019 Due Date: December 22, 2014
Date of Issue: December 11, 2014 Due Time: No later than 3:00pm EST
The University is accepting quotes per the below description in accordance with the following instructions. This quote must be returned in by the due date listed: Bids returned by fax will NOT be accepted. The University reserves the right to accept all or part, or to reject the entire bid. ALL PRICES, AS QUOTED, MUST INCLUDE ALL COSTS
Cheyney University is seeking quotes from companies to provide a Mercury Analyzer, per the specifications and requirements outlined on Attachment A.
1. a. Department of General Services (DGS) will issue a Purchase Order to the successful Vendor to provide the Mercury Analyzer.
b. Please review the attached General Condition and Instructions to Bidders (BOP-1201) and Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions – Paper Purchase Order (BOP-1202)
which will be a part of the purchase order to be awarded. Also, please complete applicable portion of pages 3 and 4 of form GSPUR-89 attached and return with bid.
2. Please provide unit pricing on this sheet and attach your quote.
3. Supplier selection shall be based upon the lowest responsive and responsible quote. Please mark all correspondence with IFB # CU2014-019.
For any technical questions, you may contact Adedoyin Adeyiga, Professor / Director of NSF BEAR, at email: and copy
Other questions and communications must be directed to Lynn Scott, Purchasing Office Questions must be received no later than 12/17/14. No verbal questions will be accepted. All questions must be submitted via email or
fax 610-399-2128.
All bids must be received in the Cheyney University Purchasing Office to the attention Lynnette Scott, Purchasing, Wade Wilson Administration Bldg., Room 326, Cheyney, PA 19319, no later than 3:00 pm, December 22, 2014.
Mailing address: 1837 University Circle, Cheyney, PA 19319 Attention: Lynnette Scott
Email address: / 1 / $ / $

Note: Electronic responses are acceptable; however an original signed copy of page (2) of this form must be received within (5) five business days for your bid to be considered valid for auditing purposes.

Pricing submitted must be firm for a period of 60 days or more, and must be returned by the above indicated date and time. The undersigned vendor agrees to provide these services at the price (s) quoted. This form must be filled out completely and returned to our office SIGNED with original signature.


Vendor’s Printed Name Email Address Telephone number

Vendor’s Signature Title Date

Company Name Address


Federal ID or Social Security Number: ______

*Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vendor Number: ______

*(Note: Vendors must be registered to do business with the State of Pennsylvania. The vendor number is used to process payment. If your company does not have a vendor number, please go to the following website to obtain a vendor number):

If you need help with your registration call (877) 435-7363 choose option 1



Section I

General Information for Bidders

I-1 Purpose

Cheyney University is seeking pricing from Bidders for a Mercury Analyzer.

I-2 Issuing Office

This IFB is being issued for Cheyney University by the issuing office listed below. The issuing office is the sole point of contact for this IFB. Please refer all inquiries to:

Lynnette Scott

Purchasing Agent- Contracts

Cheyney University

Office of Procurement Services

1837 University Circle

P.O. Box 200

Cheyney, PA 19319-0200

V: 610-399-2167; F: 610-399-2128

Any IFB addenda/updates will be made available at Department of General Services (DGS) eMarketplace web site, . Questions will not be accepted verbally. Any questions requiring clarification prior to submission of a bid must be received by the Issuing Office via fax 610-399-2128 or email: no later than Wednesday, December 17, 2014. Technical questions may be sent to Adedoyin Adeyiga at and copied to Responses to questions concerning the IFB will be responded to via email. If a Bidder does not have the capability to use the Internet, please notify the issuing office.

From the issue date of this IFB until a determination is made regarding the selection of a Bid, all contacts concerning this IFB must be made through the issuing office. Only information supplied by the issuing office, including responses to questions regarding the IFB, should be used in preparing Bids. Any and all other contacts or information received regarding the subject prior to the release of this IFB should be disregarded in preparing responses. Any violation of this condition is cause for Cheyney University to reject a Bid. If it is later discovered that any violations have occurred, Cheyney University may reject the Bid.

I-3 Scope

This IFB contains instructions governing the responses to be submitted and the material to be included therein, a description of the goods/services to be provided, requirements which must be met to be eligible for consideration, and contract terms and conditions.

I-4 Rejection of Bids

Cheyney University reserves the right to reject any and all Bids received from Bidders as a result of this IFB and to cancel this solicitation at any time prior to the execution of any contract/purchase order. Bids will be rejected if they are not prepared in accordance with the IFB instructions listed herein.

I-5 Purchase Order

A purchase order(s) will be issued by the Department of General Services (DGS).

I-6 Incurring Costs

Cheyney is not liable for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in the preparation or submission of their Bids or for attendance at any conferences or meetings related to this IFB.

I-7 Bidder Responsibilities

An original signed hard copy of page 2 of the Invitation for Bid Form (IFB) must be submitted to the Purchasing Office within (5) business days to be considered valid. Submittals must be signed by an official authorize to bind the Vendor to the provisions in this IFB and the submitted response and must remain valid for 60 days.

I-8 Addenda to the IFB

Cheyney University may cancel or withdraw the IFB at any time prior to an award. Amendments may be made by the issuance of an addendum by the Issuing Office prior to the closing date and time for the response. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise this IFB, an addendum will be provided to all Bidders who fail to submit a current Bid may be deemed non-responsive. Bidders who do not have access to the Internet should notify the issuing office.

I-9 Submission/Response Date

To be considered, Bids must be received by the Issuing Office on or before Monday,

December 22, 2014; 3:00 PM EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.

There will be no public opening.

Note: Electronic responses are acceptable; however an original signed copy of the Invitation For Bid form found on “page 2” must be received within (5) five business days for your bid to be considered valid for auditing purposes.

I-10 Bids

Bids must consist of a complete response to the requirements outlined herein and shall be submitted to the issuing office no later than the required submission/response date. No other distribution of Bids will be made by the Bidder.

Pricing shall not to be contingent on group participation by all universities nor on all line items listed by university. Cheyney reserves the right to:

1.  Not award a contract.

2.  Make a single award.

3.  Make multiple awards.

Section II


III-1 Objective

The purpose of this IFB is to solicit Bids from Bidders for a Mercury Analyzer for the Science Department.

III-2 Bid Response & Basis for Award

Bids must be firm, without conditions or exceptions. Award will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder. Award will be based on a Total Bid basis. Submit pricing per the attached specifications. Bids will be awarded based on best pricing.

III-4 Specifications

The Nippon Mercury Analyzer will provide the following features:

1. The ability to analyze solid/waste, water, and air samples within the Extended Dynamic Range Optics 0.00Ing-2000ng linear and cubic fit up to 50,000ng in a single calibration. Allows up to 100 sample positions, to be analyze without analyst participation.

2. Tri-photo sensor optics, allowing simultaneous low and high mercury readings. This feature allows for a smooth transitional reading as a mercury sample moves from the low range detector to the higher range detector.

3. Ceramic sample boats for easy cleaning with acid and pretreatment furnace function for re- use. More durable and less expensive to replace.

4. Auto Sample Changer chamber with a continuous purge of purified air preventing contamination.

5. Detector Type: (2) UV, wavelength specific, Photo tubes with Thermostatic detector chamber. No filters. With wavelength specific detectors have the ability to automatically and simultaneously measure a mercury sample with independent detectors at different ranges. This would increase the dynamic range optics and eliminate the possibility of cross over readings which are inherent in other dual-cell detector designs.

6. Detector Method: Non-dispersive triple-beam CVAAS, to maintain beam intensity.

All the above unique features would serve to reduce the detection limit, increase sample output and reduce contamination sources more than similar mercury analyzers from other vendors, thus better meeting EPA’s needs for the most cost-effective , accurate mercury analysis of samples of samples possible, in order to support our programs.

If any other company contends that it is capable of providing the required system, you must notify the Purchasing Agent for Contracts, Lynn Scott, no later than 3:00 P.M. EST, December 16, 2014 at with an explanation of the basis for its being qualified and able to provide the required instrument. All deliverables shall be provided FOB Destination to:

Cheyney University

New Science Bldg.

1837 University Circle

Cheyney, PA 19319

Attention: Dr. Adedoyin Adeyiga

Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements and quality control. It is also the contractor’s responsibility to be familiar with applicable clauses and provision in the attached General Condition and Instructions to Bidders (BOP-1201) and the Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions – Paper Purchase Order (BOP-1202) which will be part of the purchase order to be awarded. Also, the responding supplier must complete the applicable portion of pages 3 and 4 of form GSPUR-89 attached and return with your bid.

It is the offeror responsibility to ensure receipt of email quotes. Quotes shall include a schedule (list) of offered items/reports/services to include unit and total price in accordance with the schedule of items, (which includes shipping charges, if applicable with delivery time.

The Automated Mercury Analyzer must have at a minimum:

1. The ability to analyze solid/waste, water and air samples within the Extended Dynamic Range Optics 0.002ng 2000ng linear and cubic fit up to 25,000 in a single calibration

2. Tri-photo sensor optics, allowing simultaneous low and high mercury readings. This feature allows for a smooth transitional reading as a mercury sample moves from the low range detector the higher range detector.

3. Auto-Blanking function that avoids cross-contamination from unexpected high level mercury sample measurements.

4. Ceramic sample boats for easy cleaning with acid and pretreatment furnace function for re- use.

5. Auto Sample Changer chamber with a continuous purge of purified air preventing contamination.

6. Dual-Cell Detector with the ability to automatically and simultaneously measure a mercury sample with independent detectors.

7. The ability to determine total mercury in solids, liquid and gaseous matrices using the principle of thermal decomposition, gold amalgamation and atomic absorption in accordance with USEPA 74736, ASTM D-6722-01, without any sample preparation.

8. Detector Type: (2) UV, wavelength specific, Photo tubes with Thermostatic detector chamber.

9. Detector Method: Non-dispersive triple-beam CVAAS

10. Carrier gas: UP 02; psi 30-45

11. Support attachments for reducing vaporization method and gas/ambient air analysis.

12. Shipping and Delivery:

The equipment must be shipped to the following person with at least one week pre- notification: Dr. Adedoyin Adeyiga, New Science Bldg. , Cheyney & Creek Roads, Cheyney, PA 19319. Email:

13. Installation:

The contractor shall provide installation and performance testing, demonstrating the correct working of all functions, after installation within 120 days after receipt of order. They should also provide general operating instructions and functional training on the instrument for at least two staff members. Installation should be coordinated with

Dr. Adedoyin Adeyiga within 1 week of receipt of equipment and at least 2 weeks prior to anticipated installation date. The installation should occur on a weekday (Monday-Friday) between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

14. Warranty:

The system must be a new, current production complete system and be fully supported. The contractor shall provide a 2-year warranty to include service, parts and labor, includes shipping cost to factory and service engineer travel expenses. This warranty does not cover equipment warranted by another manufacturer of replacement of expendable, consumable or limited life items.

(The balance of this page intentionally left blank)

Mercury Analyzer

Invitation for Bid

Proposal of: ______

Company Federal ID #


Address Business Telephone


City, State, Zip Code Fax


Email Address

hereinafter called “Bidder”.

To: Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, hereinafter called “University”.

In conformity with your invitation for bids for a Mercury Analyzer, and having examined the Specifications and Conditions and being familiar with all conditions in connection with the proposed project, the Bidder does hereby propose to furnish all services in accordance with the Bid Documents at a price stated hereinafter.

The undersigned agrees that he will not withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days from the bid due date.

The Bidder understands that the University reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding.

Upon receipt of written notice of acceptance of this bid, the bidder will execute and deliver certificates of insurance within ten days or as required.


Name (Please Print)





Bid #CU2014-019

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