Mark Breunig

WATR 755

Discriminant Analysis

Please note the height of nest in tree appears to be duplicated in the original data set, so it appears twice in all the tables.



This exercise will involve using discriminate analysis to observe differences in the nesting habitat of sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks. Discriminate analysis is a useful multivariate technique that uses a series of linear combinations (ordinations) to maximize separation between groups and minimize variance within groups. The associated discriminate function can be used to assign observations to groups, which may or may not be the same as the a priori classification scheme.

Considering the nature of discriminate analysis, I expect it will offer a more thorough analysis than using a T-test or ANOVA. The T-test can be used to compare means across groups, but lacks the “multidimensional power” to analyze all observations simultaneously. The successive ordination of variables in multidimensional space allows the observer to observe differences between grouping that are not possible using T-tests and multiple range tests. The reclassification aspect of discriminate analysis offers further advantages. The benefit of discriminate analysis would be even more pronounced if these data involved more than 2 groupings, which presents an even more complicated interpretation.

Based on a literature review, it is suggested that Cooper’s Hawks nest close to water, in mature trees with high canopy cover and sparse ground cover. Therefore I expect DIST_WAT(-), TOT_UN(+), TOT_CA (-)to have strong loadings. It is also known that Cooper’s Hawks prefer deciduous forests, and Sharp-shinned Hawks prefer coniferous forests. Therefore CAN_DE (+) and CAN_CON (-) should have strong loadings as well.

Summary Statistics

Summary statistics can be found in Appendix A. This table was used to insure the data were imported into SAS correctly, and to identify potential issues with the data. The number of observations and variables is important to consider when analyzing how confident one can be in the results. In this case the number of observations vary from 71-74 per variable and there are 25 variables, which is satisfactory.

If a variable has the same minimum and maximum, one would expect the variable to have a very low loading (it does not vary). The same could be said for the standard deviation relative to the mean. If the standard deviation is considerably smaller than the mean, a low loading would be expected. The summary statistics indicate all variables have an adequate amount of variance to have utility in discriminate analysis.

Correlation Matrix

The pearson correlation matrix can be found in Appendix B. Several variables are cross correlated. Some examples of this include DIST_OPEN (distance to nearest forest opening) and TREE_HT (Nest tree height) [α = 0.10, p =0.0005, r = 0.40]; TREE_HT and DBH [α = 0.10, p =<0.0001, r = 0.70]; TREE_HT and NEST_HT (height of nest in tree) [α = 0.10, p =<0.0001, r = 0.75]. These correlations make intuitive sense, and will be included in the analysis.

Data Standardization

Data are assumed to be normal. Data were standardized using SAS to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.



The results of the T-Tests can be found in Appendix C. Several significant differences in means were found using this analysis (α = 0.10). These include TREE_HT, DBH, NEST_HT, DEG_SLOP, AVG_CAN, AVG_SH_D, CAN_DE, CAN_CON, TOT_CA, UND_DEC, UND_CON, DENS, and AVG_DBHC. These variables should have the loadings with the greatest magnitude (could be either positive or negative). Based on these results, it would appear that tree size, type (conifer or deciduous), and density are the factors that differentiate the nests of the two species.

The Wilks' Lambda value (<0.0001) indicates the discriminate analysis is statistically significant, so it is appropriate to proceed with further analysis.

Coefficients of Canonical Discriminant Axes

Table 1 presents the total canonical structure coefficients calculated in the discriminate analysis. As was expected, the same variables found to be have significant differences in means in the T-Test show the strongest loadings. However, this analysis offers a more thorough examination of the data because it allows one to see how the variables that have significant differences in means rank amongst themselves. Based on this, it can be seen that NEST_HT (0.66) has the strongest influence on the discriminate function. CAN_DE (0.62), AVG_CAN (0.62), AVG_DBHC (0.61), DENS (-0.58) have the next highest loadings. Based on this, it appears that the height of the nest in tree, % deciduous trees, mean plot diameter breast height, and tree density provide the most distinction between the two species nests.

Table 1. Total Cononical Structure Coefficients for nesting habitat characteristics of sharp-shinned hawks and Cooper’s hawks calculated using discriminant analysis.

Variable / Total Cononical Structure Coefficients / Variable / Total Cononical Structure Coefficients
NEST_HT / 0.66 / TOT_UNDS / -0.11
__CAN_DE / 0.62 / __GRN_CO / -0.20
AVG_CAN / 0.62 / AVG_SH_I / -0.28
AVG_DBHC / 0.61 / AVG_SH_D / -0.46
DBH / 0.54 / _UND_CON / -0.53
TREE_HT / 0.53 / _CAN_CON / -0.53
_NEST_HT / 0.40 / DENS / -0.58
_UND_DEC / 0.37
TOT___CA / 0.36
DEG_SLOP / 0.29
_GRN_DEC / 0.22
TOT___GR / 0.21
DIST_WAT / 0.19
DIST_OPE / 0.08
BA / 0.07
TOT___UN / 0.06
TREE_SP / -0.04

Correct Classification Table

The correct classification table is shown in Table 2. The original classifications performed very well when compared to the groups calculated by the discriminate analysis (98% and 95% success). There doesn’t appear to be a significant difference between the success rate of reclassification between species (2% vs 5%).

Table 2. Correct classification (cross-validation) table based off of nesting habitat characteristics of sharp-shinned hawks and Cooper’s hawks calculated using discriminant analysis.

1 / 2 / Total
1 / 39 / 8 / 47
98% / 2% / 100%
2 / 2 / 18 / 20
5% / 95% / 100%
Total / 41 / 26 / 67
70% / 30% / 100%
Priors / 0.5 / 0.5


Interpretation of Model Structure

Some of my a priori expectations were correct, while others were not. I expected DIST_WAT, TOT_UN, TOT_CA to have strong loadings but they turned out to be weak. For this particular data set, those variables provide little distinction among groups.

The literature states that Cooper’s Hawks prefer deciduous forests, and Sharp-shinned Hawks prefer coniferous forests, which is supported by the discriminate analysis (CAN_DE = 0.62, CAN_CON = -0.53). These two variables would have an inverse relationship anyways, but the magnitude of their loadings supports the importance of coniferous versus deciduous forest. It can also be observed that Coopers hawks nest in stands of lower densities (DENS = -0.58) of taller (TREE_HT = 0.53) and larger trees (DBH = 0.54) than Sharp-shinned Hawks.

Utility of Discriminate Analysis

The utility of discriminate analysis is apparent from this exercise. While T-Tests can tell you which means are statistically different between 2 groups (and multiple range tests between more than 2 groups), the multidimensional ordination utilized by discriminate analysis allows one to analyze the magnitude and direction of structure coefficients. This provides a more powerful analysis and interpretation of the significance and meaning of variables, and a more contrasting separation of groups. The correct classification table offers additional utility, enabling the analyst to check the validity of a priori classifications.

Appendix A: Summary Statistics

Variable / N / Mean / Std Dev / Minimum / Maximum
SPECIES / 74 / 1.30 / 0.46 / 1.00 / 2.00
DIST_WAT / 72 / 356.92 / 415.03 / 0.50 / 1700.00
DIST_OPE / 71 / 58.58 / 68.22 / 2.00 / 320.00
TREE_SP / 74 / 7.05 / 4.51 / 1.00 / 20.00
TREE_HT / 74 / 17.84 / 4.26 / 9.10 / 31.80
DBH / 74 / 30.00 / 8.91 / 10.16 / 49.50
NEST_HT / 74 / 11.90 / 3.29 / 4.88 / 20.80
NEST_HT / 74 / 67.02 / 12.81 / 32.08 / 102.41
DEG_SLOP / 72 / 3.08 / 6.44 / 0.00 / 41.00
AVG_CAN / 74 / 18.16 / 4.04 / 8.44 / 30.10
AVG_SH_D / 74 / 9.85 / 9.93 / 0.00 / 52.50
AVG_SH_I / 74 / 19.60 / 15.77 / 0.00 / 70.25
CAN_DE / 74 / 42.53 / 35.98 / 0.00 / 100.00
CAN_CON / 74 / 40.00 / 34.27 / 0.00 / 97.50
TOT_CA / 74 / 82.53 / 10.79 / 52.50 / 100.00
UND_DEC / 74 / 27.40 / 27.16 / 0.00 / 95.00
UND_CON / 74 / 8.95 / 16.31 / 0.00 / 70.00
TOT_UN / 74 / 36.35 / 26.70 / 0.00 / 95.00
GRN_DEC / 74 / 44.66 / 25.23 / 0.00 / 97.50
GRN_CO / 74 / 0.34 / 1.82 / 0.00 / 15.00
TOT_GR / 74 / 45.00 / 25.18 / 0.00 / 97.50
TOT_UNDS / 73 / 13.03 / 10.17 / 0.00 / 48.00
BA / 74 / 30.87 / 18.60 / 2.19 / 146.00
DENS / 74 / 758.78 / 434.66 / 200.00 / 2050.00
AVG_DBHC / 74 / 23.25 / 7.06 / 10.10 / 47.40

Appendix B: Correlation Matrix


SPECIES 1.00000 -0.17709 0.02210 0.09786 -0.42879 -0.44621 -0.57423 -0.38285 -0.23054

0.1367 0.8549 0.4068 0.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0008 0.0514

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

DIST_WAT -0.17709 1.00000 0.06917 -0.21362 0.07967 -0.06542 0.01008 -0.03320 -0.08806

0.1367 0.5723 0.0716 0.5059 0.5851 0.9331 0.7819 0.4685

72 72 69 72 72 72 72 72 70

DIST_OPE 0.02210 0.06917 1.00000 0.12946 0.40428 0.35674 0.18004 -0.16958 0.17092

0.8549 0.5723 0.2819 0.0005 0.0023 0.1330 0.1574 0.1603

71 69 71 71 71 71 71 71 69

TREE_SP 0.09786 -0.21362 0.12946 1.00000 0.19736 0.04705 0.17216 -0.05417 0.40859

0.4068 0.0716 0.2819 0.0919 0.6906 0.1424 0.6467 0.0004

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

TREE_HT -0.42879 0.07967 0.40428 0.19736 1.00000 0.70415 0.75065 -0.10000 0.29942

0.0001 0.5059 0.0005 0.0919 <.0001 <.0001 0.3966 0.0106

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

DBH -0.44621 -0.06542 0.35674 0.04705 0.70415 1.00000 0.62363 0.08832 0.31381

<.0001 0.5851 0.0023 0.6906 <.0001 <.0001 0.4543 0.0073

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

NEST_HT -0.57423 0.01008 0.18004 0.17216 0.75065 0.62363 1.00000 0.55838 0.39309

<.0001 0.9331 0.1330 0.1424 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0006

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

_NEST_HT -0.38285 -0.03320 -0.16958 -0.05417 -0.10000 0.08832 0.55838 1.00000 0.16810

0.0008 0.7819 0.1574 0.6467 0.3966 0.4543 <.0001 0.1581

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

DEG_SLOP -0.23054 -0.08806 0.17092 0.40859 0.29942 0.31381 0.39309 0.16810 1.00000

0.0514 0.4685 0.1603 0.0004 0.0106 0.0073 0.0006 0.1581

72 70 69 72 72 72 72 72 72

AVG_CAN -0.50129 0.12465 0.35861 0.26752 0.92539 0.71120 0.76512 0.03004 0.27130

<.0001 0.2968 0.0021 0.0212 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.7994 0.0212

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

AVG_SH_D 0.36654 -0.18917 -0.17929 0.00661 -0.25139 -0.26207 -0.30291 -0.21691 -0.08021

0.0013 0.1115 0.1346 0.9554 0.0307 0.0241 0.0087 0.0634 0.5030

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72


SPECIES -0.50129 0.36654 0.16932 -0.53010 0.44956 -0.33986 -0.31271 0.38432 -0.08333

<.0001 0.0013 0.1492 <.0001 <.0001 0.0031 0.0067 0.0007 0.4803

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

DIST_WAT 0.12465 -0.18917 0.12510 0.03005 0.00107 0.10315 -0.11429 -0.05125 -0.14787

0.2968 0.1115 0.2951 0.8022 0.9929 0.3885 0.3391 0.6690 0.2151

72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72

DIST_OPE 0.35861 -0.17929 -0.13551 0.16995 -0.10942 0.21160 0.02231 -0.23294 -0.11479

0.0021 0.1346 0.2598 0.1565 0.3637 0.0765 0.8535 0.0506 0.3405

71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71

TREE_SP 0.26752 0.00661 -0.06395 0.13836 -0.11136 0.10770 0.23938 0.05066 0.27443

0.0212 0.9554 0.5883 0.2397 0.3449 0.3611 0.0400 0.6682 0.0180

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

TREE_HT 0.92539 -0.25139 -0.05516 0.40692 -0.29197 0.42955 0.24513 -0.36036 0.02922

<.0001 0.0307 0.6406 0.0003 0.0116 0.0001 0.0353 0.0016 0.8048

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

DBH 0.71120 -0.26207 -0.02980 0.49247 -0.40857 0.34454 0.38364 -0.38728 0.15367

<.0001 0.0241 0.8010 <.0001 0.0003 0.0026 0.0007 0.0007 0.1912

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

NEST_HT 0.76512 -0.30291 -0.01039 0.32357 -0.19809 0.44973 0.15507 -0.40714 -0.09097

<.0001 0.0087 0.9300 0.0049 0.0907 <.0001 0.1871 0.0003 0.4408

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

_NEST_HT 0.03004 -0.21691 0.07230 0.02525 0.03444 0.19351 -0.09332 -0.19407 -0.21347

0.7994 0.0634 0.5404 0.8309 0.7708 0.0985 0.4291 0.0976 0.0678

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

DEG_SLOP 0.27130 -0.08021 0.06939 0.22727 -0.17399 0.20493 0.21525 -0.20504 0.09365

0.0212 0.5030 0.5625 0.0549 0.1438 0.0842 0.0694 0.0840 0.4340

72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72

AVG_CAN 1.00000 -0.26513 -0.10643 0.45742 -0.32799 0.48353 0.31503 -0.40949 0.07031

0.0224 0.3668 <.0001 0.0043 <.0001 0.0063 0.0003 0.5517

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

AVG_SH_D -0.26513 1.00000 0.29100 -0.22019 0.16386 -0.21378 0.06678 0.24964 0.22042

0.0224 0.0119 0.0594 0.1630 0.0674 0.5719 0.0319 0.0591

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74


SPECIES -0.17118 -0.03980 -0.17439 0.02524 -0.05700 0.48499 -0.51800

0.1448 0.7363 0.1373 0.8322 0.6296 <.0001 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

DIST_WAT -0.13950 -0.04300 -0.14037 -0.08748 0.02747 -0.02456 0.10455

0.2425 0.7199 0.2396 0.4682 0.8188 0.8378 0.3821

72 72 72 71 72 72 72

DIST_OPE -0.15427 0.02938 -0.15246 -0.00785 0.07372 -0.15614 0.24690

0.1990 0.8079 0.2043 0.9486 0.5412 0.1935 0.0379

71 71 71 70 71 71 71

TREE_SP 0.22857 -0.03569 0.22643 -0.04461 0.09863 0.01759 0.04685

0.0501 0.7627 0.0524 0.7078 0.4031 0.8817 0.6918

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

TREE_HT -0.01879 0.09184 -0.01219 -0.08883 0.06087 -0.45813 0.62609

0.8737 0.4365 0.9179 0.4548 0.6064 <.0001 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

DBH -0.02664 0.08847 -0.02030 -0.07566 0.09768 -0.59113 0.72589

0.8217 0.4535 0.8637 0.5246 0.4077 <.0001 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

NEST_HT -0.06520 0.12358 -0.05639 -0.09285 0.17707 -0.38515 0.62765

0.5810 0.2942 0.6332 0.4346 0.1312 0.0007 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

_NEST_HT -0.09274 0.05056 -0.08927 -0.04511 0.20857 -0.00438 0.21567

0.4319 0.6688 0.4494 0.7047 0.0745 0.9705 0.0650

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

DEG_SLOP 0.12321 -0.00820 0.12288 -0.11201 0.08159 -0.16228 0.26948

0.3025 0.9455 0.3038 0.3489 0.4957 0.1732 0.0221

72 72 72 72 72 72 72

AVG_CAN -0.01754 0.05207 -0.01381 -0.16026 0.11923 -0.50699 0.71478

0.8821 0.6595 0.9070 0.1756 0.3116 <.0001 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

AVG_SH_D 0.26322 -0.04553 0.26044 -0.11330 -0.18166 0.01754 -0.27464

0.0235 0.7001 0.0250 0.3399 0.1214 0.8821 0.0179

74 74 74 73 74 74 74


AVG_SH_I 0.16932 0.12510 -0.13551 -0.06395 -0.05516 -0.02980 -0.01039 0.07230 0.06939

0.1492 0.2951 0.2598 0.5883 0.6406 0.8010 0.9300 0.5404 0.5625

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

__CAN_DE -0.53010 0.03005 0.16995 0.13836 0.40692 0.49247 0.32357 0.02525 0.22727

<.0001 0.8022 0.1565 0.2397 0.0003 <.0001 0.0049 0.8309 0.0549

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

_CAN_CON 0.44956 0.00107 -0.10942 -0.11136 -0.29197 -0.40857 -0.19809 0.03444 -0.17399

<.0001 0.9929 0.3637 0.3449 0.0116 0.0003 0.0907 0.7708 0.1438

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

TOT___CA -0.33986 0.10315 0.21160 0.10770 0.42955 0.34454 0.44973 0.19351 0.20493

0.0031 0.3885 0.0765 0.3611 0.0001 0.0026 <.0001 0.0985 0.0842

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

_UND_DEC -0.31271 -0.11429 0.02231 0.23938 0.24513 0.38364 0.15507 -0.09332 0.21525

0.0067 0.3391 0.8535 0.0400 0.0353 0.0007 0.1871 0.4291 0.0694

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

_UND_CON 0.38432 -0.05125 -0.23294 0.05066 -0.36036 -0.38728 -0.40714 -0.19407 -0.20504

0.0007 0.6690 0.0506 0.6682 0.0016 0.0007 0.0003 0.0976 0.0840

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

TOT___UN -0.08333 -0.14787 -0.11479 0.27443 0.02922 0.15367 -0.09097 -0.21347 0.09365

0.4803 0.2151 0.3405 0.0180 0.8048 0.1912 0.4408 0.0678 0.4340

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

_GRN_DEC -0.17118 -0.13950 -0.15427 0.22857 -0.01879 -0.02664 -0.06520 -0.09274 0.12321

0.1448 0.2425 0.1990 0.0501 0.8737 0.8217 0.5810 0.4319 0.3025

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

__GRN_CO -0.03980 -0.04300 0.02938 -0.03569 0.09184 0.08847 0.12358 0.05056 -0.00820

0.7363 0.7199 0.8079 0.7627 0.4365 0.4535 0.2942 0.6688 0.9455

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

TOT___GR -0.17439 -0.14037 -0.15246 0.22643 -0.01219 -0.02030 -0.05639 -0.08927 0.12288

0.1373 0.2396 0.2043 0.0524 0.9179 0.8637 0.6332 0.4494 0.3038

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

TOT_UNDS 0.02524 -0.08748 -0.00785 -0.04461 -0.08883 -0.07566 -0.09285 -0.04511 -0.11201

0.8322 0.4682 0.9486 0.7078 0.4548 0.5246 0.4346 0.7047 0.3489

73 71 70 73 73 73 73 73 72


AVG_SH_I -0.10643 0.29100 1.00000 -0.18374 0.14666 -0.14689 -0.08283 0.10038 -0.02294

0.3668 0.0119 0.1171 0.2124 0.2117 0.4829 0.3948 0.8462

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

__CAN_DE 0.45742 -0.22019 -0.18374 1.00000 -0.95394 0.30508 0.52646 -0.23574 0.39151

<.0001 0.0594 0.1171 <.0001 0.0082 <.0001 0.0432 0.0006

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

_CAN_CON -0.32799 0.16386 0.14666 -0.95394 1.00000 -0.00532 -0.50570 0.13545 -0.43165

0.0043 0.1630 0.2124 <.0001 0.9641 <.0001 0.2499 0.0001

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

TOT___CA 0.48353 -0.21378 -0.14689 0.30508 -0.00532 1.00000 0.14956 -0.35582 -0.06522

<.0001 0.0674 0.2117 0.0082 0.9641 0.2034 0.0019 0.5809

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

_UND_DEC 0.31503 0.06678 -0.08283 0.52646 -0.50570 0.14956 1.00000 -0.32815 0.81673

0.0063 0.5719 0.4829 <.0001 <.0001 0.2034 0.0043 <.0001

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

_UND_CON -0.40949 0.24964 0.10038 -0.23574 0.13545 -0.35582 -0.32815 1.00000 0.27705

0.0003 0.0319 0.3948 0.0432 0.2499 0.0019 0.0043 0.0169

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

TOT___UN 0.07031 0.22042 -0.02294 0.39151 -0.43165 -0.06522 0.81673 0.27705 1.00000

0.5517 0.0591 0.8462 0.0006 0.0001 0.5809 <.0001 0.0169

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

_GRN_DEC -0.01754 0.26322 0.18132 0.31893 -0.40560 -0.22445 0.41552 -0.02606 0.40674

0.8821 0.0235 0.1221 0.0056 0.0003 0.0545 0.0002 0.8256 0.0003

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

__GRN_CO 0.05207 -0.04553 0.38170 -0.17677 0.20466 0.06045 -0.14489 -0.06872 -0.18936

0.6595 0.7001 0.0008 0.1319 0.0803 0.6089 0.2181 0.5607 0.1061

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

TOT___GR -0.01381 0.26044 0.20924 0.30678 -0.39160 -0.22051 0.40586 -0.03107 0.39385

0.9070 0.0250 0.0736 0.0078 0.0006 0.0590 0.0003 0.7927 0.0005

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

TOT_UNDS -0.16026 -0.11330 -0.02241 0.19462 -0.22663 -0.07111 0.14708 0.22952 0.29223

0.1756 0.3399 0.8508 0.0990 0.0538 0.5500 0.2143 0.0508 0.0121

73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73


AVG_SH_I 0.18132 0.38170 0.20924 -0.02241 -0.04869 0.03360 -0.06995

0.1221 0.0008 0.0736 0.8508 0.6804 0.7762 0.5537

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

__CAN_DE 0.31893 -0.17677 0.30678 0.19462 -0.23728 -0.55020 0.27696

0.0056 0.1319 0.0078 0.0990 0.0418 <.0001 0.0169

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

_CAN_CON -0.40560 0.20466 -0.39160 -0.22663 0.28398 0.54184 -0.19968

0.0003 0.0803 0.0006 0.0538 0.0142 <.0001 0.0881

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

TOT___CA -0.22445 0.06045 -0.22051 -0.07111 0.11054 -0.11393 0.28930

0.0545 0.6089 0.0590 0.5500 0.3484 0.3338 0.0124

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

_UND_DEC 0.41552 -0.14489 0.40586 0.14708 0.10757 -0.32801 0.30790

0.0002 0.2181 0.0003 0.2143 0.3616 0.0043 0.0076

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

_UND_CON -0.02606 -0.06872 -0.03107 0.22952 -0.19787 0.22417 -0.31792

0.8256 0.5607 0.7927 0.0508 0.0910 0.0548 0.0058

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

TOT___UN 0.40674 -0.18936 0.39385 0.29223 -0.01145 -0.19671 0.11899

0.0003 0.1061 0.0005 0.0121 0.9229 0.0930 0.3126

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

_GRN_DEC 1.00000 -0.06278 0.99740 0.03267 -0.28531 -0.26232 -0.05724

0.5951 <.0001 0.7838 0.0137 0.0240 0.6281

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

__GRN_CO -0.06278 1.00000 0.00935 0.04795 0.05950 0.00811 0.02483

0.5951 0.9370 0.6870 0.6146 0.9453 0.8337

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

TOT___GR 0.99740 0.00935 1.00000 0.03629 -0.28156 -0.26224 -0.05556

<.0001 0.9370 0.7605 0.0151 0.0240 0.6382

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

TOT_UNDS 0.03267 0.04795 0.03629 1.00000 -0.14866 0.03241 -0.22917

0.7838 0.6870 0.7605 0.2094 0.7854 0.0511

73 73 73 73 73 73 73


BA -0.05700 0.02747 0.07372 0.09863 0.06087 0.09768 0.17707 0.20857 0.08159

0.6296 0.8188 0.5412 0.4031 0.6064 0.4077 0.1312 0.0745 0.4957

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

DENS 0.48499 -0.02456 -0.15614 0.01759 -0.45813 -0.59113 -0.38515 -0.00438 -0.16228

<.0001 0.8378 0.1935 0.8817 <.0001 <.0001 0.0007 0.9705 0.1732

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72

AVG_DBHC -0.51800 0.10455 0.24690 0.04685 0.62609 0.72589 0.62765 0.21567 0.26948

<.0001 0.3821 0.0379 0.6918 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0650 0.0221

74 72 71 74 74 74 74 74 72


BA 0.11923 -0.18166 -0.04869 -0.23728 0.28398 0.11054 0.10757 -0.19787 -0.01145

0.3116 0.1214 0.6804 0.0418 0.0142 0.3484 0.3616 0.0910 0.9229

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

DENS -0.50699 0.01754 0.03360 -0.55020 0.54184 -0.11393 -0.32801 0.22417 -0.19671

<.0001 0.8821 0.7762 <.0001 <.0001 0.3338 0.0043 0.0548 0.0930

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

AVG_DBHC 0.71478 -0.27464 -0.06995 0.27696 -0.19968 0.28930 0.30790 -0.31792 0.11899

<.0001 0.0179 0.5537 0.0169 0.0881 0.0124 0.0076 0.0058 0.3126

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74


BA -0.28531 0.05950 -0.28156 -0.14866 1.00000 0.48246 0.47283

0.0137 0.6146 0.0151 0.2094 <.0001 <.0001

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

DENS -0.26232 0.00811 -0.26224 0.03241 0.48246 1.00000 -0.41985

0.0240 0.9453 0.0240 0.7854 <.0001 0.0002

74 74 74 73 74 74 74


AVG_DBHC -0.05724 0.02483 -0.05556 -0.22917 0.47283 -0.41985 1.00000

0.6281 0.8337 0.6382 0.0511 <.0001 0.0002

74 74 74 73 74 74 74

Appendix C: T-Tests

Variable / DF / t value / Pr>|t|
DIST_WAT / 70 / 1.51 / 0.1367
DIST_OPE / 69 / -0.18 / 0.8549
TREE_SP / 72 / -0.83 / 0.4068
TREE_HT / 72 / 4.03 / 0.0001
DBH / 72 / 4.23 / <.0001
NEST_HT / 72 / 5.95 / <.0001
_NEST_HT / 72 / 3.52 / 0.0008
DEG_SLOP / 70 / 1.98 / 0.0514
AVG_CAN / 72 / 4.92 / <.0001
AVG_SH_D / 72 / -3.34 / 0.0013
AVG_SH_I / 72 / -1.46 / 0.1492
__CAN_DE / 72 / 5.3 / <.0001
_CAN_CON / 72 / -4.27 / <.0001
TOT___CA / 72 / 3.07 / 0.0031
_UND_DEC / 72 / 2.79 / 0.0067
_UND_CON / 72 / -3.53 / 0.0007
TOT___UN / 72 / 0.71 / 0.4803
_GRN_DEC / 72 / 1.47 / 0.1448
__GRN_CO / 72 / 0.34 / 0.7363
TOT___GR / 72 / 1.5 / 0.1373
TOT_UNDS / 71 / -0.21 / 0.8322
BA / 72 / 0.48 / 0.6296
DENS / 72 / -4.71 / <.0001
AVG_DBHC / 72 / 5.14 / <.0001
Pooled Method used for all tests
α = 0.10