Discovering Our Connections

The beginning of a new school year is a time of new classes, new teachers and perhaps some new faces. To help us become better acquainted, we are going to share a bit of ourselves with each other. The following assignment is designed to bring us closer together as a class and to help us find out things that we might not otherwise have known. It is important when completing this assignment and sharing it with the class, that we all enter with an open mind and respect what each class member has to offer. Look as this as a time to discover the connections we have to one another.


To Begin:

Think about the following questions and your personal answers to them:

  • What is your favorite childhood memory and what makes it so special to you?
  • Who is the person you most admire and why do you admire them?
  • What are two of your favorite things in the world and why do you like them so much?
  • What are three things that you would really like people to know about you and why do you want them to know these things?
  • What will you be doing with your life ten years from now?

How will you get to that point?


Make a rough copy of your answers to the questions on loose-leaf.

All answers must:

Be in complete sentences

Be legible

Be at least four sentences and written in paragraph form

Be edited and then shown to Ms. Wentzell

Answer the question thoroughly

Remember, we all want to get to know you better!

To Conclude:

Do a good copy on the “Up Close and Personal” template you get from Ms. Wentzell and pass it in.

Your good copy must:

Be on the template given to you in class after you’ve finished your rough copy

Be in your neatest handwriting or printing

Be free of mistakes (grammar, punctuation and spelling)

Have a colored illustration in each section that represents what you have written

Include your photo in the middle circle (these will be taken in class)

Be your best work. Take pride in what you’ve done. 

You will be marked on the following:

Content (whether you answered each question thoroughly)

How well you followed the instructions given

Illustrations (do they support what you have written)

Grammar, punctuation and spelling

Neatness and color