AbsenceIf you child is ill, please call the attendance line at 314-415-6805 and inform us of your child’s absence and the reason for it. This is for your child’s safety. If a student must leave early for a doctor’s appointment, go to the office to sign him/her out and the secretary will call him/her to the office. Never send another person to pick up your child without informing the secretary or me.

AttendanceA successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parent and the school. Your child’s progress, both academically and socially, is influenced to a great extent by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key.

ArrivalPupils should arrive between 7:20to 7:30. Students should not

arrive prior to 7:20 since supervision by the school staff is not

available. I start my morning circle promptly at 7:35 AM. School hours are 7:35-2:30.


Backpacks To help your child carry messages and information to and from

school, you are asked to provide a backpack. Students will be given a

daily folder for me to send notes and information to you and for you

to send notes to me. Please have your child remove the notes and

papers each day from the backpack to share with you.

BirthdaysEvery child’s birthday is important. Your child may celebrate his/her birthday in class by bringing in “goodies” to share. Please remember that birthday treats must be store bought and if possible individually wrapped. I would prefer no cookie cake be brought as a treat because they are very difficult to cut in even pieces. Also, keep in mind that our classroom is “peanut free.” You should have received notification prior to the start of the school year about the food allergy. If you are unsure with which treat would be acceptable, please check with the school nurse to verify. Birthday invitations will not be permitted to be passed out in class unless the entire class has been invited. This is to protect against hurt feelings.

Book OrdersEvery month I will send home several Scholastic Book Club Catalogs for you and your child to look over. These clubs offer wonderful books at reduced prices – what a great way to build your home library! If you choose to order, please make the check payable to Scholastic Books.

Bus Passes In order for your child to ride a bus other than the one assigned by

the transportation department, he/she must bring in note from their

parent and obtain a bus pass in the main office. If your child is going home on a friend’s bus after school, we need permission from both families involved.


CalendarA calendar of events and the monthly school lunch menus are available online at A paper copy will also be sent home.

Car Drivers To maintain the safety of all our students we are continuing to ask all morning car drivers to please drop off their children at the left entry of the school. This is the asphalt playground area. You can also drop off on the other side of the school building on Novara Drive.

ClothingPlease have your child wear clothing to school that is washable and comfortable. Kindergarten activities can lead to spills and stains in clothing.

CommunicationShould you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may call, write me a note, or email. Please know that email works best for me and I can usually get back to you quicker that way. My email address is .

ComputerWe are fortunate enough to have computers in our classroom. We use a variety of age-appropriate programs that reinforce math, readiness and reading skills.

ConferencesParent/Teacher conferences are held twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. We will discuss your child’s accomplishments, strengths and overall progress. Fall Conference Night is held on Thursday, November 17. I will be holding conferences the week of November 14. You may sign up for before school time, my planning time, and after school. You will have the opportunity to sign up for conferences on Curriculum Night. Please feel free to schedule additional conferences throughout the year if the need arises.


DisciplineOur classroom is a small community where teamwork and good relationships are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior. To establish good order and help the children learn self-control, they will be guided to respect themselves and their companions through specific directions, positive reinforcement, suggested new activities and responsible actions.

Our classroom discipline system includes a positive approach. The children will earn coins throughout the day for a variety of things: showing good work habits, listening the first time, being a good citizen, etc. The students can spend or save their money. They will be responsible for keeping their own coins. The coins are turned in to the teacher to receive the rewards of their choosing. Rewards will be sold several times throughout the month. If you have any treasure box items that you would like to donate to the class it would be greatly appreciated.

Earning coins through this reward system will not only teach the children good school behavior and work habits but also teach them to recognize the different coins and be able to exchange them to show different amounts.

The first time a child breaks a rule, he/she will be given a verbal reminder. Nothing further will happen as he/she reflects on whether that behavior was a good “choice”. A large paper thermometer will be hanging in the classroom as a visual reminder for each child to be responsible for their own behavior.

The rules, consequences for loss minutes of recess, and the rewards for following our rules are listed below:


  1. I will raise my hand to speak.
  2. I will stay in my seat.
  3. I will listen and follow directions.
  4. I will keep my hands and feet to myself and my own property.
  5. I will be kind to others.

DismissalSchool dismisses at 2:40 PM. If you are picking up your child early, sign him/her out at the office and wait for your child there.


E-mailEmail is one of the easiest ways to reach me. You can contact me at . I check my email several times during the day. If you need to discuss something urgently, please call me at school instead. My direct phone number in the classroom is

314-415-4802. Please keep in mind that I will not answer my phone unless it is during my planning time, 12:20-1:10. If you are having a difficult time getting hold of me, please call the office and they will get a message to me.


Paperwork Please complete and return the emergency paperwork promptly (if

you did not complete it during registration.) Please inform theschool office if your home, work, or cell number changes throughout the school year. It is very important that we are able to get in touch with you quickly should an emergency arise.


DismissalIf schools are closed for a snow day, or other emergency, local radio and TV stations will make an announcement, generally by

6 AM. You can also call the school’s inclement weather line at 314-415-SNOW (7669).


Field TripsWe try to plan a couple of field trips that are both fun and educational for the children. Parent drivers for the children are not permitted, so buses will be used for transportation. We often need parent volunteers on the trips and chaperones will be chosen on a first come, first served basis. Please return permission slips as soon as possible after they are sent home.

Fire DrillsFire drills are held on a monthly basis throughout the school year. All students will participate and are expected to walk quickly and quietly to their designated exit. We will practice and become familiar with procedures before our first scheduled drill.

FoldersA take home folder will be sent home nightly with notes and homework that might be given. Please look through the folder and return any necessary paperwork.


Good TimesG is for the good times we will have learning all year long!

Learning is having fun as you encounter the curriculum with hands-on activities.


HealthPlease let me know of special circumstances which may affect your child. These could include medication that may make him/her sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies.

Help at homeYour child needs to know these readiness skills:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Parent’s names
  • Basic colors
  • Counting to 100
  • Printing first name beginning with a capital letter and the rest in

lower case.

When time permits, work on these skills also:

  • Identifying letter names and sounds
  • Shape names
  • Birthday (month and date)
  • Tying shoes
  • Identifying numbers to 31

Your extra help at home really makes a difference!



ProgramIt is in the best interest of your child that they practice reading each night. This is a special time that you can read to them at bedtime. As the year progresses hopefully, the roles will change and you will hear your child read to you. I am always stressing for the children to pick the “just right book.”

HomeworkA homework calendar will be sent home monthly with a variety of activities your child may choose. Each week will be different so they will have many opportunities to try a variety of hands-on skills. I am asking that you check off the activities that have been completed each week and send back the calendar at the end of the month. Your child will earn coins if the homework is turned in on time.


IllnessThe question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy. If your child has a temperature then it is policy to wait 24 hours after the fever has broken before sending them back to school.


JournalsOne strategy that will be used to help convey the vital concept that “print conveys meaning” is the frequent use of journal writing. In these journals the kindergartners combine their emerging writing skills with their drawing skills. As the children are exposed to a variety of phonics and reading experiences, journal entries will move from drawings and “inventive” spellings towards more conventional writing.

JoinDon’t forget to join the Sorrento PTO! Parent participation is important and valued.


Keys to

SuccessThe keys to a successful school year include good communication between home and school, a positive attitude, homework turned in on time, and good attendance.

KindnessStudents in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying and interrupting learning will NOT be permitted.

My classroom code says these things:



LabelsPlease LABEL clothing worn to school that can be taken off. At the end of the year we always have lots of items in our Lost and Found with no names on them. These items that remain unclaimed will be donated to charity.

LibraryThe children go to the library every week. Mrs. Cavanaugh will entertain them with a story and the children will have a chance to select a book to borrow for a week. Our library day is Wednesday.


CentersDuring literacy centers (or reading groups), children practice reading and writing skills while the teacher works with individual children or small guided reading groups. The center activities are designed to strengthen letter/sound knowledge, listening skills, oral language expressions, rhyme, letter formation and cooperation.

LunchWe will eat lunch from 10:55-11:20each day. Children may bring a packed lunch from home or eat a school lunch (The cost is $2.50.) A menu is sent home monthly. Your child can select the main menu serving or can have items off the salad bar. If children wish to buy a milk or juice instead of bringing a drink from home, the cost is 50 cents.


MoneyMoney is difficult for a child to keep track of. Please send in any money in a sealed, labeled envelope.

Music Our music teacher will be teaching the children the basics of music education and will be sharing many wonderful songs. We have music weekly. Of course, I will be singing and enjoying music with the children daily.


NewsletterMy Kindergarten newsletter is generally sent home bi-monthly on a Monday. This will keep you informed about what is happening in our class – the skills we are learning, vocabulary words, poems or songs we learned, special activities and upcoming events.

NurseWe are very fortunate to have a school nurse, Mrs.Rothrock, at Sorrento Springs. She will tend to minor scratches and scrapes, as well as sudden illnesses. For more serious injuries, she will contact you. Please be sure to send in any change of contact numbers in case she needs to get in touch with you.


OfficeAlways let the office know of any changes in your child’s dismissal schedule if it is different from your regular routine. If you are picking up your child early, please sign your child out at the office and then wait there for your child. Mrs. Karins or

Mrs. Ellis will call your child down from his/her classroom.



InvolvementYour support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school! I am always happy to have your help for special activities in the classroom. Please sign up if you would like to volunteer. Our room parents organize our classroom parties for us.



Statement The mission of the ParkwaySchool District is to ensure all students are capable, curious and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Parties and

CelebrationsThere are two parties that kindergarten celebrates each year- fall parties and spring parties. The room parents organize these events and coordinate volunteers and donations. Please make your party money payment of $5.00 per child or if you prefer make check payable to Sorrento Springs PTO.


Education Students are required to wear tennis shoes. If a child is to be excused from PE class, a note should be written for that particular day. A doctor’s excuse is necessary if a student will miss class for an extended period of time.


ProceduresPlease review these playground rules and safety procedures with your child:

  1. Always follow the directions of the adult on duty.
  2. Follow all school rules.
  3. Walk to recess and lunch in an orderly manner.
  4. Do not jump off any playground equipment.
  5. Always make sure you can see the adult on duty.
  6. There will be no games involving tackling.
  7. You may not run UP the slide.


QuestionsAlways let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We’ll gladly address them.


RecessThe children will play outdoors for 15-20 minutes during their recess each day (unless it is raining, snowing, or very cold out.) Please keep this in mind when helping your child to select clothing for the day. If your child is too sick to play outside, he/she is too sick to come to school. There is not supervision available for children to stay indoors at recess. Additional morning or afternoon recess will be at my discretion.

Report CardsReport cards are issued three times a year. These report cards reflect the progress your child has made toward various kindergarten objectives and uses a grading system that reflects the developmental nature of kindergarten learning.

RestroomsHave your child use the restroom shortly before coming to school. We will all go to the bathroom before lunch. During class time the children may use the bathroom at any time. We have a bathroom in our coatroom. The children take a bathroom pass (stuffed animal) and place it on their table. This will be an indication that a child is in the restroom and no one else will be allowed until he/ she returns. Unfortunately, bathroom accidents can still happen and we will handle them as discreetly as possible.


ScienceThe focus of the kindergarten science curriculum is on using scientific inquiry to learn science concepts. I will plan special activities to make science fun!

SnackWe have a snack daily in kindergarten and each child is responsible for bringing in his/her own snack. We have a PEANUT FREE classroom due to allergies. Please have your child bring in a HEALTHY PEANUT FREE SNACK. Water bottles are not necessary because the drinking fountains are available when necessary.