Application to Join PVG Scheme – School Volunteers
Guidance Notes for Counter Signatories /

The ‘Application to Join PVG Scheme’ form should be completed if the volunteer is joining the Scheme for the first time. The counter signatory must ensure that it is completed correctly to avoid Disclosure Scotland sending the form back. The applicant completes Parts B and C. These guidance notes contain tips on completing the form. They should be read in conjunction with Disclosure Scotland’s Guidance Notes for completion of the ‘Application to Join the PVG Scheme’ Form and the application form itself.

If the applicant is already a member of the Scheme for one type of regulated work (with protected adults) and wants to expand their membership to include the other type of regulated work (with children), they should use the Existing PVG Scheme Member Application. See separate Council guidance on completing the application for existing Scheme members.

Part of Application / Section / Guidance
A – Type of Application / A1 / Select ‘Scheme Record’ box – cross (X)
Do not select ‘Scheme Membership Statement’ or ‘Scheme Membership (Countersigned)’ – A Scheme Membership Statement is designed for use by individuals and by personal employers, not individuals applying through the Council. It does not contain any vetting information but merely confirms that the person is not barred from working with children/protected adults.
A2 / Select ‘Children’
A3 / Select ‘Yes’ – this is for the future when DS introduce an online system.
B – Personal Details / B5 – B6 / If the ‘Mrs’ box is crossed at B1, then the ‘Yes’ box at B5 should always be crossed even where the surname was not changed on marriage. The surname should be entered at B6 even though it is the same surname entered at B2. This is a common area for error and reason for forms being returned by Disclosure Scotland.
B13 / Surname only required (mother’s maiden or family name).
B – Additional Information, etc / B29 / Make sure the full driving licence number is entered, otherwise Disclosure Scotland will return the application.
B31 / Select ‘No’ if the applicant is a UK resident. Foreign nationals may have an identity card, in which case select ‘Yes’.
B35 / This should be the electricity supply to the applicant’s home. Enter 21 digit number. Although this field is not mandatory, DS recommends this as a good form of ID.
B36 / Normally ‘No’ would be selected by someone applying to join the PVG Scheme, unless they were in the scheme previously and left voluntarily.
B37 / Enter details of previous PVG Scheme number, if ‘Yes’ selected in B36.
B38 & 39 / This refers to the English scheme.
B – Current Address / B44/45 / Enter the year only (date from which resident at this address). Disclosure Scotland’s computer may reject the form if the month is included and the dates in all the addresses do not correspond exactly.
B – Regulatory Body Details / B83 / The applicant must indicate if they are registered with any Regulatory Bodies, e.g. GTC, SSSC. The full list can be found in Disclosure Scotland’s Guidance Notes.
C - Declaration / C1/C2 / The applicant must sign and date the form.
D – Payment / D1 / Select ‘No’ box
D2 / Cross the box
D3 / Select the ‘Registered Body Invoice’ box.
D4 – 10 / N/A. Council volunteers do not pay for PVG Scheme Membership.
Note: if the volunteer is only looking for work experience, the school can decide to ask them to pay. In this case, do not put a cross at D2 and do not select ‘Registered Body Invoice’ box. D4 – D9 should be completed. It is important to check the payment details are correct, since if there is an error DS insist on a new form being completed.
E – Counter Signatory Details and Declaration / E1 / Select ‘No’ box
Role Details / E2 / Select ‘No’ box
E – Confirmation of Identity / E7 / Cross the relevant boxes to confirm the forms of identification provided by the applicant. If you cross box ‘Other’, please complete E8 – E9.
E8 – E9 / Provide a description of the ‘Other’ document(s) seen at E7, e.g. a bank statement or utility bill. Entering ‘proof of address’ will not suffice.
E10 / N/A
E – Registered Body Details / E11 / Enter ‘SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS’
E12 / Enter ‘CIT46553’
E13 / Enter your name
E14 / Enter your code as provided to you by Disclosure Scotland. If you are unsure about the code, contact the HR & Payroll Service Centre.
E15 / Select ‘No’ box
F – Counter Signatory Declaration / F1/F2 / The counter signatory must sign and date the form.

Application to Join PVG Scheme – School Volunteers

Guidance Notes for Counter Signatories

PVG Application Forms

You should obtain PVG application forms & guidance notes directly from Disclosure Scotland by e-mailing or Tel. 0870 609 6006. Photocopied or downloaded applications are not acceptable.

Completion of the PVG Application Form

The application should be completed in either blue or black ink and in capital letters within the white boxes, leaving a space between each word.

Mandatory fields are highlighted on the application in yellow. These fields must be completed or the application will be returned to you by Disclosure Scotland, which will result in delays.

Forms of Identity

See sections E7 to E9 of the application form. Disclosure Scotland recommends that at least 3 forms of identity must be checked. If possible, one of them should be photographic. These should confirm the name, date of birth and current home address of the applicant.

·  Photographic I/D – Passport or Photo Driving Licence is preferred. Alternatively, a travel or student card will be accepted. If neither of these is available, the volunteer must provide a recent passport-sized photo which the counter signatory must sign to confirm that it is a true likeness.

·  Birth Certificate - if a birth certificate cannot be produced, two other forms of I/D showing date of birth are required.

·  Photo Driving Licence - if a photo driving licence is produced, you should see both the photo and paper parts.

·  Passport - if the passport produced is from a country outwith the EU, the volunteer does not have to produce a passport visa, since the illegal working rules relate to employment and do not apply to taking on genuine volunteers

·  Change of name – a marriage certificate or deed poll certificate is preferred. However, a passport or driving licence in the new name will suffice.

Handling, Storage and Disposal of Disclosure Information

After the PVG application form has been completed, check that all details are correct before completing the Registered Body Details in part E. As counter signatory, you must sign and date the application form at F1/F2

Update your volunteer spread-sheet so that you have a record of the application. A sample spread-sheet is included in the School Volunteer pack.

Send off the application to Disclosure Scotland, PO Box No: 250, Glasgow G51 1YU. Do not send copies of ID documents with the Disclosure application. These should be kept in the volunteer’s file along with other recruitment documents.

On receipt of the Scheme Record, you should update your spreadsheet. If there is vetting information and you need advice, contact Ian McIntosh on 469 3160 or Danny Law on 469 5724.

Disclosure information can either be shredded immediately, or kept for up to a maximum of 90 days after the decision has been made to use the volunteer.

Disclosure information must be stored in secure conditions. They should be kept separately in a locked non-portable drawer/cabinet. You must ensure that disclosure information is available only to those who need to have access to them in the course of their duties. See the Council’s Policy Statement on Secure Processing of Disclosure Information, which is included in the School Volunteer pack.

All countersignatories are bound by the Disclosure Scotland Code of Practice which is available on the Disclosure Scotland website.

A volunteer should not be allowed to start working in a school before the Scheme Record has been received from Disclosure Scotland.

HR and Payroll Service Centre

Revised August 2011