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Kevin Thompson’s

Lifestyle-Business Journal

Back in 1999, my friend Chetsuggested that I begin keeping a journal and documenting how I spent my time, and what I did in my business on a daily basis.

He then gave me three REALLY good reasons for doing so.

  1. It would be valuable for me to look back on, to remember all the experiences I had, and how I got to where I am in life.
  1. It would be a great document for me to pass on to my children.
  1. When I became successful (as I expected to), it would be a great document for anyone else who wanted to know how I did it, and how they too can have the same kind of results in their own life.

Though I didn’t give it much thought at the time, I was smart enough to take his advice, and I began keeping a daily journal.

Today, as I look at that journal, I think back to that conversation with Chet, because I now realize how important it was.

Little did I know at the time, how my life would unfold. I would’ve never guessed that I’d be where I am today, in the position to have such a positive impact on your life.

And now (thanks to Chet), you now possess a portion of my Lifestyle-Business Journal.

But, before you review it, I need to point something out.

This document is FAR more than a journal.

And if that’s all I gave you, my journal alone would be an incredibly valuable document, worth thousands of dollars.

In order to make this journal even more valuable, I’ve chosen to add something extra.

Because when it comes right down to it, having a Lifestyle-Business is all about having complete control of your time.

Being able to work when you want, and be passionate about the work you do.

Being able to take time off when you want, and be passionate about that as well.

Being able to eliminate the push and pull between your personal life and your business or work life, so that you can integrate them into one, and no matter how you’re spending your time, it’s all just your life.

And this life is a natural extension of the person you are, and how you see yourself interacting with other people in this world.

That being said, I’m also going to use this document toshow you how to make the best use of the most valuable asset you have, which is…


Because the fact is, how we use our time is absolutely critical.

Because my family is so important to me, I’ve become extremely competent at using my time effectively.


Because I place an VERY high value on my time.

And once you understand the secrets laid out in this document (and have taken a behind-the-scenes peek into my own life – and how I spend my time), you’ll realize why I count this as one of the single biggest discoveries I’ve ever made.

More importantly, you’ll have discovered that making money is no big deal at all.

And yes, your time really can be worth $400.00+ per hour.

Several years ago, I began by setting a goal of having just 1 hour of uninterrupted, super productive, income generating work time each day, and I thought it would be a snap.

But let me tell you… it was more challenging than I realized.

I actually got one of those kitchen timers, set it for 60 minutes, and then went to work on an income-producing project (I’ll tell you how I define “income-producing” a little later).

I thought it would be a piece of cake, but it proved to be a little more difficult than I figured.

The first time I did this experiment, I had the urge to go to the bathroom, re-fill my coffee cup, check my email, answer an incoming phone call, or do any number of things that would take me away from that one hour of super-productive time.

But the good news is, I finally conditioned myself to avoid ALL outside distractions, and the results have now spoken for themselves.

After seeing this, it got me thinking “What would happen if I set a goal of having 2 Super-Productive work hours each day?”

I mean, think about it for just a moment.

We’ve all got the same 24 hours in a day.

And it’s often been said that the only difference between those who are really successful in life and business, and those who aren’t… is the way we spend those 24 hours.

Well I don’t buy it!

I submit that it’s NOT how we spend those 24 hours each day, but rather, whether we commit to having a specific amount of “Super-Productive” work time each day.

And the truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you allot 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 120 minutes.

Did you know that a survey of Fortune 500 CEO’s revealed that the average CEO only had 28 minutes of productive work time each day?

Just 28 minutes!

So let me ask you…

Can you come up with 28 minutes?

Great, then that’s where you’ll want to start.

What’s Your Time Really Worth?

My guess is that you’ve never really thought about what your time is worth. And as a result, you don’t place enough value on YOUR time.

I’m going to share an incredible concept with you right now, and once you understand it, your income will skyrocket, but more importantly, you will now have the ability to systematically increase the value of your time at will.

So let’s roll up our sleeves, and I’ll show you how to do it.

We’re going to start by figuring out what the value of your time needs to be in order to get to where you want to be in life.

This little experiment is going to give you more clarity about the value of your time than

you’ve ever had before.

How much do you want to earn in the next 12 months? ______

How many days a week do your work? ______

How many hours a day do you work? ______

How many productive hours a day do you work? ______

How many productive hours a week do you work? ______

How many weeks per year do you work? ______

Total hours available right now to produce the desired income: ______

What you must generate per hour: ______

Divide by 60 to get your per minute rate: ______

As you fill in the form above, remember what I told you about the Fortune 500 CEO’s.

You don’t need to have a lot of productive time, but the fact is, this time doesn’t appear as if by magic. You’ve got to take the bull by the horns and make a “time” commitment to yourself.

When I first did this experiment, my goal was to come up with 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

And while it was a challenge at first, it’s now become really easy.

I discovered that I already had plenty of time on my hands, but I was wasting most of it doing unproductive things like surfing the internet, checking and reading email, talking

on the phone, checking web stats, cleaning my desk, cleaning my office, paying bills, running to the post office.

None of this stuff qualifies as Super-Productive, income producing time.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not suggesting that you shouldn’t spend time doing these kinds of activities. But you do need to make the distinction between which activities are “income-producing” and which ones aren’t.

And when scheduling your productive time, it needs to be spent on “income-producing” activities.

And now, in my own life, I’ve gone so far as to make the distinction between productive time…

And Super-Productive Time!

I define productive time as the time I spend creating new products, improving my marketing process and setting up joint venture relationships.

But Super-Productive Timeis the time I spend setting up a marketing system.

Because here’s the deal… Once I’ve got a marketing system in place, it continues to do all the work for me, month, after month, after month. I do the work just once, yet I get paid forever.

When you do as I do, and allot a certain amount of your day to Super-Productive Time, before you know it, your business will get to the point where it continues to grow, whether you chose to work that day or not.

Alright, let’s take another look at the form so I can give you a hand with it.

As we fill it out, let’s be REALLY conservative in regard to the amount of productive hours you have to work.

How much do you want to earn in the next 12 months? $100K

How many days a week do your work? 5

How many hours a day do you work? 8

How many productive hours a day do you work? 1

How many productive hours a week do you work? 5

How many weeks per year do you work? 50

Total hours available right now to produce the desired income: 250

What you must generate per hour: $400

Divide by 60 to get your per minute rate: $6.66

In this example, our goal is to make $100,000 per year. We’ve estimated that we’re able to squeeze 1 hour of productive work time each day. This gives us 5 hours a week that’s completely focused on building revenue for our business. When we multiply the 5 hours

a week by 50 weeks, we have 250 hours a year in which to reach our goal of making $100,000. This means that we need to generate $400 for each hour of productive time that we invest.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, “How in the heck can I make $400 an hour?”

How To Increase Your Hourly Rate

After doing this exercise, your eyes have just been opened to something that you’ve probably never even considered before, which is this:

By knowing the hourly rate you need to make, you now understand why you’re not making the kind of money you’ve always dreamed of making.

But here’s the good news…

Now that you’ve got an accurate picture of where you’re at, in comparison to where you want to be, you can take the steps needed to surpass the hourly rate you’ve set for yourself. And let me tell you, it’s a whole lot easier than you ever thought.

The secret to accomplishing this is to structure your business in a way that allows you to spend your time on the most profitable, Super-Productive activities, which is setting up income-producing systems.

Because you already own the Lifestyle-Business Blueprint you have in your possession, everything needed to accomplish this.

And now that you’ve made the distinction between unproductive time, and productive time, let me give you a personal example by letting you have a peek at my own Profit & Loss Statement.

As you can see, I’ve already made a total of $6,528.09 for the first 10 days of July 2006.

If you take a look at a calendar, you’ll also see that during the first 10 days in July, there have only been 5 working days.

July 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 were not working days for me.

I currently invest 2 hours per working day in what I call Super-Productive Activities, in which I build additional systems for my business ventures.

Since there have been 5 working days for the month, I’ve invested approximately 10 Super-Productive hours of time.

If we take my monthly income to date of $6,528.09 and divide it by 10, we come up with an hourly rate of $652.81.

And I’ve got to be honest with you…

While I’ve become pretty doggone good at committing to my 2 hours a day of Super-Productive time, there’s still a whole lot of room for improvement.

Let’s take a look at the same time period for the following month, which is August 2006.

We had a major improvement this month. During the first 10 days of August, I made a total of $13,656.51.

Once again, if you take a look at a calendar, you’ll see that during the first 10 days in August, there were only 8 working days.

August 5th and 6th fell on a weekend, and were therefore not working days.

Since there have been 8 working days for the month, I’ve invested approximately 16 Super-Productive hours of time.

If we take my monthly income to date of $13,656.51 and divide it by 16, we come up with an hourly rate of $853.53.

That’s $200.72 PER HOUR, more than I made the previous month.

I hope you’re starting to understand the value of your time.

Every time I used to take a look at the numbers, as we’ve just done, it gave me pause and made me think what would be possible when I got even better at managing this concept.

And no, I’m not talking about working more hours. To this day, I still stick with my 2 hour a day commitment.

What I’m talking about here is setting up systems that can be used on a much bigger scale.

And of course, the Lifestyle-Business Blueprint that you now own, shows you how to accomplish this.

And once you’ve got your system in place, all you’ve got to do is continue using it, which like I said earlier, takes virtually no extra time on your part.

So here’s what we’ve discovered:

1. You DON’T have to invest a ton of your time

2. You invest just a small amount of Super-Productive time on a regular basis

3. Super-Productive time is defined as time spent creating “systems”

4. To increase your hourly rate, simply use your proven “systems” on a larger scale

5. Invest more Super-Productive time, and create additional “systems” that can be used

over and over

6. By doing so, you’ll find yourself saying, “The more I make, the less I work”

I’m now going to start by giving you a behind-the-scenes peek at these two months of my life.

In reality, this 2-month journal is worth $54,995.74, because that’s how much income I produced during this two-month period, as you can see on the next page.

But I’m not going to stop there.

After you’re finished looking at this two month period, I’m going to show you yet another part of my journal.

A more recent part of my journal, where my income was MUCH higher.

As you look through this journal, you’ll notice that I don’t load myself down with tons of to-do lists or a bunch of “busy work”.

No siree!

In fact, I only work on a small handful of key projects each day, being sure to include one or two tasks that I consider “Super Productive” activities.

And in all honesty, I take a lot of time off.

I’ve found that I do my best work in the morning (and tend to get a little sluggish in the late afternoon).

As a result, I like to call it a day by one or two o’clock.

With that said, I’m now going to show you my 2 months of myLifesytle-Business Journal.

My Lifestyle-Business Journal

for July-August, 2006…

Where I Made $54,995.74

As I give you a behind-the-scenes look at my own life (and business), I’ll provide comments that will help you understand just how easy it really is to have this kind of income.

I’ll also let you know which activities I consider to be “Super Productive”. By this I mean, the activities that have the biggest bottom line impact for putting money in my bank account.

As you know, my goal is 2 hours of “Super Productive” activity time each day.

While reviewing this journal, you’ll notice that I do NOT always reach my 2-hour a day “Super Productive” time goal.

Sometimes it’s less, and sometimes it’s more.

But as my income clearly proves, I’m in a much better financial position, simply because I had the goal, and am cognizant of it (even though I don’t always reach it).

This just goes to show that when you place a high value on YOUR TIME, it WILL pay off in a big way, withHUGE financial rewards.

You’ve probably heard me talk about my discovery that there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between how many hours you work, and how many dollars get deposited into your bank account.

When I worked as an Alaska Fisherman, in the most dangerous job in the world, my typical work day was 24-36 hours straight. We’d then sleep for six hours, only to get up and repeat the process, over, and over, and over again.

Depending on how much we’d catch, we’d maintain this work schedule for an average of two weeks (that’s how long it took us to fill the boat).


During a 2-week period as a fisherman in Alaska, I’d work about 270 hours, and in exchange, I’d make about $5,000.00. That equates to an hourly wage of $18.51.

Ouch, that really hurts!

I sure am glad I didn’t figure this out during the seven years that I actually worked as an Alaska Fisherman.

But here’s the good news.

I now work only a fraction of the time, as you’ll soon discover, yet my income is considerably higher.

One last note: when you see the term “AIS” in my journal, it refers to the Automatic Income System, which was the core product I created back in 2004.


Create web pages, voice broadcast recordings and email follow up series for 7-11 AIS teleseminar – 1 hr. 53 min. (Super Productive Activity)