Regular Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2010
Present:President Liddy, Vice President Mosolino, Trustees Gregory, Hanlon, Koch, Mandeville, Mountain, Schaadt, Superintendent Geoffrey W. Zoeller, and Board Secretary Keith A. Rosado. Also present Student Representatives Benjamin Conlon and Kelly Weber.
Absent:Trustee Firriolo
The meeting was called to order at 7:41 P.M. in the Campbell Auditorium, Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School, by President Liddy who led the salute to the flag and read the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law statement.
Mrs. Gregory, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that approval be given to the February 18, 2010 Regular and Executive Session Minutes.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Zoeller:
- Dr. Zoeller thanked the Westwood Buildings & Grounds staff and the Borough of Westwood and Township of Washington for their extraordinary efforts to get the district open so quickly after the weekend storms.
- Dr. Zoeller stated the extreme measures being enacted by the new administration in Trenton will have a significant impact on our school district. The district has lost nearly $744,000 from our surplus account due to the reduction of state aid. This surplus was generated by the district being fiscally prudent in the previous year to minimize the impact to the local taxpayer in the following year. The state aid figures for next year were announced yesterday and the district was cut $2.2 million. Also, the cost of health benefits are going up 25% or an increase of $1.3 million to the district. Dr. Zoeller stated he has met with the heads of district labor unions and will discuss the situation with every staff member on Monday, March 22nd. He further stated he would be waiving his medical benefits, his salary increase, and his benefits package for the coming school year. Details on the budget will be explained at the Budget Hearing on Tuesday, March 30, 2010.
President’s Report
Mr. Liddy:
- No report.
Business Administrator’s Report
Mr. Rosado:
- Mr. Rosado stated the Board will be approving four referendum projects tonight, the Brookside interiors, the Brookside exterior doors, the Middle School science lab conversion, and the Middle School locker installation. Mr. Rosado further stated that the referendum funds cannot be utilized to support the general budget.
Student Representatives’ Report
Kelly Weber reported:
- On March 2nd-4th standardized testing took place and went very well. Juniors took the HSPA examination and freshman and sophomores took the ACT PLAN and ACT EXPLORE.
- Seniors participated in an assembly on making good choices which featured a current prison inmate who shared his experiences and encouraged students to avoid making the same mistakes.
- The Senior High spring musical Curtains was performed last weekend, and the show was well received by audiences.
- The Junior High play School House Rock opens tonight.
Benjamin Conlon reported:
- During the weeks of March 15th and March 22nd, the Junior High is holding a March Madness 3 on 3 basketball tournament to be played during lunch. The proceeds will benefit earthquake relief in Haiti.
- The Senior High will be holding its second Spirit Week from March 29th through April 1st and the first “Cardinal Cup” will be awarded to the class with the most school spirit.
- FBLA is sponsoring a concert on April 23rd to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes in memory of Kevin Frazza.
- Junior High School Student of the Month certificate for January 2010 was presented to Sabrina Schenone.
Mrs. Hanlon, seconded by Mrs. Gregory, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional High School would like to recognize Nikki Dell’Olio, twelfth grade student, for being selected as the student of the month for February 2010.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Nikki Dell’Olio for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional Junior High School would like to recognize Rachel Asher-Lopez, eighth grade student, for being selected as the student of the month for February 2010.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Rachel Asher-Lopez for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Mrs. Gregory, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional High School would like to recognize Ailona Parker, tenth grade student, for winning the high school’s Poetry Out Loud contest, and
WHEREAS Ailona Parker then advanced to the final round during the Poetry Out Loud Regional competition.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Ailona Parker for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Started: 8:04 P.M.
Ended: 8:33 P.M.
- Russell Miller, Kennedy Terrace, Westwood, spoke regarding the use of referendum money to supplement the loss of state aid in the budget. Dr. Zoeller commented that the referendum money, which was voter-approved for facility improvements, is bonded for a specific purpose and cannot be used to support next year’s operational budget. Also funds in the Capital Reserve accounts cannot be placed back into the operational budget once they are dedicated for facility improvements. Mr. Rosado stated money from Capital Reserve was taken out earlier in the year for the Brookside boiler and the second boiler at George School, which were not on the referendum. In addition to using Capital Reserve funds, the district also received a 40% grant from the state for these projects.
Mr. Miller also spoke regarding the additional cost for the full day kindergarten program. Dr. Zoeller stated that the program will see an increase of $5,000 - 6,000 district-wide for the entire school year which would be for additional classroom supplies.
Mr. Miller also requested whether the Public Forum could be opened up again at the end of tonight’s meeting. Mr. Liddy stated that the public could approach Dr. Zoeller after the meeting or they will have another opportunity at the Board meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2010.
- Danielle Sammarco-Bortz, West End Avenue, Westwood, spoke regarding the loss of money from the district’s surplus fund and possible property tax increases. Dr. Zoeller explained that some of our neighboring school districts are significantly smaller than Westwood and carry over less surplus. The state proscribes that district’s carry a certain amount of surplus for unforeseen expenditures which Westwood has followed. This money is used to relieve property taxes for the following year. Dr. Zoeller anticipates that to make up the loss in funding, the district must balance between significant cuts within the district and property tax increases to the community. Mr. Rosado stated that some districts lost more state aid than Westwood.
Ms. Sammarco-Bortz also spoke about the referendum surplus. Dr. Zoeller explained that cost savings from completed referendum projects allows the district to do additional projects with remaining referendum funds.
- Joseph Blundo, Second Avenue, Westwood, spoke regarding the unused portion of the referendum money. Dr. Zoeller explained that the district would pay a penalty on any of the unused funds from the referendum. Mr. Koch stated that for every dollar returned the district would lose $0.40 from the state grant.
Mr. Blundo also spoke regarding budget cuts in areas that have a minimal impact on pupils.
- Jane Lombardi, West End Avenue, Westwood, spoke regarding the retirement of Angeline Hall-Watts and Ronald Bakalian and shared anecdotal comments.
- Danielle Sammarco-Bortz, West End Avenue, spoke regarding the retirement of Ronald Bakalian.
- Mr. Liddy stated the Administration and the Board will work diligently to keep the budget in line but the current issues were caused by decisions made in Trenton.
Mrs. Mosolino, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the resignation for the purpose of retirement be accepted for Ronald Bakalian, Head Custodian, Ketler School, effective July 1, 2010, and the following resolution be accepted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Ronald Bakalian has tendered his resignation as a Head Custodian in the Westwood Regional School District to become effective July 1, 2010, after having completed twenty years of service, fourteen of which were spent in dedicated and faithful service to the Westwood Regional School District, and
WHEREAS, in his capacity as a Head Custodian, he has had the responsibility of having personal contact with staff, the general public, and the students and parents, as well as attending to the vast duties of maintaining the facilities, and
WHEREAS, during his tenure of office, he has given unselfishly of his time and effort in the interest and welfare of the school district,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby recognizes the dedicated services of Ronald Bakalian and directs that a copy of the Resolution be presented to Mr. Bakalian as a token of its esteem.
- Board members and Dr. Zoeller shared anecdotal comments, thanked Mr. Bakalian for his dedication and service to the district, and wished him well in his retirement.
- Mr. Bakalian thanked the Board members for their personal and positive remarks.
Mrs. Mosolino, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following motions:
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given an extension of a medical leave under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act for Margaret Hait, Home Economics, Jr./Sr. High School, for the period of March 1, 2010 through April 1, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a family leave act without pay for Robert Vosatka, M.D., Science, Jr./Sr. High School for one day, March 2, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Lesley Fowks, leave replacement per diem teacher, Home Economics, Jr./Sr. High School, for the period of March 1, 2010 through April 1, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of David Goss, Music, Jr./Sr. High School, as a teacher consultant for the period of March 9 and 10, 2010, and as a leave replacement per diem teacher for the period of March 15, 2010 through June 30, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Karen Preiser, English, Jr./Sr. High School, as a teacher consultant for the period of April 21, 22, and 23, 2010 and as a leave replacement per diem teacher for the period of April 26, 2010 through June 30, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a leave of absence without pay for Esther Schnaittacher, Speech Therapist, Sullivan Center, for the period of April 15, 2010 through April 23, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a leave of absence without pay for Elizabeth Pegel, Guidance Counselor, Brookside School, for the period of March 18, 2010 through March 23, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given movement on the guide for the 2010-2011 school year, retroactive to February 1, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Christina Stibely, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant, Department of Special Services, effective March 22, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the retroactive appointment of an additional coach for Winter Sports, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Lauren Malanot, Aide, Berkeley School, effective March 19, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of an additional club advisor and extra-curricular advisor for the 2009-10 school year per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given practicum experience for Spring 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given student teacher placement for Fall 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Raymond Piskadlo, Summer Academy Program Coordinator - Jr./Sr. High School for Summer, 2010, per the list dated March 16, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a revised extension of a medical leave of absence with pay for Margaret Hait, Home Economics, Jr./Sr. High School, for the period of March 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given an extension of a child rearing leave of absence without pay for the period of January 4, 2010 through May 17, 2010 for Siobhan Agnello, which will include the Federal Medical and Family Leave and the State Family Leave Act with paid medical benefits.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Lesley Fowks, leave replacement per diem teacher, Home Economics, Jr./Sr. High School, for the period of March 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010.
- that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given an extension of contract for Donna DeJoie, Grade 3 leave replacement teacher, George School, for the period of April 12, 2010 through May 17, 2010.
Mrs. Schaadt, seconded by Mrs. Gregory, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the resignation for the purpose of retirement be accepted for Angeline Hall-Watts, Grade 2, Berkeley School, effective July 1, 2010, and the following resolution be accepted:
WHEREAS, Angeline Hall-Watts has tendered her resignation as a Teacher in the Westwood Regional School District to become effective July 1, 2010, after having completed twenty-seven years and eight months of service, twenty-four of which were spent in dedicated and faithful service to the Westwood Regional School District, and
WHEREAS, during her many years in our school system she has imparted her knowledge and understanding of the educational needs of the students of the Westwood Regional School District, and
WHEREAS, she has influenced the lives of many boys and girls with her deep understanding and has earned their love and respect as well as that of their parents and her colleagues, and
WHEREAS, she has given unselfishly of her time and effort in the interest and welfare of the children of our school district,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby recognizes Mrs. Angeline Hall-Watts’ contribution to the district and expresses its appreciation of her dedicated services and directs that this resolution be included in the minutes of this Board and that a copy be presented to Mrs. Hall-Watts as a token of its esteem.
- Dr. Zoeller stated that Mrs. Hall-Watts’ years of service will be amended.
- Board members and Dr. Zoeller shared anecdotal comments, thanked Mrs. Hall-Watts for her dedication and service to the district, and wished her well in her retirement.
FINANCE: Mrs. Mandeville, Ch.
Mrs. Mandeville, seconded by Mrs. Mosolino, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED to approve a school district preliminary budget for the fiscal year 2010-11 school year for submission to the voters as follows:
General Fund$ 47,095,711$ 45,226,160
Special Revenue Fund$ 1,061,081
Debt Service Fund$ 1,334,361$ 1,097,169