RoyC.KetchamHigh School
Resource RoomMATH
Policies & Expectations
Teachers:Mrs. Esola (days:1,3,5)
Mrs. Carroll (days:2,4,6)
Office:Room 285
Phone:298-5100 Ext. 31047
The purpose of the Resource Room program is to assist students in having a successful high school experience. Teachers work with students on an individual basis following IEP goals to improve skills in areas needing remediation as well as assisting students with mainstream assignments and study skills.
Evaluation of support class progress will be based upon attendance, work habits and social interactions, and will be designated a score of PASS or FAILon the student’s ten week report card. In addition, IEP Progress Updates will be mailed home.
A successful high school experience requires active student participation and cooperation. Regular school and class attendance is essential for positive student achievement. We ask all parents and guardians to help ensure that your students attend school on a regular basis. Class cuts will be referred to an administrator, as per school policy.Cell phones are not to be used in class in any way (checking time, texting, making calls, calculator, or to check e-mail). Cell phones and I-pods will be confiscated and sent to their grade level administrators
In addition, students are expected to:
- Respect other students and teacher. No put downs, threats or foul language. In turn, each student can expect to be treated with respect.
- Be on time to class
- Come prepared everyday. Bring a pen, pencil, notebooks, and any other necessary text book(s), and a willingness to work.
- Write all assignments in a notebook, planner, or weekly assignment sheet.
- Keep all notes organized in a binder or notebook.
My goal is for each student to have a successful and enjoyable school year. The Resource Room can be a valuable asset to a student’s educational program. I hope you will encourage your child to use this class wisely.
Mrs. Esola & Mrs. Carroll
Resource RoomMATH
Policies & Expectations2014-2015
Mrs. Esola & Mrs. Carroll
*We look forward to working with each of you in this exciting and successful school year!
Please sign the attached page to acknowledge the receipt of the course policies and expectations. Please return this to us by the end of the week.
Student name (PRINT)______Period______
I have read and understand what I need to do to be successful in Resource Room Math.
Date _____/____/2014
Student Signature ______
I understand what my child needs to do to be successful in Resource Room Math.
Name of legal guardian (print): ______
Signature of legal guardian: ______
Email Address: ______
Daytime Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Work Phone:______
Best way to reach parent/guardian:______
Comments or Concerns: ______