Phone: 053 9259821
Phone: 053 9421374
Dear Service Provider
“Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People is a National directive whose aim is to provide one clear pathway to services for all children and young people with a disability, focusing on the needs of the child/young person and their family”.
As part of this directive the HSE formed a Local Implementation Group comprising of HSE personnel involved in the delivery of Paediatric Services. Parent, Department ofEducation and Section 39 Voluntary agency representatives will also become involved in this process as we move forward.
While reviewing current service provision it became apparent that there was a lack of awareness of all the support services that are available for children and their parents in the Wexford area.
In order to address this deficit we have put together the attached directory of local supports both Voluntary and HSE run in CountyWexford.
This directory includes:
- Parenting Programmes
- Advocacy Groups
- Mother and Toddler Groups
- National Disability Organisations
This list while comprehensive is not an exhaustive therefore we would appreciate it if you could inform us of any new developments or groups which may not have been included.
We would be grateful if you could distribute this directory to any group or parent whom you feel would benefit from the information.
Yours Faithfully
Lucy O’Hagan and Louise Smyth
Local Leads Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People
Information, contact names, telephone numbers, addresses and web links provided in this Directory are for your convenience only and
should not be considered as official, endorsed or recommended.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is as accurate and up to date as possible at this time.
No responsibility can be accepted for, or on behalf of any organisation or service, whether listed or omitted or for staff details that change once the Directory has been finalised and issued.
Directory of Wexford Parenting Programmes – October 2013
Table of Contents
Name of CoursePage
Courses offered by the Health Service Executive
Family Communication and Self Esteem2
Wexford Self Harm Intervention Programme3
Courses offered by other Agencies
Childcare Network – Parent Plus4
Family Resource Centre – Parent Plus7
Springboard family support project9
Barnardos – Positive Parenting10
Barnardos - Teen Support12
Youth Services – Strengthening Families Programme13
Youth Services – Parent Plus Adolescent Programme 15
DESSA – Empowering parents training Programme16
Local Playgroups
New Ross 17
Parent and Toddler Groups All Areas 28
National/Local Disability Organisations30
Family Communication and Self-Esteem
Aimed at:Primarily aimed at parents of 9 -16 year olds.
One to one or group?Group
Group size:12-18 people
Duration:2½ hours per week over 8 weeks
Topics covered:Communication and listening within in the family
Self-esteem – childhood messages, the language of self esteem
The Good Enough Parent- assertive parenting
Setting limits with your child
Exploring feelings
Resolving conflict & problem solving
Peer pressure
Drugs and alcohol
How is the course delivered?Group work,small & large group discussion with feedback, role play and skills practice
Is there a charge:No charge
Where is it available?Wexford, Gorey, New Ross, Enniscorthy
For further information contact the person in your local area:
Nuala Harpur, A/Senior Health Promotion Officer, Health Promotion Office, HSE – South,Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford
Tel. 053 9185781Email:
Wexford Self Harm Intervention Programme
Aimed at:Individuals aged 16 and over where, following adverse life experiences or other recent or past stressful events, a person may feel vulnerable and as a consequence experience suicidal ideation or the impulse to self harm. The course is not aimed at individuals who are at immediate risk or those who may require immediate response.
One to one or group?One to One Counselling
Group size:Individual
Duration:Up to 12 sessions offered
Topics covered:The aim of counselling is to enable the individual to reflect on any current difficulties they might have and to work collaboratively with them in creating and considering alternative strategies to resolve these difficulties.
How is the course delivered?Individual counselling
Is there a charge:No charge
Where is it available?Southeast – ElyHospital, Wexford. St. Senans, Enniscorthy. Primary Care Centre, Gorey.
For further information contact the person in your local area:
Available during weekday office hours. Self referrals or by Health Professionals where informed consent is obtained.
The Wexford Self Harm Intervention Programme, Comhar Adult Counselling Service, Westgate, Wexford.
Tel. 053 9174050Email:
Parents Plus – Childcare Network
Aimed at:Parents of children 0-16 years – groups are organised around the following ages:
1-6yr, 6-11yr, 11-16yr.
One to one or group?Group
Group size:5-10 people
Duration:2 hours per week over 6 - 8 weeks depending on the age group.
Topics covered:Tuning into your child
Child centred play and communication
Encouraging and supporting your child
Understanding and responding to misbehaviour
Assertive Parenting
Establishing rules and boundaries
Solving problems together,
Using routinesrewards
How is the course delivered?Group work, small & large groupdiscussion with feedback, video
Is there a charge:No charge
Where is it available:WexfordTown, New Ross, Gorey, Enniscorthy
Upcoming course dates are posted on
For further information contact:
Anne Lonergan 053 92 39628
Parent Plus
Aimed at:Parents of 0-6 year olds /
Parents of 6-12 year olds,
Lone parents
One to one or group?Group
Group size:12-20 participants
Duration:2 hours each week over 6 weeks
Topics covered:Tuning into your child
Child centred play and communication
Encouragement and praise
Solving discipline problems,
Time out
How is the course delivered?Groupwork, small & large discussions
role play, skills practice, video
Is there a charge?Total cost to groups may be subsidised
Small charge to individual parents
Where is it available?Wexford
For further information contact:
Carmel Lonergan, Childcare Co-ordinator, Childcare Network, 7 Castle Hill, Enniscorthy
Co. Wexford
Tel. 053-9239628 Email
Parenting – The Most Important Job You’ll Ever Do! Childcare Network
Aimed at:Parents of children aged 1-10 years
One to one or group?Group
Group size:5-10 people
Duration:2 hours per week over 6 weeks
Topics covered:Building on parent’s strengths
Solving discipline problems
Building relationships with children
Importance of play
Motivating and encouraging children
Building your child’s self esteem
How is the course delivered?Group work, small & large groupdiscussion with feedback.
Is there a charge: No charge
Where is it available:WexfordTown, New Ross, Gorey, Enniscorthy
Upcoming course dates are posted on
For further information contact:
Anne Lonergan 053 92 39628
Parent Plus Children’s Programme Raheen FRC
Aimed at: Parents of children 6-11 years
One to one or Group?Group
Group size:5 -12 people
Duration:2 hours a week for 8 weeks
Topics covered:Help children learn and reach their full
Develop a close and warm relationship with your children.
Set rules and establish positive routines in the home.
Manage difficult behaviours and
discipline problems.
Solve childhood problems in a positive way that help your child learn.
How is the course delivered?Group – practical
Is there a charge:No charge but booking is essential
Where is it available:Raheen Family Resource
For further information contact:
Caroline Doyle Raheen FRC 051 428805 email:
Parent Plus Children’s Programme Taghmon FRC
Aimed at: Parents of children 11 - 18 years
One to one or Group?Group
Group size:5 -12 people
Duration:2 hours a week for 8 weeks
Topics covered:Getting to know and connecting with
your teenager.
Encouraging and listening to teenagers
Establishing rules and boundaries
Teaching teenager’s responsibility
Discipline for young people
Dealing with conflict.
Solving teenage problems
How is the course delivered?Group – practical
Is there a charge:No charge but booking is essential
Where is it available:Taghmon Family Resource
For further information contact:
Mary O’Loughlin Taghmon FRC 053 9134465 email:
Springboard Family Support Project
Aimed at: Parents of children 0-18years
One to one or Group?One to one centre or home based
Group session in the centre
Group size:6 – 8 people
Duration:2 hours a week over 6 – 8 week
Topics covered:Emotional needs
Behaviour managements
Positive reinforcement
Quality time
Active listening
Assertive parenting
Sex education
How is the course delivered?Group or 1:1 depending on demand
And needs of parents
Is there a charge:No charge
Where is it available:WexfordTown, Rosslare, New
Ross. Intake and assessment Child Protection Social Work Referrals Only
For further information contact:
Louise O’ Byrne, Project Coordinator, CBSPrimary School Grounds, The Bullawn, New Ross
Co. Wexford. TEL 051 425415
BarnardosParent Plus Programmes
with Positive Parenting
Aimed at:Parents of children aged 1 -16 yearsOrganised for groups of parents with children in Early Years, 6-11years and 11-15years.
One to one or group?Both
Group size:Maximum 16 participants
Duration:2.5 hours per week for 7-8 weeks
Topics covered: Early Years programme
Introduction to Child Development and Children’s Needs
Encouraging and supporting children’ learning
Promoting children’s language development
The role of Play in Children’s development
Building co-operation in young children
Understanding and responding to Children’s Behaviour
Parental Separation and Parenting
Health and safety
Taking care of ourselves as parents/carers
Children’s Programme 6-11years
Introduction to Child development and Children’s Needs
Play and special time with children
Encouragement and Praise
Encouraging Children’s Learning and establishing Routines
Understanding and responding to children’s Behaviour and setting boundaries
Problem Solving and Solution building with children
Parental Separation and Parenting
Children’s Safety and Well Being
Taking care of ourselves as parents/carers
Time to explore specific issues e.g. bullying, Bereavement and Loss
Families and Adolescents Programme
Understanding the Adolescent and their developmental stage
Getting along with your teenager and effective communication
How to positively influence teenagers
Dealing with conflict and solutionBuilding
Discipline for teenagers and setting boundaries
Parental Separation and Parenting
Health and safety
Taking care of ourselves as parents/carers
Time to explore specific Issues e.g. Dependence v independence, peer influences, drugs and alcohol.
How is the course delivered?Group work, small & large group discussion
Role play, Skills practice
Video, Presentations
Handouts and resource materials
Is there a charge?No charge
Where is it available?Carlow(Courses being developed for Wexford) Intake and assessment Child Protection Social Work Referrals Only
For further information contact:
Barnardos, 24 Askea Lawns, CarlowEmail:
Tel. 059-9132868
Teen Parent Support Programme
A National Programme for Teenage Parents
Aimed at:Teenage parents and their families.
One to one or group?Both
Group size:No minimum number for groups
Duration:Ongoing support over 2 years through one to one sessions and short group programmes
Topics covered:Welfare rights and entitlements
How to take care of yourself and your baby
Your child’s development
Antenatal care and classes
Accessing childcare
Education and training
Local services in your area
Conflict resolution
Linking in with other young parents
How is the course delivered?Small group discussion & feedback
Is there a charge?No charge
Where is it available?North Wexford - Enniscorthy
For further information contact:
Marian Dowd, Project Leader, Barnardos, Castlehill, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Tel. 053-9236342.Fax: 053-9236418 Email:
The Strengthening Families Programme– Youth Services
Aimed at:Parents and Teens 12-16 years old. Families.
One to one or group?In the first hour parents and teens participate
in separate groups focusing on different skills
and in the final hour families come together to
practice these skills
Group size:Up to 12 families
Duration:2.5 hours per week for 14 weeks
Topics covered: Teen Skills Training
Communicate Positively
Understanding Feelings
Cope with Criticism
Manage Stress
Develop Social Skills
Learn problem Solving
Resist Peer Pressure
Understanding the consequences of substance abuse
How short term consequences affect long term dreams and goals
Parent Skills Training
Clear Communication
Substance Use Education
Problem Solving
Limit Setting
Family Skills Training
Practice family structured activities
Family meetings
Healthy communication skills
Effective discipline
Re-enforcing positive behaviours for each other
Jointly planning family activities outside the group
Dealing with embarrassing/difficult subject matter regarding sexuality/drink/drug usage.
How is the course delivered?Family’s meet for the first half hour for a dinner to meet and socialise with facilitators and other members of the group
1st hour families separate into 2 groups for parents/care givers and for Teens
2nd hour families join together to discuss and practice skills as a whole group.
Is there a charge?No charge.
In addition a meal is provided every night for all the family.
On site childcare for 4-11year olds.
Transport can also be provided to families that may have difficulty with travel.
At graduation a family portrait is taken by a professional photographer.
Where is it available?Gorey – January 2014. Previously ran in Wexford town and New Ross.
For further information contact:John Paul O’Neill, 25 McCurtain St., Gorey, Wexford. or 085 805 3978
Parent Plus The Adolescents Programme – Youth Services
Aimed at:Parents of Adolescents 12-17 years
One to one or group?Group or 1:1
Group size:Maximum 12 participants
Duration:2 hours per week for 6-10 weeks
Topics covered:Communication
Getting along
Problem solving
Specific problems
How is the course delivered?Group work, handouts and DVD presentation
Is there a charge?No charge.
Where is it available?Enniscorthy, Gorey, WexfordTown, New Ross
For further information contact:John Paul O’Neill, 25 McCurtain St., Gorey, Wexford. or 085 805 3978 for courses in Enniscorthy/Gorey.
Ann Lacey, 25 McCurtain St., Gorey, Wexford.
or 087 9351754 for courses in WexfordTown and New Ross.
Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency (DESSA) Empowering Parents Training Programme
Aimed at:Parents children 1-17 years
One to one or group?Group
Group size:13- 15 participants
Duration:2 hours per week for 6weeks (morning)
Topics covered:Supporting parents to acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively advocate on behalf of their child.
How is the course delivered?Group work
Is there a charge?No charge.
Where is it available?Gorey FRC, Southend FRC, Raheen FRC
For further information contact:Kay Teahan at DESSA tel: 087 3534432 e-mail or contact your local FRC.
Gorey FRC tel: 053 9489017
Southend FRC tel: 053 91 26027
Raheen FRC: 051 428805
Name of Playgroup & Type / Playgroup Leader / Phone No. /Day Open
/Time Open
Fethard-on-SeaCommunity Playgroup,
C/O Paulfer Parochial House
Fethard-on-Sea, Co. Wexford. / Carmel Barden / 051-397900 / Mon - Fri / 9.30 – 12.30
Sugradh Childcare Centre, South West Community Development Project, Ramsgrange, New Ross, Co. Wexford. / Childcare
Project Leader:
Marie Murphy / 051-389418 / Mon - Fri / 8.30 – 5.30
All year except 1st 2 weeks in August
Cunamh Mhuire, Resource Centre, Pondsfield, New Ross
Special needs playgroup. / Ann O’Reilly / 051-440040 / Mon - Fri / 9.00 – 12.30
New Ross Community Playgroup, Scoil Spraoi, Na Leanai, Pondsfiled, New Ross, Co. Wex / Joy Keyes / 051-445788 / Mon – Fri / 9.00 – 12.30
Rathnure Playgroup (Private)
Monamolin, Rathnure / Mary Hayden / 087-6573696 / Mon – Fri
Mon, Tues Wed / 9.15 – 12.15
1.15 – 3.15
Tiny Tots Playschool, Cushinstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford. Private / Ann O’Neill / 051-428517 / Mon - Fri / 9.00 - 12.00
12.30 – 3.30
First Friends New RossPre-school, C/o MichaelStreetNationalSchool, New Ross / Nicola Gannon / 085-7260740 / Mon - Fri / 9.15 – 12.30
St. Leonards Community Playgroup (Huggy Bears), Ballycullane, St. Leonard’s / Myna Cadogen / 087-6977351
051-562240 / Mon - Fri / 9.15 – 12.00
12.00 – 3.00
Campile Community Playgroup
Campile, Co. Wexford. / Julie Walsh / 051-388822 / Mon - Fri / 9.30 – 12.30
ABU Montessori, (Part Day Care)
Dowsley’s Barn, New Ross,
Montessori / Niamh Fitzgibbon / 086-1664274 / Mon - Fri / 9.00 – 5.00
Teach Na Nog,Carrig-on-Bannow, Community Playgroup, Wellingtonbridge, Co. Wexford. / Teresa Hannon
Sarah Kiernan / 051-561773 / Mon - Fri / 9.00 – 12.00
12.30 – 3.30
Raheen Community Creche,
Clonroche, Co. Wexford. / Caroline Doyle / 051-428805 / Mon-Fri / 7.45 – 6.00
Liz Murphy (Playschool)
Mount Garrett, New Ross
Tir Na Nog, Playschool / Liz Murphy / 051-425718 / Mon – Fri / 9.30 – 12.30
Jacqueline Walsh Bolger, Montessori, Adamstown Community Centre, Co. Wexford
53 St. Martin’s Park, Ballycullane / Jacqueline Walsh Bolger / 086-8601526 / Mon _ Fri / 9.30 -12.30
Little Munchkins Creche, The Moorings, Rosbercon, New Ross, Co. Wexford. (Full Day Care) / Patricia Molloy / 051-445370 / Mon - Fri / 7.30 – 6.00
Kidz Korner Creche
Newbawn, Co. Wexford / Liz Dillon / 051-428718 / Mon & Fri
Tues, Wed, Thur / 7.30 – 2.30
7.30 – 6.00
Tus Maith, C/o Donard National School, Poulpeasty, Clonroche, Co. Wexford. / Noelle Kehoe / 053-9244295
087-6611088 / Mon – Fri / 9.30 – 1.00
Tiger Club Childcare, 25 Ard Alainn, New Ross, Co. Wexford. / Aoife O’Neill / 087-6308482 / Mon – Fri / 8.30 – 5.30
Small World, South Knock, New Ross, Co. Wexford. Playschool / Fiona Slevin / 087-6199692 / Mon – Fri / 9.30 – 12.30
Horeswood Community Playschool, Campile
(and out of school service) / Carrie McCrakin / 085-1295479 / Mon – Fri / 8.00 – 6.00
Springboard Family Support Service, CBSNationalSchool, The Bullawn, New Ross / Louise O’Byrne
(Drop-in) / 051-425415 / Ring for details
Daisy Daycare, Woodbine Industrial Estate, New Ross. / Sarah Egan / 051-426741 / Mon - Fri / 7.45-6.00
Tintern Community Playschool, Tintern Community Complex, Ballycullane, New Ross, Co. Wex. / Lorraine O’Neill / 051-562075 / Mon – Fri
Part Day Care / 9.00 – 1.30
1.30 – 5.30
Tuesday only
Maple Tree Nursery, Ballyanne, New Ross, Co. Wexford. / John & Catriona Brennan / 051-445940 / Mon - Fri / 7.00 –7.00
Clonroche Community Childcare, C/0 St. Aidan’s National School, Clonroche, Co. Wexford. / Breda McDonald / 053-9244441
087-9715341 / Mon – Fri / 9.30 – 12.30
Ruta Fedotovine (Childminder)
74 Bellevue, New Ross, Co. Wexford. / Ruta Fedotoviene / 051-448797
085-1299915 / Mon – Fri / 8.00 – 6.00