Government of West Bengal


New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd floor, 1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700 001

Phone No: (033)2248-6271

Extension: 3337

FAX: (033) 2248-5545

(033) 2243-9284




Each set contains:-

(1)  Tender Form (To Be Submitted In Duplicate)

(2)  Detailed Tender Notification Along With Specification

(3)  Terms & Conditions for Submission of Tender.

(4)  Check List


PRICE OF TENDER CATALOGUE: `.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only.


(K. Saha)

Director of Animal Husbandry &

Veterinary Services, West Bengal

TENDER FORM (To be submitted in duplicate)


The Governor to the State of West Bengal

Through Director of Animal Husbandry &

Veterinary Services, West Bengal,

New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd Floor,

1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata- 700 001.


With reference to your Tender Notification # T-506(A) dated 30/4/2012, I am/We are furnishing below my/our rates for the item tendered for in duplicate as per your specification, terms & conditions:-

No / Name of the Equipment with specification / Rate in
Figure (a) / Sales Tax/
VAT (b) / Total (a + b) in
Figure & Words
1. / Semi-Automatic Feeding System for Poultry house (Specification Enclosed)
2. / Curtain Winching System for Poultry house (Specification Enclosed)
3. / Spares for Semi-Automatic Feeding System (List enclosed)

N.B.: Separate Sheet duly authenticated may be used for quoting rates for items at Sl. # 3 i.e. spares.

Details of Earnest Money Deposit

Sl. / Description of Instrument (No, Date, Issuing Bank/Treasury) / Amount
1. / `.10,000/-

Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by & fulfill all the Terms & Conditions laid down in the Tender and the particulars available in the Tender Notice & the details given in the specification/ Description attached hereto or in default thereof to forfeit & pay the Governor of the state of West Bengal, or his successor in office the penalties/sums/or of money that may be imposed by the Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal, the earnest money deposited herewith or from other money deposited by me/us or from the bills that will be payable to me/us for the supplies to be made.

I/We also agree that the decision of the Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal in all matters in respect of this tender will be final & binding on me.

I/We also agree to execute on being called upon to enter into a formal agreement embodying the terms & conditions contained herein &/or on usual terms & conditions & on default on my/our doing so, the Earnest Money deposited by me/us will liable to be forfeited.

Yours faithfully,

Date: Signature & office seal:

Name of the Firm:

Address with PIN:

Government of West Bengal


New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd floor, 1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700 001


No. T-506(A) Date of issue: 30th April, 2012

Sealed tenders (2nd call) are invited by the Governor of the State of West Bengal through the undersigned from the only from original equipment manufacturer, authorized dealers/distributors, bonafide traders for RATE CONTRACT FOR SIX MONTHS for supply of under noted equipments at various State Farms throughout West Bengal.

Sl. / Name of the Equipment with detail specification
1. / Semi-Automatic Feeding System for Poultry house (specification enclosed)
2. / Curtain Winching System for Poultry house (Specification Enclosed)
3. / Spares for Semi-Automatic Feeding System (List enclosed)

Detailed Tender Catalogue (not transferable) along with all other particulars are obtainable from the cash section of the above addressed office on non-refundable cash payment of `.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only between 12 Noon & 4 pm (barring recess between 1-30 pm & 2 pm) up to 5th June, 2012 & also be downloaded from the Website Request for tender documents along with requisite fees by Post will not be entertained.

Each tender must be supported by:-

a)  Each Tender, unless the Bidder is exempted under the existing orders of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to be submitted with Earnest Money Deposit `.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) only either in original Deposit-at-Call Receipt or Bankers’ Cheque or Pay-Order or T.R. Challan No.7 under head “8443-00-103-001-07” on Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata/ District Treasury in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal. Tender Notification No, Date of Issue & Name of the item is to be clearly mentioned in R.B.I. /T.R. Challan. The Deposit-at-Call/ Bankers’ Cheque/Pay Order should be drawn on any Nationalized Bank & to be deposited in original along with a Photo-copy.

b)  Those who intend to download the tender documents from Website are required to deposit `.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only [Non-refundable] towards cost of the same in Demand Draft/Pay Order on any nationalized bank payable at Service Branch, Kolkata in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal along with the offer.

c)  Attested Photocopy of PAN Card.

d)  Attested photo-copy of Trade License (valid up to 31.3.2012).

e)  Attested photo-copy of Professional Tax Paid Challan/ or Clearance Certificate (valid up to 31.3.2012).

f)  Attested photo-copy of VAT Registration Certificate, if not furnished with the tender, must be furnished at the time of receiving payment otherwise payment of bill will not be given.

g)  Attested photocopy of Authorized dealership/distributorship certificate (Currently valid).


i)  A copy of Tender Schedule duly signed & stamped will have to be submitted as a token of acceptance.

j)  Printed Literature /Brochure of the items for which the rates are quoted.

N.B.: Documents (c) to (g) must be duly attested by Gazetted/ Group-A Officers, if photo-copies are given indicating the Full Name of the Attesting Person. Please note that unattested photo-copy will not be considered as valid document.

No Tender will be accepted, if the same is not supported with all the above documents.

The offered rate should be valid for SIX MONTHS but the period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the undersigned/Tender Committee/Tendering Authority & requirement. The quantity as stated above is tentative & may vary. The Successful bidder may require supplying additional quantity to any office of this Directorate across the State of West Bengal at the approved rate within the contracted period.

Sealed Tenders super scribing "Tender for Supply of Equipments for Poultry House" along with Name Address, PIN, Phone/Fax No., etc. of the Bidder should be dropped at the office of the undersigned on or before 6th June, 2012 within 3 pm. A Tender Box for this purpose will be preserved in the Purchase Cell (Room # 10). The Box will be closed/ sealed at 3-01 pm on 6th June, 2012 and tender will be opened in presence of representative of Bidders on 6th June, 2012 at 3-15 pm. No tender will be accepted across the table and no such receipt will be issued thereon.

The bidder must abide by the enclosed terms & Conditions as laid down by this Directorate.

Enclosure: Specification of tendered items.


(K. Saha)

Director of Animal Husbandry &

Veterinary Services, West Bengal

Specification of tendered items against notification # T-506(A) dated 30.4.2012

Specification of semi automatic feeding system

Inviting tender for installation of (Automatic excluding Feed Line) Feeding system of reputed brand in State Poultry Farm for a RIR Deep Litter layer house with length of 200 Feet and breadth of 36 feet respectively. The rate will remain valid for one year for the entire State of West Bengal and it includes delivery of all ancillary fittings, installation and commissioning (complete in all respect). The specification of semi automatic feeding system is mentioned hereunder:

Sl. No. / Specification / Distribution Line
1 / Pipe Outside Diameter (mm) / 44.45
2 / Motor Power HP / 1 HP
3 / Auger Diameter (mm) / 36
4 / Transportation capacity (kg/hr) / 450-600
5 / Hopper Capacity / 180 Kg
6 / Pan adjustable for its height and diameter / Capacity to contain 1.5 Kg feed
7 / Galvanized Pipe with holes. / Section length of 4.50 MTR

Spares of Semi automatic feeding system:

SN / Item / SN / Item
1 / Hopper 180 Kg set / 12 / Pan Feeder set adjustable for its height and diameter
2 / Complete Intake Boot / 13 / Shocker System
3 / Drive Unit Complete including 1.0 HP Motor / 14 / Control Panel
4 / Drive Unit Complete including 0.75 HP Motor / 15 / Galvanized Pipe (45 mm Dia.) with holes with a length of 4.5 Meter.
5 / Feeder Winch / 16 / Pulley D80
6 / Pressure Hopper Switch / 17 / Pulley D40
7 / Cable Lock / 18 / GI height adjuster
8 / Antiperch Bracket / 19 / U clamp
9 / Tightener / 20 / J hook
10 / Auger (36mm Diameter) / 21 / Steel wire 6mm (per foot)
11 / Feed line control switch / 22 / Steel wire 2mm (per foot)

Specification of Curtain Winching System (100 feet & 200 feet length)

Installation, commissioning of curtain winching system for poultry house of 100 feet and 200 feet length (both sides), which includes Hand winches with accessories, big pulley, small pulley, J hook, Steel-wire (both 3 mm & 5 mm), clamps, Steel pipe with 25 mm diameter and HDPE curtain 240 GSM (Double laminated 5 layers).


(K. Saha)

Director of Animal Husbandry &

Veterinary Services, West Bengal

Government of West Bengal


New Secretariat Buildings, 3rd floor, 1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700 001

Terms & Conditions for submission of Tender against Tender Notification # T-506(A) dated 30.4.2012


(i)  Each Tender, unless the Bidder is exempted under the existing orders of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to be submitted with Earnest Money Deposit `.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) only either in original Deposit-at-Call Receipt or Bankers’ Cheque or Pay-Order or T.R. Challan No.7 under head “8443-00-103-001-07” on Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata/ District Treasury in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal. Tender Notification No, Date of Issue &Name of the item is to be clearly mentioned in R.B.I. /T.R. Challan. The Deposit-at-Call/ Bankers’ Cheque /Pay Order should be drawn on any Nationalized Bank & to be deposited in original along with a Photo-copy.

(ii)  In no circumstances, Cash, G.P. Note, Pass Book, Fixed/Term Deposit, Token of Bank, A/c. Payee Cheque will be accepted save & except those mentioned above at 1(i) as Earnest Money Deposit.

(iii)  The Earnest Money Deposit shall not carry interest. This Directorate is not liable for deposition of excess of Earnest Money.

(iv)  Earnest Money deposited before the date of issue of this Tender Notification will not be accepted. Earnest Money Deposit of previous tender will not be adjusted/ considered for this tender.

(v)  The onus of proving that a Bidder is exempted from depositing Earnest Money will be on the Bidder & must be proved by submission of valid documents to that effect, e.g., Small Scale Industries should furnish S.S.I. Registration Certificate along with Annual Production Return of the preceding year. Co-operative Societies of this State should furnish Registration Certificate from the State Register of Co-Operative Societies.

(vi)  Those who intend to download the tender documents from Website are requested to deposit `.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only non-refundable towards cost of the same in DEMAND DRAFT/PAY ORDER on Service Branch, Kolkata & on any Nationalized Bank in favor of Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, West Bengal with the offer.

(vii)  Earnest Money will be released after finalization of tender and in the following cases:-

a.  Tender documents which are not valid.

b.  Sample(s) furnished by them is/are not acceptable.

c.  After deposition of prescribed Security Money.

d.  Since a panel of 2nd Lowest Rate(s) is/are to be maintained the Earnest Money Deposit(s) of such firm(s) will be retained up to 2(two) months from the date of approval of 1st Lowest Rate due to obvious reason. For such retention no interest shall be payable.

e.  In other cases, it will be released in due course.


(i)  Duly attested (the attesting Officer should be Group-A/Gazetted) photo-copies of PAN, Trade License, VAT Registration Certificate, Professional Tax Paid Challan/ Clearance Certificate (all valid up to 31.3.2012) along with Brochure of quoted item is to be furnished along with tender.

(ii)  Bidders, if they do not furnish VAT Registration Certificate along with offer, must have to furnish the same at the time of receiving payment against bill otherwise payment will not be made.

(iii)  Duly certified copy of English version of pre-requisites as in (i) are to be furnished.

(iv)  In no case, Affidavit of Trade License/ VAT Registration Certificate will be accepted.

(v)  Original of Trade License/VAT Registration Certificate, Professional Tax Paid Challan, Exemption Certificate or any other document are required to be furnished when called for.

(vi)  Authorized dealers/distributors should furnish documentary evidence to that effect along with offer.

(vii)  Attested Photo-copy of D.C.R. (Duplicate Carbon Receipt) is to be enclosed as a proof of purchase of Tender document. Unattested photocopies will not be treated as Valid Document.

(viii)  Tenders will have to be submitted in duplicate in prescribed form duly signed & affixed with seal of the firm by indicating full communicating address with PIN Code, Phone/FAX/E-mail/Website number in a sealed cover, super scribing the Tender Notification Number & Date & to be addressed to The Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal. A Tender Box will be preserved in the Purchase Cell of this Directorate. No Tender will be accepted across the table & no such receipt will be issued thereon. Envelopes must be closed & sealed properly with any sealing material.