Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry,




The OECDin conjunction with the ESRC Genomics Network (EGN) is undertaking case studies looking at the impact of genomics on public health in select countries.

Country coordinators have nominated you to complete this questionnaire to aid them in collecting information which is relevant to this project. Please return this document to your Country Coordinator within two weeks of receipt.

For additional information, please contact:

Dr. Rachael Ritchie, Policy Analyst at the OECD Tel: + 33 1 45 24 82 69, Email: or

Dr. Steve Sturdy Deputy Director ESCR Genomics Forum Tel +44 (0)131 651 4741, Email:


Instructions: Please read the accompanying information sheet before completing this questionnaire. Please be as specific and complete as possible when responding. Where useful, please provide or make explicit reference to documents or guidance that support your responses.


  1. Please identify the country from which you are responding: England
  1. Please identify the service or unit from which you are responding and your field of work (check all that apply):

□ Government □Private Sector□Non-governmental X(other) UK Genetic Testing Network, National Health Service

□Laboratory Services □Public health policy □Regulatory affairs □(other)______

  1. Please acknowledge that by completing this questionnaire you have read the accompanying information sheet and are consenting to participate in the ‘Public Health in the Age of Genomics’ project (check box):

XI have read the accompanying information sheet and am consenting to participate in the ‘Public Health in the Age of Genomics’ project.


3. What are the main priorities for public health in your country?

The White Paper, Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS sets out how the improvement of healthcare outcomes for all will be the primary purpose of the NHS in England. The NHS outcomes are structured around five domains, which set out the high-level national outcomes that the NHS should be aiming to improve. They focus on:

Domain 1 / Preventing people from dying prematurely;
Domain 2 / Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions;
Domain 3 / Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury;
Domain 4 / Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care; and
Domain 5 / Treating and caring for people in a safe environment; and protecting them from avoidable harm.

In addition the Government has outlined the specific public health priorities in Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward.These include the two high-level priorities across the public health system and beyond. These are:

1. Increased healthy life expectancy.

2. Reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities.

4. How could genomics contribute to meeting those priorities?

Genomics is important to all these priorities;

(a) as a determinant of health and

(b) by virtue of its implications for the organisation and distribution of wider public health services, including population based prevention programmes and health service provision

5. What policy initiatives and actions have been taken in your country to implement genomics for public health?

The Human Genomics Strategy Group is an independent cross-government advisory group that published its report Building on our inheritance, Genomic technology in healthcare, in January 2012. It highlights the UK’s achievements in genetics research to date and proposes a strategic vision to realise the future benefit of genomics, particularly in the NHS. It also provides specific recommendations on the steps that need to be taken to realise this vision. The recommendations of this report are being considered for implementation.

The UKGTN was established in 2002 by the Department of Health. It is a clinical network of NHS laboratory scientists and clinical geneticists that collaborate with genetics commissioners and patient representatives. The UKGTN aims to promote the provision of high quality equitable genetic testing services for NHS patients across the UK. There are 52 member laboratories from all the regional genetics laboratories and a number of other specialist laboratories.

The UKGTN performs a range of activities

  • Strategic: to inform future service and purchasing policy within the NHS in the UK
  • Healthcare Purchasing: to advise on medical genetics service developments and undertake specific projects to promote equity of access to clinical genetic services
  • Laboratories: to provide assurance on the quality of testing services and promote services that are fit for purpose, comparable and efficient
  • Evaluation of new genetic tests: evaluate new tests for scientific validity and clinical utility and make recommendations to NHS healthcare purchasers

In the period 2004-2010, the UKGTN has evaluated 269 new genetic tests, recommended 203 of these for NHS service provision and developed 216 genetic Testing Criteria to ensure the appropriate use of these tests.

In addition, the UKGTN has had a major role in supporting the implementation of new laboratory technologies in the NHS through its evaluation of new tests using microarray and free foetal DNA technologies. The UKGTN has also been involved in advising on options for implementing genomics in the wider healthcare setting for example UKGTN report ‘Review of commissioning arrangements for genetic services and strategic recommendations’

Other examples of UK initiatives and actions

  • Screening programmes for single gene disorders (eg sickle cell and thalassaemia)
  • Implementation of free foetal DNA testing for fetal sex determination for X linked genetic disorders and congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Development of NICE evidence based healthcare guidelines for example the testing and care of those with familial hypercholesterolaemia and breast cancer and their families.
  • Development of NICE evidence based drug guidelines including companion diagnostics.
  • Implementation of microarray testing for learning disability as a first line test.

6. What have been the major successes of these initiatives in terms of improving public health?

National audits have shown an increase in the number and range of genetic tests provided to NHS patients, screening uptake and provision of novel drugs requiring companion diagnostics.

7. What initiatives would you hope to undertake in future?

Please see HGSG recommendations –Q5.

8. What social and economic factors have limited your country’s ability to implement genomics for public health – for instance:

Please see HGSG report –Q5.

  • perceived relevance to local needs?
  • availability of research funding?
  • availability of implementation funding?
  • market accessor incentives for pharmaceutical and medical technology manufacturers?
  • availability of trained personnel?
  • public resistance?
  • national or international regulatory regimes?
  • other factors?

9. What steps need to be taken in your own country to overcome such constraints?

Please see HGSG recommendations –Q5.

10. What sorts of international strategies would most help you to overcome such constraints?


11. What do you see as the main priorities for global public health?

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration, and all have specific targets and indicators.

The Eight Millennium Development Goals are:

• to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;

• to achieve universal primary education;

• to promote gender equality and empower women;

• to reduce child mortality;

• to improve maternal health;

• to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases;

• to ensure environmental sustainability; and

• to develop a global partnership for development.

In additionto these priorities:

The prevention of avoidable birth defects

12. How could genomics contribute to meeting those priorities?

Diagnostics to inform appropriate therapy / treatment

13. What initiatives have been undertaken in your country to address global public health needs rather than (or as well as) country-specific ones?

Helen Lee’s diagnostic development programme at the University of Cambridge

The PHGF Birth Defects project is developing public health tools to help low income countries to

undertake needs assessments and prevent avoidable birth defects (the implications of which are muchmore profound for people in these countries). This work feeds into a WHO initiative inthe

area of birth defects.

The PHGF's COGS project (Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study) is part of

an EU funded, international study which is looking at the feasibility of stratifying the target

populations for cancer screening programmes (using breast and prostate as examples) using

genetic testing so that screening can be tailored according to individual risk and so maximize

benefit and reduce potential harm from screening

14. What have been the major successes of these initiatives?

15. What initiatives would you hope to undertake in future?

16. What other countries do you look to as examples of good practice in genomics for public health? Why those countries in particular?

USA led by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – search for innovative and technologies and solutions for optimal use in low resource settings

17. What sorts of international strategies would help your country to implement genomics to meet global as well as domestic public health needs?

Collaborative working

Data sharing

Disease Classification

Technological developments

Thank you for completing the questionnaire!

[Please return this document to your Country Coordinator within two weeks of receipt]