Reports to: Board Chair, Dress for Success Sydney

Organizational Overview:

Our Vision- By 2021 Dress for Success Sydney aims to be the leading organisation in Australia for the empowerment of women through employability services.

Dress for Success is an international not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Since starting operations in 1997, Dress for Success has expanded to 145 cities in 21 countries. To date, Dress for Success has helped more than 925,000 women work towards self-sufficiency.

Dress for Success Sydney(DfSS) was established in 2009 by Megan Etheridge OAM with the purpose of improving the employability of women in NSW. Since that time DfSS has provided services to over 12,000 clients due to the efforts of a small team of paid staff and 400 volunteers who donated more than 16,000 hours in the past year.

DfSS does not receive government funding and relies on grants, fundraising events, corporate support and individual donations to raise a target of $700,000 in FY 17 in order for it to continue to provide a range of services to more than 2,200 women. Many of these women have undergone hardship and discrimination and encounter numerous barriers and challenges to entering or re-entering the workplace.

The role:

Ensuring that all agencies who work with women in need are aware of the services provided by DFSS is critical to the ongoing operation of DFSS. There is a continual need to be reminding established agencies of our services and new offerings as well as finding new organizations who work with women in need. Client referrals come from a range of agencies such as employment agencies, educational institutions, schools, women’s refuges, migrant support agencies, training services, refugee agenciesetc

In addition to fulfilling all the standard board member responsibilities, the Director of Referral Agency (RA) Partnerships leads and motivates a team of volunteers (subcommittee) who deliver outcomes by

  • Leverage existing networks and build new connections to build awareness and broaden the scope of the RA partnership model and the work of DFSS generally

Presenting at government meetings of Employment Service providers [Job Active and DES] to ensure the availability of DFSS services are well known to all providers and their staff.

  • Attending and presenting at agency training sessions, staff meetings, employment exhibitions
  • Researching newgeographic areas to target and engage referral agencies into the full suite of DFSS programs (dressing, career support, outreach and coaching)
  • Supporting the operational staff in liaising with referral agencies.

The subcommitteemeets monthly and work closely together by phone and email between meetings.

The Director contributes to the strategic development of new programs and initiatives and plays a major role in providing feedback from referral agencies as well as information on changes/new developments in the market. The Director works closely with the CEO to explore ways of obtaining financial support from government and from our referral partnersincluding enhancing collaboration and creating alliances with referral agencies that further our mission, enhance funding opportunities and expand our reach. This includes deepening alliances with regional RAs across NSW and targeting RA leadership at every opportunity so we are well-known at the highest level within our RA partners.

The role requires attending approximately 10 board meetings per year, chairing the RA Partnerships subcommittee who meet monthly, and liaising with the CEO. Other time commitments may include visiting RA partners, attendance and contribution to strategy planning sessions, profile raising and fundraising events. No interstate travel is anticipated but time availability during business hours is required.

Competencies and Skills (role related)

-A keen desire to support women to improve their employability opportunities, build a career and attain financial independence

-Significant business and general management experience, and ideally experience in the NFP sector

-People management experience and a successful record in team leadership

-Strong communication skills for both oral and written presentations

-Stakeholder communication skills and the ability to communicate and influence at all levels-Ability to build strong relationships with a diverse cross section of people

-Knowledge of a director’s responsibilities including the legal, ethical, fiduciary and financial responsibilities

-Strategic expertise – the ability to add value to the program strategies and contribute to the effective decision making of the board

-Accounting and finance – the ability to read and comprehend the organization’s accounts, financial material presented to the board, financial reporting requirements and some understanding of corporate finance

-Legal – the board’s responsibility involves overseeing compliance with numerous laws as well as understanding the individual director’s legal duties and responsibilities

-Risk management – experience in managing areas of major risk management to the organization

-Industry knowledge – experience in the NFP sector, ideally in the community services sector

Competencies and Skills (personal attributes)

-Integrity - fulfilling a director’s duties and responsibilities, acting ethically, appropriate independence, putting the organization’s interests before personal interests;

-Collaborative yet curious and courageous – able to function as an effective team member but also have the curiosity to ask questions and the courage to persist in robust discussion with management and fellow board members when required;

-Emotional intelligence – self-awareness and self-management and the ability to demonstrate empathy manifested through strong interpersonal skills. Can work well in a group, listen well, be tactful yet able to communicate a cogent and candid viewpoint;

-Commercial judgement and instinct – can demonstrate good business instinct and acumen, and be able to assimilate and synthesize complex information;

-Active contribution – actively contribute with genuine interest in the organization and its business.