Paper BSO 33/2014
To: / BSO BoardFrom: / Director of Human Resources & Corporate Services
Subject: / Recognition Awards
Status: / To Approve
Date of Meeting: / 27 March 2014
The Board is asked to consider the attached paper relating to the Recognition Award ceremony for 2014 with a view to approval.
Director of Human Resources and Corporate Services
Our annual recognition awards event to celebrate the contribution of staff throughout the organisation have now been come part of our organisational life. The events to date have recognised the various submissions as well as academic success of our employees.
The Board is asked to consider the timetable set out below for this year’s event.
Provisional Timetable
Activity / TimescaleEvent PR / End of May to End of June
Applications Open / Start of June 2014
Applications Close / End of June 2014
Short-listing / Start of July 2014
Interviews / End of July 2014
Event / Mid- End September 2014
Post-Event Communication / 1 week after the event
The Chief Executive will formally launch the 2014 Recognition Awards using an email circular and intranet communications.Following the launch a weekly email will be circulated to all staff within BSO until the application close date. In addition the attached poster and email call for nominations will be circulated throughout the organisation over the application period. The finalised timetable will be accessible on the BSO intranet.
Application Process
Application process:
Last year there were separate application forms for each of the awards categories with clear short-listing criteria predetermined before the process opens. This means that each form will be completed specifically for the award applied for reducing the volume of unsuitable applications
The application process will be facilitated through downloadable forms available from the BSO intranet. Forms will be collated by Andrew Cameron,HR Directorate.
Assessment Process
In 2013 the assessment panels included executives from other HSC families who were aware of BSO’s business and it is recommended that this approach is used again this year.
Short-listing will be conducted by the identified panel members using pre determined criteria.
Nominators will be asked to make presentation to will allow employees to showcase the key elements of their projects as well as enhance panel members understanding ofcurrent organisational activity.
A staged approach has also been suggested where prelims within directorates are held with director level panels. Only the top candidates from each directorate are then put through to the final presentations stage for consideration.
The panel members will be supported by Andrew Cameron.
The event will be held in September (Date to be confirmed) at (Venue TBC) over lunchtime (proposed 12pm-2pm). All departments will be represented. Relevant customers and staff representatives will be invited and a buffet lunch will be provided.
The event will begin with a table top presentation of all submissions and employees will be asked to be on hand to talk through their scheme of work with invited customers, special guests and other staff.
This will be followed by a short introduction piece from BSO Chief Executive David Bingham to welcome all and provide a background to the awards. Awards will then be made, followed by presentations to those who have achieved an academic award.
Awards will be presented by the Chairman followed by a short special address by an esteemed guest, e.g. the Minister for Health orthe Permanent Secretary.
Proceedings will be closed by Chief Executive, and buffet lunch for all.
- Representatives from all nominations
- Employees who have achieved an academic award within the last year
- Trade union officials
- Customer representatives
- Perm Secretary or nominee
- Director of HR DHSSPS
Press release circulated aiming for local press coverage and Health and Social Care Journal.
Internal event coverage on BSO intranet, in Business Matters, via email and using posters.
Post Event:
A Business Matters special edition will be created and circulated, a letter of thanks will be sent from the Chief Executive to all nominators and a press release will be circulated as per pre-event.
Award/ Prize
The award for each category is recommended as being a trophy on which the winner’s names are inscribed. This can then be displayed at BSO reception alongside other accreditations (recipients to receive an engraved memento for their own keeping). This shows customers, visitors and staff how BSO as an organisation recognises and celebrates organisational champions.
Consideration should also be given to arranging a further element such as:
- Organisation of trip to University of Ulster Innovation Centre/NI Science Park and get a tour, link with presentations/seminars and go for lunch
- Trip to associated department at HSE for knowledge exchange and lunch
- Trip to associated department in a private enterprise for knowledge exchange and lunch
- Trip to a NI Innovation Award Winning business and lunch
- Additional training support provided to the individual/team
(2013 winners will be visiting Microsoft, Dublin in March 2014)
It has been suggested that finalists prizes be given to ensure a wide range of successes are being recognised
Next Steps for the Board
- Approve the undertaking of a second recognition event
- Agree a date in September 2014 to hold the event
- Agree location of the event i.e. Antrim/ Belfast etc
- Agree provisional timetable
- Agree overall process
- Agree any changes to the number of awards and award categories
Recognising and Celebrating Success
BSO Champions Awards
Celebrate the success of your colleagues and teams
Email Message:
We want to hear about the success that our staff are achieving. Who are the true champions of BSO living out the organisations values?
Please download a form from and share with us how your team is making a difference to the work of BSO.
Intranet Message:
We want to hear about the success that our staff are achieving.
Who are the true champions of BSO living out the organisations values?
Please download a form from and share with us how your team is making a difference to the work of BSO.
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