Directions to The Beehive, Greytown
Directions from Johannesburg/Pretoria
Take N3 to Durban travel ±433kms.
± 5kms before Mooi River take R103 Hidcote off-ramp to the left to avoid the Mooi Plaza.
Turn left onto Middelrus road.
Turn right onto Mooi River Road, travel towards Mooi River.
At circle travel past a Service Station, straight over bridge and turn left into R622 to Greytown.
Travel ±68kms to reach The Beehive just before Greytown.
Alternate route. Take R74 Bergville / Colenso / Greytown off-ramp and travel back roads to Greytown.
Before entering Greytown from Muden Road, turn right into Mooi River Road .
Travel ±1 km to The Beehive on the right in the valley.
Directions from Durban/Pietermaritzburg
Once in Pietermaritzburg take left off-ramp into Ohrtmann Road.
At robot turn right.
Cross over 2 robots.
At 3rd robot turn right into the R33 Greytown Road.
Travel to Greytown ±73 kms.
At first robot turn left, travel ±1 km until just out of town.
Turn left into the Mooi River Road.
Travel ±1 km to The Beehive on the right in the valley.
Directions from the North Coast
Take Stanger (KwaDukuza) off-ramp to the left, turn right, over high way.
Stay on road until you reach Greytown ± 110 kms.
Cross over 2 robots, travel ± 1km until just out of town.
Turn left into the Mooi River Road.
Travel ±1 km to The Beehive on the right in the valley.