Participant ID_____Posttest
Memory Items
Practice ______
DIRECTIONS: Find the number that goes in each box. Show your math work (write the numbers that you added or subtracted).
P1.8 = 6 +
P2. 3 + 4 = + 5
P3. 3 + 7+ 6 = + 6
P4.7 + 6 + 4 = 7 +
P5. +2= 6 + 4
P6. 8+ = 8 + 6 + 4
P7. 5+ 6 – 3 = 5 +
P8. 5 – 2 + 4 = + 4[e1]
C3.What does the equal sign (=) mean?
Can it mean anything else?
C4.Which answer choice below would you put in the empty box to show that ten cents is the same amount of money as one dime? Circle your answer.
10centsOne dime
a) 10¢
b) =
c) +
d) don’t know
C5.For each example, decide if the number sentence is true.
In other words, does it make sense?
After each problem, circle True, False, or Don’t Know.
3 + 4 = 7 True FalseDon’t Know
3 + 4 = 12True FalseDon’t Know
a) 3 = 3TrueFalseDon’t Know
b) 5 + 3= 8TrueFalseDon’t Know
c) 31 + 16 = 16 + 31TrueFalseDon’t Know
d) 7 + 6 = 6 + 6 + 1TrueFalseDon’t Know
e) 5 + 5 = 5 + 6TrueFalseDon’t Know
f)7 = 3 + 4TrueFalseDon’t Know
C6. Is this a good definition of the equal sign? Circle good, not good, or don’t know.
a. The equal sign means two amounts are the same.Good Not good Don’t Know
b. The equal sign means add.Good Not good Don’t Know
c. The equal sign means the answer to the problem.Good Not good Don’t Know
C7. Which of the definitions above is the best definition of the equal sign?
Write a, b, or c in the box below.
C8. Decide if the number sentence is true. Then, explain how you know.
6 + 4 = 5 + 5TrueFalseDon’t Know
How do you know?
C9. In this statement:
1 dollar = 100 pennies
What does this equal sign mean?
I am going to tell you how different students solved some math problems. I want you to tell me if the way they solved the problem is very smart, kind of smart, or not so smart. Circle your response.
1.Jessie’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
2.Alex’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
3.Morgan’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
4.Taylor’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
5.Cameron’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
6.Erin’s problem
Very SmartKind of SmartNot So Smart
[e1]This item was an issue in ATME3d. If a child used the CARRY strategy (and carried the 2 into the blank), it could be misinterpreted as a CORRECT strategy, because it’s within one of the actual correct answer (3). We used the following rule: If child answered with 2 AND had used the carry strategy on a different problem AND did not show work to convince us otherwise, we marked the strategy as Carry instead of NW (correct, but insufficient work).