DIRECTIONS: Fill in the Blank with the Words Or Word That Best Completes the Sentence

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the Blank with the Words Or Word That Best Completes the Sentence


Chapter 20 review

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the words or word that best completes the sentence.

  1. A star generates energy by ______.
  1. Energy is produced in the sun’s ______.
  1. Energy produced by the center of the sun travels to the outer layer through

______and ______.

  1. The brightness of a star depends on both its ______and

______from earth.

  1. Our sun will eventually turn into a ______

6. A ______is so massive and compressed that not even light can escape it’s gravity

  1. A ______is a collection of stars bound together by gravity.
  1. Interstellar matter is composed of ______and ______found between stars.
  1. Astronomers group galaxies into three types, according to their ______.
  1. Our solar system is located in the ______galaxy.
  1. ______galaxies are egg shaped galaxies.
  1. ______galaxiesare small and lack a well-defined structure.
  1. ______galaxieshave a huge central bulge, surrounded by arms.
  1. ______is the theory that all matter and energy in the universe exploded ten to twenty billion year ago and began expanding in all directions.
  1. Everything that exists is known as the ______.
  1. The apparent shift toward shorter wavelengths of light when an object

moves towards a viewer is known as ______.

17. The ______signifies that an object is moving away f rom a view and there is an apparent shift toward longer wavelengths.

  1. The ______occurs when one object moves, the

other stays stationary, which causes a perceived change in wavelength.

  1. Distances in space are measured in ______.
  1. This distance measures ______.
  1. List the stages of life that a star, such as our sun will go through.
  1. Larger stars are known as ______. Smaller ones will end

up as ______, while larger ones will become. The

explosion that causes this to happen is called a ______.


Chapter 20 review

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the words or word that best completes the sentence.

  1. A star generates energy by _fusion _.
  1. Energy is produced in the sun’s ___core_____.
  1. Energy produced by the center of the sun travels to the outer layer through


  1. The brightness of a star depends on both its ____temperature_____ and

__distance______from earth.

  1. Our sun will eventually turn into a ____red giant____

6. A ___black hole______is so massive and compressed that not even light can escape it’s gravity

  1. A ____galaxy___ is a collection of stars bound together by gravity.
  1. Interstellar matter is composed of _____dust_____ and _____hot gasses___ found between stars.
  1. Astronomers group galaxies into three types, according to their ___shaped___.
  1. Our solar system is located in the ___Milky Way_ galaxy.
  1. ____Elliptical______galaxies are egg shaped galaxies.
  1. ___Irregular______galaxies are small and lack a well-defined structure.
  1. _____Spiral____ galaxies have a huge central bulge, surrounded by arms.
  1. ___The Big Bang Theory______is the theory that all matter and energy in the universe exploded ten to twenty billion year ago and began expanding in all directions.
  1. Everything that exists is known as the ______.
  1. The apparent shift toward shorter wavelengths of light when an object

moves towards a viewer is known as ____blue shift____.

16. The ____red shift______signifies that an object is moving away from a view and there is an apparent shift toward longer wavelengths.

17. The ____Doppler Effect___ occurs when one object moves, the

other stays stationary, which causes a perceived change in wavelength.

  1. Distances in space are measured in ____light years______.
  1. This distance measures ____how far light travels in one year______.