Capítulo 6 – Gramática 2
Direct Objects and Direct Object Pronouns
1. Verbs can be followed by direct objects, the person or thing receiving the action of the verb.
example: José pone la mesa. Yo siempre pido la sopa.
2. A direct object can be a noun or pronoun. Use direct object pronouns to avoid repeating nouns that have already been mentioned. These pronouns must agree with the nouns they stand for.
Direct Object Pronouns
Masculine / FeminineSingular / lo = him, it / la = her, it
Plural / los = them / las = them
example: ¿Quién prepara la cena?
Mi mamá la prepara.
3. Direct object pronouns go before the conjugated verb. If there is an infinitive verb in the sentence, the pronouns go before the conjugated verb or are attached to the end of the infinitive verb.
example: ¿Quién va a pedir el pollo?
Yo lo voy a pedir.
Yo voy a pedirlo.
Affirmative Informal(familiar) Commands
To “tell” or “command” someone what to do use an affirmative command.
1. To form the affirmative command take the Tú form of the verb and drop the final “s”. example: Tú hablas = ¡Habla!
Tú comes = ¡Come!
2. The following verbs have irregular command forms. They must be memorized.
tener = ten (have) ir = ve (go) salir = sal (go out, leave)
venir = ven (come) ser = sé (be) hacer = haz (do, make)
poner = pon (put, set)
3. Affirmative informal(familiar) commands with pronouns:
When you use a pronoun with a command attach the pronoun to the end of the verb. Add an accent mark if the word is more than 2 syllables. The accent is stressed on the 3rd to the last syllable.
example: Prepara la carne. = Prepárala.
Pon los vasos en la mesa. = Ponlos en la mesa.