FALL 2013 Registration is on line with the OPUS Direct Enrollment system via the assigned time listed on your OPUS account. You will enter your schedule in the Shopping Cart and Direct Enrollment Screens. Specific instructions are below. NOTE: CHECK YOUR OPUS FINANCIALS ACCOUNT NOW --- TO MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE A HOLD ON YOUR ENROLLMENT. IF YOU HAVE A HOLD, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENROLL, UNTIL YOU HAVE SATISFIED THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STUDENT FINANCILS OFFICE.



Click on Enrollment Shopping Cart above, just below the box “You are not enrolled in classes”. It will take you to the screen below:

You will see on your screen, the option to choose FALL 13 Graduate Business for under the Select Term field. Choose Fall 13 and hit the green continue button.

Enter your course Class number (OPUS 4 or 5 digit number) in the box next to the green enter button. If you do not know the OPUS number, then hit Search and look up the course, as directed below.

Fill in the BUS, then the Course Number (like 632) and make sure the Course Career is Graduate Business then hit Search.

Select the section of the class you want. Please note; Green dot is OPEN and Blue Box is CLOSED (means no spaces available).

Click on Next and you will see the panel below:

Here, you can start adding another class to your shopping cart, until you have all the

classes you want to consider for the term.

When it is your appointment time and, you are ready to enroll look at the classes above in your shopping cart. Click on the Select box by each class and hit enroll. You will see the

Screen below:

To confirm this enrollment, click on Finish enrolling in the green box above.

Below you will see that you have been enrolled in the class, or classes that contained available spots, at the time of your enrollment. .

If you are not able to get into a class you want, make a note so you can submit your name for the waitlist.

The Waitlist qualtrics link will be sent to your first class conferences by the MBA Program Office. Annabella Yumul will review the wait list and class enrollments, throughout the drop/add period. If a space opens for you she will send you and email and expect a response within one week (starting August 15th – response will need to be submitted within 24 hours) If at any time you decide, you on longer want to be on a specific class wait list, please email Annabella_Yumul@.emory.edu, so Annabella can keep the wait list up to date.

Please note: Courses that do not meet the school’s minimum enrollment of 15/20 may be cancelled. Notices will be sent to your First Class conference.

Bills for Fall 2013 term will be on OPUS by early July. You must check for your bill in OPUS, as no paper bills will be mailed. Your bill on OPUS will indicate a payment deadline. The Bursar’s office is very firm with payment deadlines. If payment is not received by the stated deadline, you may be charged a late fee of $150. Please read any emails sent from the Office of Student Financial Services, which may contain warnings and possible schedule cancellation dates for late payments.

The Bursar will place enrollment holds on all students who have outstanding tuition, fees, or payment plan Installments for the current or past terms. Until arrangements are made with the Bursar and the Bursar Hold is released, these students will be unable to register. Please check your OPUS account as soon as possible to make sure you are clear to register.

For registration assistance please email or call Annabella Yumul 404-727-2633, or Debbie Ashtiani 404-727-6384.