Committee meeting minutes
16 june 2015, 7.30pm
Diploma Suite, Hinchingbrooke School
ConfirmedAlan Hannibal
Alice Noyes
Annette Newton
Bren Vaughan
David Newton / Jo Loosley
Gilles Corby
Melanie Fowler
Mike Gullis
Rachel Miller
Stan Cragg / Excused
Andy Ellams
Gemma Palmer
Jacquie Wren
Order of the day
-AGM minutes approval (all)
-Officers report (all)
-Action point register (Gilles)
-Agenda items
-Next meeting
Agenda items
- Huntingdon Charity Race (Annette)
- Review of the use of Hinchingbrooke School facilities (Alice)
- Steeple chase event (David)
- Huntingdonshire Sports Awards nomination (David)
- Frostbite warm-up (Gilles)
- Membership survey (David)
- Club accounts auditing (Stan)
- Negative Splits charity gig (Mairi)
- Get the most od Gift Aid (David)
Agenda items classification
-For Action
- Membership survey (David)
-For Decision
- Steeple chase event (David)
- Review of the use of Hinchingbrooke School facilities (Alice)
- Frostbite warm-up (Gilles)
- Huntingdonshire Sports Awards nomination (David)
-For Information/discussion
- Club accounts auditing (Stan)
- Huntingdon Charity Race (Annette)
- Negative Splits charity gig (Mairi)
- Get the most of Gift Aid (David)
Action points register
Item / Description / Owner / Status15BRJ0301 / Discussion about on-line paying but that was tabled in April / Bren / Closed
15BRJ0302 / Gift aid claiming issue / Frankie / On-going
15BRJ0303 / Cycling code of conduct / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0304 / Increase qualified ride leaders / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0305 / Club photographer credentials/kit / Bren/Annette / Closed
15BRJ0306 / Soliciting members for the Race Organisation Working Group / Andy/David / On-going
15BRJ0307 / Soliciting for a volunteer to run a coached beginners program / Andy/David / Closed
15BRJ0401 / AGM venue to be in next meeting agenda / David / Closed
15BRJ0402 / investigate payment solution providers / Chirag / On-going
15BRJ0403 / Enquire other clubs interest for ride leaders / Jacquie / On-going
15BRJ0404 / set up the safeguarding session / Annette / On-going
15BRJ0405 / check the venue for the Rising Star / Mike / Closed
15BRJ0406 / look into linking the BRJ FB page with the Huntingdon 10k race / Stan / Closed
15BRJ0407 / look for a qualified person to supervise on 17 May / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0408 / organise the bike coached sessions / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0409 / continue looking into coaching framework / David / On-going
15BRJ0410 / Send Gilles questions for membership survey / All / Closed
15BRJ0601 / Branding and logo to be added at next meeting agenda / Gilles / New
15BRJ0602 / Find accountancy & auditing support / David / New
15BRJ0603 / Accounts auditing to be added in nest meeting agenda / Gilles / New
15BRJ0604 / Invite Living Sport to present at the next committee meeting / Mairi / New
15BRJ0605 / Make proposals for the new course of the next Mayor’s Charity Race / Annette / New
15BRJ0606 / Organise monthly Frostbite challenge / Chirag / New
15BRJ0607 / Cancel use of Hinchingbrooke School changing rooms / David / New
15BRJ0608 / Send e-mail to the membership regarding Hunts Post Awards nominations / David / New
15BRJ0609 / Prepare the Survey Monkey / Gilles / New
Notes / Action
The committee welcomed the new members Jo and Mairi and Mel, the minutes of the previous committee meeting were approved, David proposed, Alan and Annette seconded.
Officers reports
David reminded that it is better to submit the officer’s report ahead of the meeting particularly if there are some proposals to be discussed.
Kit :
things have eased up, we had a cycling kit order in. One outstanding issue is the coaches kit, due to a change of supplier we will have to go for a technical t-shirt (decision approved by the committee). Gillian asked a for a duathlon logo, Bren has added a triathlon logo. Bren would like the branding & logo discussed in the next committee meeting,Gilles will add it on the agenda. Bren also developed designs for leisure wear. The designs were received favourably.
Accounts :
The current account is at £9k in credit, this is following the influx of subs. David commended the way Stan keeps the accounts, making the clubs accounts crystal clear. Further to this David would like to find expertise within the club to ensure that the account can be audited without requiring more work from Stan who already spends a lot of time and effort. The committee approved, David will initiate this activity and Gilles will add an item on the next meeting agenda for an update on this activity.
Welfare :
Annette is looking to September for organising a safeguarding session, Annette has also introduced a small incident reporting form especially for the Juniors. The Incident Reporting Guidance and forms are on the BRJ website under “Welfare”.
Membership :
We have a 28% increase in membership, Bren enquired whether it would entitle the club to additional place for the London Marathon but Alice & Alan were doubtful. David takes this increase as a sign that we are doing something right.
Social :
Mel has set most dates, she will also work with Gemma to coordinate marketing activity and maintain an events calendar. BBQ is July 4th, it will be a paying event, 12th Sept will be Parkrun takeover, Christmas party we need to balance the food, venue and entertainment choice. There will also be a Kids party. Marie Curie hand off still needs to be done, the plan is to do it on the occasion of the Huntingdon 10k.
Fundraising :
The BRJ Mydonate page has been set up and Mairi is looking forward to a Negative Splits charity event. We will need to book a hall and apply for a license to hold a bar. Jo would like to run a raffle and sell cakes at the Guesstimate. Our goal for fundraising is to hit the historical average of £5k. A quiz night will be considered and the curry night will probably take place in November if Paula Elliott is still willing to run this event. The usual bucket activity in St Ives and at the GNR will require Living Sport to come and talk to us at the next committee meeting. Mairi will invite Living Sport to come to the meeting.
Juniors :
Juniors have done good progress, the triathlon training programme has been very successful. Run groups have been restructured by colour name. There is a waiting list. Simon Moore has qualified as a L1 triathlon coach and would like to go for L2, which will require a £350 budget. David supports the proposal as L1 should work under the supervision of L2 and we are thin in this department. The budget has been approved by the committee.
Captain :
Night on the bike is running smoothly, pub runs this summer should prioritize on venues that are not usable in the winter (e.g. Ferry Boat). The invitation run in Grafham can only be done from August as the pub is changing hands.
Mike :
The new Brampton memorial hall has been booked for next February after half-term. Huntingdon 10k is now at 600 seniors following a last minute rush. Verifying results on the website is taking more effort as more events are added. Keeping PBs is a bit complicated and Bren indicated that he is looking at refreshing the website and this would be a good opportunity to look at this issue.
Mike is expecting a quote for centres to customise the trophies.
Training :
Track sessions have an average attendance of 25 runners. Claire Ashton has joined the senior track coaching team. A survey of track runners was carried out, a variety of suggestions were made and the overall output was encouraging.
Multisport :
Jacquie’s report was reviewed in her absence and the feedback on the bike sessions was very good.
Marketing :
Gemma’s report was reviewed in her absence and shows the transformation of her role from press officer to marketing officer. / 15BRJ0601
Agenda items
The Mayor’s Charity Race was successful and the Mayors’ Charity is happy to carry on next year, but there will have be to a change of course for the senior race due to licensing issues – possibly on closed roads. The committee commended Annette for the organisation of the race.
The committee approved the proposal to carry on with race and Annette will work on the course.
Gilles suggested having both a marketing campaign and the rebirth of the frostbite challenge in order to fire up members before the start of the Frostbite season and maintain the enthusiasm throughout the season.
Chirag will organise a monthly challenge on Mondays and Tuesdays.
David presented his proposal for a Steeple Chase, the first edition would be for BRJ members. The committee welcomed the proposal favourably and David will work our the details
Alice brought up the subject of using Hinchingbrooke facilities. We are paying for changing rooms although we are not using them. This could be cancelled to reduce outlays. The committee approved Alice’s proposal andDavid will implement it.
For the Hunts Post awards the David will send an email to the membership to encourage nominations.
The committee members suggested questions for the membership survey, David collated the suggestions and Gilleswill work towardsputting together a Survey Monkey. / 15BRJ0605
Be mindful of email etiquette as a reply sends to all committee members.
Next meeting 11thAugust 2015 7.30pm at the Diploma Suite
-Officer reports :
-Steeple Chase event proposal :
-Questionnaires submitted in the past :
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