International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme

Student Application

For incoming 8th-10th graders

A Weld County School District #6 Program

Located at

Greeley West High School

2401 35th Avenue

Greeley, CO 80634


Dear Scholar,

This application is for the four year IB Program: 9th and 10th grade is the MYP (Middle Years Programme), and 11th and 12th is the DP (Diploma Programme). This application is for those who intend enroll in the IB Diploma Programme. The MYP Programme pathway to the DP, is a set of honors level courses as well as world language courses to best challenge and prepare you for college. The DP Programme is a collegiate level programme enabling you to potentially earn 24 college credits at a Colorado college or university, these credits are also widely accepted around the world. The Diploma programme is two years of six core classes: English, World Language, Math, Science, History, and an Art with a 4,000 word research paper called the EE and Creativity, Activity, and Service hours. We also require parents to join our IB Parent Organization (IBPO) so that they are aware of events and various responsibilities.

General Criteria for Selection

  1. Attitude and commitment: Curious and motivated students who enjoy studying challenging curriculum.
  2. Grades: Preference will be given to highly motivated students who achieve a minimum of a B average. However, we recognize that grades may not reflect ability.
  3. Ability to articulate through writing: A good command of English is required for success in the program. Throughout the four years, there is much reading and writing. If your first language is not English, do not be discouraged. We are looking for highly motivated students capable of doing the work involved

Open enrollment/Transfer students:

  1. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program is a program open to all students who express interest in the program. We will honor a student’s decision to try IB. However, we need all students to realize that there will be a higher need for commitment and effort on both the parts of the student and the parents.
  2. Students who are new to Weld School District 6 must complete the Health and Immunization Records. This form is available through the counseling office or the Health Clinic.

Should you have any questions regarding this application, contact the IB Office at (970) 348-5489. The application deadline for the IB Program for out of boundary applicants is the December 15, 2017. Applications received after this time will be received on a space available basis. (Note: During May, the IB Coordinator will be at thetesting site, and the IB Office is closed during the summer, so late applications will only be processed as time permits.)

Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5, must be completed by the student, thus showing initiative and interest:)

Part 1: Background/Demographic information:

Name: ______Birthdate: ______

Address: ______

Cell Phone: Home Phone:

Student email: ______

Gender: _____ Current grade level: _____ Current school: ______

H.S. assigned by boundary: ______

What Languages are spoken at home? ______

Educational Background:

In what world language are you currently enrolled?

What Math course you will have completed by the end of this year?

Do you plan to participate in high school music groups?

If so, which one?

Instrument(s) played:

Do you plan on participating in any other school/community activities?

If yes, please list:

Do you plan to go to college?

Will you be a first generation college student?

I realize that I am making a commitment to extensive study and involvement in the academic tasks that are necessary for successful participation and completion of the International Baccalaureate Program. If I am a transfer or open enrollment student, I understand that I may need to return to my original high school as based on boundaries if I withdraw from IB.

Student Signature: ______

I have read and agree with the statement above. Date

Part 2: Short Answer:

Please respond to the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. Explain what you know about the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme. (Please be specific.)
  1. What do you hope to gain from participating in the IB Program?
  1. The IB Program involves the study of various cultures and different viewpoints. Explain your interest and willingness to study and discuss ideas that may differ from your own.
  1. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a successful high school student?
  1. Where do you see yourself after you graduate from high school? What do you want to be doing?
  1. Why do you want to be a part of the IB Program at Greeley West?

Part 3: Recommendations

List two teachers in the following content areas who will make recommendations for you: English, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Language.

(Please choose two teachers from your present school. Please print the teacher’s name and subject he/she teaches.)

Name of Teacher: ______Subject: ______

Name of Teacher: ______Subject: ______

Part 4: Parent/Guardian Section

Name of Guardian ______

Home Address: ______

Father: Phone (h): ______Phone (w): ______Phone (c): ______

Mother: Phone (h): ______Phone (w): ______Phone (c): ______

Best Email: ______

I/we realize that my/our child is making a commitment to an extensive program that will require my support both financially and emotionally. I/We have discussed the expectations with our child and support this application for admission. I will also support my/our child by being an active member of the IB Parent Organization by attending meetings and supporting events.


Parent Signature:

I have read and agree with the statement above.

Part 5: Writing Sample

Good writing is an essential part of the IB Program. This is your first IB writing.

The essay should be approximately 300 words. It will be carefully judged by up to three people.

You should plan the essay first, do a rough draft, and copy a final draft in black pen on this or another paper.

There is no right or wrong answer. We are looking for clarity and organization of thought, a strong opening and conclusion, and good supporting thoughts. If you are adding a diagram, make sure it is as comprehensive and neat as you can make it.

Don’t ramble. Watch for run-on sentences. Be careful with commas, capitalization, verb agreement, and make sure you have clear antecedents. Provide us with other evidence of good mechanical writing skills.

Write the essay in your own handwriting, and make it as neat as possible.

Please choose one of the topics listed below and write a short essay answer.

  1. Some people say the journey is most important. Some say it is the destination. What do you say? Give example.
  2. “Do a common thing in an uncommon way.” Booker T. Washington said this. What did he mean? Do you do this?
  3. What one human quality does the world need most these days? Who has this quality? How can we get more of it?


Part 6 - Academic History:

(To be completed by IB office--DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE)

[ ] Transcript Cum GPA: ______


[ ] IMP Math [ ] Pre-Algebra [ ] Algebra I

[ ] Geometry [ ] Hon. Geometry [ ] Algebra II

[ ] Hon. Algebra II [ ] Trig/Pre-Calculus


World Language:

[ ] None

[ ] Spanish A & B or [ ] French A & B

[ ] Spanish I [ ] Spanish II [ ] Spanish III [ ] Spanish IV

[ ] French I [ ] French II[ ] French III [ ] French IV

[ ] German I [ ] German II [ ] German III [ ] German IV


[ ] None

[ ] Band [ ] Orchestra [ ] Choir

Additional Programs:

[ ] AVID [ ] Agriculture
