DIP Spelling Lists/Reading Horizons DIP Progression 2nd Grade

Week 1- skill 1/ l blends (p. 429-436, Lesson 31 & 32)

  1. blab
  2. blot
  3. slam
  4. glob
  5. glad
  6. slid
  7. slip
  8. slug
  9. slim
  10. clip
  11. clog
  12. flex
  13. plot
  14. plum
  15. flop

Week 2- skill 2/ r blends (p. 437-446, Lesson 33)

  1. crop
  2. brick
  3. brand
  4. craft
  5. trip
  6. drift
  7. grid
  8. grant
  9. grand
  10. grump
  11. print
  12. track
  13. frost
  14. frog
  15. trick

***Adding Suffixes to Phonetic Skills 1 and 2

(Lesson 34)

***Definite and Indefinite Articles (Lesson 35)

Week 3- skill 1 and 2/ 2 and 3 letter s blends

  1. scab
  2. skin
  3. smog
  4. snip
  5. swing
  6. step
  7. swept
  8. scrap
  9. scrub
  10. spring
  11. swim
  12. sprung
  13. squid
  14. staff
  15. strap

Week 4- Skill 3 and Skill 1 (p. 463-468, Lesson 36)

  1. be
  2. bend
  3. he
  4. hem
  5. so
  6. sop
  7. no
  8. nod
  9. hi
  10. hint
  11. me
  12. met
  13. we
  14. went
  15. she

Week 5-Skill 4-the power of e (p. 469-480, Lesson 37)

  1. them
  2. theme
  3. grim
  4. grime
  5. twin
  6. twine
  7. slop
  8. slope
  9. bath
  10. bathe
  11. grip
  12. gripe
  13. kit
  14. kite
  15. slide

Week 6-Skill 4-the power of e (p. 469-480, Lesson 37)

  1. blaze
  2. hole
  3. wife
  4. quite
  5. dime
  6. ripe
  7. crime
  8. mule
  9. zone
  10. smile
  11. spine
  12. stripe
  13. slime
  14. scrape
  15. tame

Week 7- sounds of c (p. 481-492, Lesson 38)

  1. dance
  2. cent
  3. prince
  4. spice
  5. place
  6. lace
  7. price
  8. race
  9. grace
  10. space
  11. code
  12. camp
  13. cube
  14. cape
  15. cone

Week 8- sounds of g (p. 463-468, Lesson 38)

  1. gem
  2. grudge
  3. fudge
  4. hedge
  5. plunge
  6. stage
  7. page
  8. cage
  9. huge
  10. wage
  11. gas
  12. gum
  13. grip
  14. gift
  15. gap

***Adding Suffixes to Phonetic Skills 3 & 4

(Lesson 39)

Week 9- Adjacent Vowels ee/ea (p. 501-512, Lesson 40)

  1. greed
  2. queen
  3. bleeding
  4. speed
  5. cheek
  6. greeting
  7. sweep
  8. week
  9. scream
  10. speaking
  11. deal
  12. reached
  13. weak
  14. teaching
  15. cream

List 10 -Adjacent Vowels ai/ay (p. 501-512, Lesson 40)

  1. gain
  2. sprained
  3. paint
  4. stained
  5. plain
  6. nail
  7. chain
  8. trail
  9. grain
  10. braiding
  11. stray
  12. tray
  13. laying
  14. sway
  15. gray

List 11-Adjacent Vowels oa/oe (p. 501-512, Lesson 40)

  1. coaching
  2. loaded
  3. roam
  4. coast
  5. croaking
  6. groan
  7. toast
  8. boasted
  9. roasting
  10. gloat
  11. moat
  12. soapy
  13. toes
  14. doe
  15. goes

List 12-Adjacent Vowels ui/ue/ie

(p. 501-512, Lesson 40)

  1. glued
  2. true
  3. clues
  4. due
  5. blue
  6. fruit
  7. juice
  8. suit
  9. bruise
  10. cruise
  11. ties
  12. pie
  13. lie
  14. die
  15. flies

List 13-Final K and KE

(p. 513-518, Lesson 41)

  1. smoke
  2. brake
  3. snake
  4. milk
  5. trunk
  6. peek
  7. speak
  8. week
  9. freak
  10. beak
  11. streak
  12. silk
  13. drink
  14. link
  15. make

***Contractions (Lesson 42)

List 14 – Murmur Dipthong /ar/ (p. 535-541, Lesson 44)

  1. sharp
  2. smart
  3. sparks
  4. yard
  5. starting
  6. scar
  7. scarf
  8. charming
  9. charge
  10. mark
  11. march
  12. star
  13. barn
  14. harmed
  15. large

List 15- Murmur Dipthong /or/

(p. 543-548, Lesson 45)

  1. sport
  2. corn
  3. storming
  4. shortest
  5. sort
  6. cork
  7. porch
  8. torch
  9. thorn
  10. snort
  11. stork
  12. north
  13. force
  14. form
  15. born

List 16- Murmur Dipthongser/ir/ur

(p. 549-554, Lesson 46)

  1. shirt
  2. dirty
  3. thirsty
  4. squirmed
  5. twirling
  6. squirt
  7. herd
  8. germs
  9. stern
  10. fern
  11. church
  12. slurping
  13. burned
  14. burst
  15. curled

List 17- Murmur Exceptions

(p. 555-559, Lesson 47)

  1. hire
  2. fire
  3. wire
  4. care
  5. dare
  6. here
  7. pure
  8. tire
  9. swerve
  10. carve
  11. nurse
  12. horse
  13. serve
  14. curve
  15. splurge

List 18- Murmur Exceptions/Crazy W

(p. 560-572, Lesson 47)

  1. want
  2. wash
  3. walk
  4. warm
  5. war
  6. warned
  7. warp
  8. dwarf
  9. world
  10. working
  11. worst
  12. worth
  13. worm
  14. word
  15. wart

***Common Digraphs Review

(Lesson 49)

List 19- Silent Digraphs (wh, kn, ph, wr, gn)

(p. 573-592, Lesson 50)

  1. phone
  2. graph
  3. gnat
  4. gnome
  5. knife
  6. knob
  7. knock
  8. wreck
  9. write
  10. wreath
  11. wheat
  12. whirl
  13. knot
  14. while
  15. whine

List 20- Digraph Blends(page 593, Lesson 51)

  1. throne
  2. three
  3. chrome
  4. phrase
  5. shrink
  6. shrimp
  7. throat
  8. thrill
  9. shrub
  10. latch
  11. itch
  12. hatch
  13. crutch
  14. bridge
  15. judge

***Plurals S,ES Review

(Lesson 52)

List 21- Pigpens aw/au

(p. 613-626, Lesson 54)

  1. crawl
  2. gnawing
  3. dawn
  4. thaw
  5. flaw
  6. drawing
  7. straw
  8. fault
  9. haunted
  10. launched
  11. sauce
  12. pause
  13. hauling
  14. vault
  15. claws

List 22- Pigpens ou/ow

(p. 627-631, Lesson 55)

  1. pouch
  2. shouting
  3. found
  4. mouth
  5. proud
  6. out
  7. plowed
  8. chow
  9. growl
  10. frown
  11. town
  12. know
  13. throwing
  14. glow
  15. flow

List 23- Pigpens oi/oy

(p. 635-640, Lesson 56)

  1. moist
  2. oil
  3. spoiled
  4. choice
  5. pointing
  6. voice
  7. foil
  8. noise
  9. soil
  10. coins
  11. boil
  12. boys
  13. soy
  14. toys
  15. joy

List 24- Pigpen oo/ew

(p. 641-645, Lesson 57)

  1. shook
  2. stood
  3. wood
  4. school
  5. crook
  6. snooze
  7. moose
  8. booth
  9. broom
  10. boost
  11. stew
  12. knew
  13. threw
  14. chewing
  15. grew

List 25- Y as a consonant and short I (Lessons 59 & 60)

  1. yum
  2. yelp
  3. yes
  4. yell
  5. yam
  6. yeast
  7. yarn
  8. yank
  9. myth
  10. gym
  11. hymn
  12. glyph
  13. gyp
  14. flyp**
  15. pryz**

**nonsense words used to practice the skill**

List 26- Y as long i

(Lessons 59 & 60)

  1. pry
  2. spy
  3. sly
  4. dye
  5. type
  6. style
  7. dry
  8. why
  9. try
  10. shy
  11. by
  12. fry
  13. cry
  14. fly
  15. my

List 27- Compound Words/Multisyllabic Words

(Lesson 60)

  1. bookmark
  2. jawbone
  3. necklace
  4. raindrop
  5. workbook
  6. toenail
  7. birthday
  8. scarecrow
  9. shortcut
  10. steamboat
  11. handshake
  12. myself
  13. footprint
  14. frostbite
  15. sandstorm

List 28- Decoding Skill 1 and last rule for Y

(Lesson 61)

  1. phony
  2. lady
  3. baby
  4. lazy
  5. tidy
  6. navy
  7. zany
  8. crazy
  9. pony
  10. holy
  11. shiny
  12. tiny
  13. duty
  14. shady
  15. bony

List 29- Decoding Skill 1/ VCV

(Lesson 62)

  1. prevent
  2. stolen
  3. predict
  4. crisis
  5. radar
  6. python
  7. recent
  8. robust
  9. delay
  10. proceed
  11. refer
  12. protect
  13. clover
  14. remote
  15. donate

List 30- Decoding Skill 1/ VCV

(Lesson 62)

  1. hotel
  2. super
  3. spider
  4. silent
  5. minus
  6. solar
  7. digest
  8. migrate
  9. crater
  10. meter
  11. diner
  12. locate
  13. haven
  14. open
  15. item

List 31- Decoding Skill 2/VCCV

(Lesson 63)

  1. campus
  2. lantern
  3. fungus
  4. slender
  5. slumber
  6. indent
  7. shelter
  8. winter
  9. combine
  10. dinner
  11. supper
  12. exhale
  13. number
  14. contest
  15. dentist

List 32- Decoding Skill 2/VCCV (Lesson 63)

  1. absent
  2. trumpet
  3. explode
  4. circus
  5. summer
  6. center
  7. invite
  8. express
  9. concert
  10. limber
  11. advance
  12. robber
  13. happy
  14. silly
  15. exclaim

***Decoding Two-Syllable Words with Silent e and Adjacent Vowels

(Lesson 64)

***Decoding Any Length Word

(Lesson 65)

List 33- Words with –le

(Lesson 67)

  1. table
  2. rattle
  3. tickle
  4. middle
  5. humble
  6. maple
  7. giggle
  8. scramble
  9. simple
  10. puddle
  11. tremble
  12. bubble
  13. marble
  14. mumble
  15. babble

List 34- Words with –tion and –sion

(Lesson 66)

  1. station
  2. portion
  3. location
  4. election
  5. notion
  6. vacation
  7. mission
  8. expansion
  9. illusion
  10. traction
  11. motion
  12. friction
  13. fraction
  14. emotion
  15. explosion