Diocese of Worcester Massachusetts
Cursillo Application
Applicant (please print)
Telephone: ______Email Address: ______Date of Birth: ______Marital Status: ______
# of children: _____ Convert? Y/N _____ Parish: ______Parish City: ______
Occupation: ______Employed at: ______Clubs/Hobbies: ______
Disabilities or diet restrictions:
Signature Date
Your application will be placed on file, and you will be notified approximately six weeks before the next scheduled Cursillo weekend. If you are unable to make the scheduled dates your application will remain on file, and you will be notified of future weekend dates.
Sponsor (please print)
Name: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Email Address: ______
Sponsor’s Signature Date
Candidate’s Pastor: Do you agree that this candidate would benefit from a Cursillo experience? Yes or No
Pastor’s Signature Date
The cost of the three-day Cursillo weekend is $150. We request that your candidate include a $25 deposit when they submit this form.
Checks should be made payable to The Cursillo Movement.
Credit Card payment: (circle one) Visa/MC/Discover Card # ______- ______- ______- ______exp date: ____ - ____ Security # on back of card. ______
Name on Card: ______billing address: ______City: ______State:_____ Zip:______
The inability to pay should not deter anyone from applying to Cursillo.