I expect the following:
●At the bell, students will be in their seats ready to work.
●Immediately after the bell, students will be working on the “Do Now” that will be displayed.
●Students will come prepared for class by bringing the following everyday:
oNotebook (I suggest either a 3 ring binder or 5 subject notebook)
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned nightly. Homework is ESSENTIAL for success in Mathematics. It is imperative that students complete their assignments on time. Each homework assignment (graded for completion only) is worth two points. If it is handed in a day late it is worth one pointafter one day late, it is a zero. In addition to book work and/or worksheets, each night an online GOOGLE assignment will be given. This will be graded for correctness.
NOTEBOOK: Taking notes in class can only improve a student's understanding and also gives them work and examples to go back to when completing their homework and studying for tests and quizzes. There will be notebook checks during each unit test. Each student has been given a template to follow. IF A STUDENT IS ABSENT FROM CLASS IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND THE NOTES ON MY GOOGLE CLASSROOM ANY HANDWRITE THEM INTO THEIR NOTEBOOK.
GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Homework assignments are posted and emailed to you daily. In addition, My Calendar will let you know if there is an upcoming test, project and after school extra help availability. Daily class notes can also be found in my GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
GRADING POLICY: Student grades will be determined using the following:
Tests/Projects / 40%Quiz / 30%
Homework / 15%
Class work/Notebook / 10%
Graded Homework / 5%
PROJECTS: There will be one project that will be assigned each quarter. These projects will be worth the same amount as a test. Students should take advantage of this and work to get the best grade possible.
●Students are given an opportunity to make up homework assignments the next day only.
● If students are ABSENT on the day of a test or quiz they will have ONE week to make arrangements to make up this assessment. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the assessment.
●Projects will be assigned with a due date of at least TWO weeks. Failure to hand in a project on time will result in a deduction of 5 points per calendar day. (EXAMPLE: If the project is due Friday September 9 and a student hands it in on Tuesday September 13 the project is 4 calendars late and has a 20 point deduction.)
TEXTBOOK: We will be using the Glencoe Algebra 1 Textbook. This textbook must be brought to class every day. Each student is given an instruction sheet for logging in to the Online Textbook.
CALCULATORS: We will be using the TI-83 Plus or the TI-84. I do not have a classroom set of these
We have high expectations for your child. We feel that all children can excel in math if given the right motivation.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time. Our email addresses are and .
Back to School Night for semester one is Thursday, September 14th. We hope to see you there!
Thank you.
Mrs. Dowling
Ms McLaughlin
My child ______and I have read the above expectations.
______Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature Date