Diocese of Arundel & Brighton & Hove Deanery

Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Hove, East Sussex

Supplementary Information Form

For admission in 2017 – 2018

This form should be completed when applying for a place in a Catholic School in the Diocese of Arundel &Brighton.

Please note that it is not mandatory to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). However, the SIF is an important document that allows governors to rank applications in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria. The school therefore asks all applicants to complete a SIF. Please note without a completed and returned SIF, it is likely the governors will only be able to rank the application in the last oversubscription category.

To complete the SIF:

If the child is a CATHOLIC, please complete Part 1, Part 2A and Part 4, and then hand the SIF to the priest where the child worships. He will complete Part 2B and return the SIF to the school.

If the child is NOT a Catholic but a member of another Christian denomination or another faith, please complete Part 1, Part 3A(i) or 3A(ii) and Part 4 and then hand the SIF to the minister/faith leader. He/She will complete Part 3B and return the SIF to the school

In addition to the SIF, to make a ‘valid’ application, you must also complete and return a Common Application Form (available from & returnable to the Local Authority)

PART 1 (To be completed by ALL parents or carers)

Name of school to which you are applying:______

Surname of child: ______Forename(s) of child: ______

Date of birth: ______

Child’s present school:______

Name(s) of siblings who will be attending the school at the time of admission: ______

Child’s home address *: ______Postcode______

Parent/Carer Name: ______Address: ______Contact Tel: ______

Email Address:______

Faith Declaration:

-If your child is a member of the Catholic Church or another denomination or faith, please complete either A) or B) below, as appropriate

-If neither A) or B) applies to your child, please go straight to Part 4 of this form.

A)I confirm the child is a member of the Catholic Church? Yes

Date and place of Baptism (or Reception into Church if applicable): ______

If ‘yes’, now go to Part 2A


B)I confirm the child is a member of another denomination/faith? Yes

Which denomination/faith?______

Date and place of Baptism/Dedication (if applicable): ______

If ‘yes’, now go to Part 3A (i) or (ii)

*This should be a residential property that is your child’s only or main residence at which your child spends the majority of weekday nights. (see notes in admissions policy)


PART 2A (To be completed by CATHOLIC APPLICANTS)

Mass normally attended: Saturday evening vigil at: ______(time)

or Sunday at: ______(time)

Parish in which you live (e.g. St Peter’s, Hove) ______Usual place of worship (if different): ______

If you’ve recently moved to the parish please give details of your previous parish ______

How often does the Weekly or at least Once or twice Less than Does not

Child attend services:- 3 times/month a month once a month attend

PART 2B (To be completed by CATHOLIC PRIESTS ONLY)

I am satisfied that the child is a baptised Catholic (or where applicable), has been received into the Church Yes No

Evidence of practice:

*Please delete as appropriate:

*I certify that ______has signed this self-declaration form and that the information he/she has given concerning the child’s religious practice is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

*I certify that ______has signed this self-declaration form. I have recorded below, under ‘comments’, any reservations that I may have concerning the accuracy of the information on religious practice.

Signature of Priest: ______Date: ______

Priest’s name: ______(Please Print)

Parish (or ethnic chaplaincy): ______Tel: ______


Any additional information (please list below):


Parish stamp or seal:

Date: ______

Instruction to the priest: Please complete Part 2B and return form by 31st October 2016 to the Admissions Officer, Cardinal Newman Catholic School.


PART 3A (i)

(To be completed by APPLICANTS of OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS that are part of Churches Together in England)

Parish / faith community in which you live: ______

Usual designated place of Sunday worship (if different): ______

If you’ve recently moved, please give details of your previous parish or designated place of worship______

How often does the Weekly or at least Once or twice Less than Does not

Child attend services 3 times/month a month once a month attend

PART 3A (ii)

(To be completed by APPLICANTS of OTHER FAITHS)

Parish / faith community in which you live: ______

Usual designated place of worship (if different): ______

If you’ve recently moved, please give details of your previous parish or designated place of worship______

How often does the Weekly or at least Once or twice Less than Does not

Child attend services 3 times/month a month once a month attend



I am satisfied that the child has been baptised/dedicated/become a member of the faith Yes No

Evidence of practice:

*Please delete as appropriate:

*I certify that ______has signed this self-declaration form and that the information he/she has given concerning the child’s religious practice is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

*I certify that ______has signed this self-declaration form. I have recorded below, under ‘comments’, any reservations that I may have concerning the accuracy of the information on religious practice.

Signature of Minister/faith leader______Date: ______

Minister/faith leader: ______(Please Print)

Denomination/faith: ______Tel: ______

Date: ______


Any additional information (please list below):


Parish stamp or seal:

Instruction to minister/faith leader:Please complete Part 3B & return form by 31st October 2016 to the Admissions Officer, Cardinal Newman Catholic School.


PART 4 (To be completed by ALL parents or carers)

I confirm that I have completed a Local Authority Common Application Form

Yes No

I confirm that I have read and understood the Admissions Policy and that the information I have given on this form is accurate and truthful. I understand that I must notify the school immediately if there is any change to these details and that should any information I have given prove false, the governors may withdraw any offer of a place even if the child has already started school:

Signed: ______Parent/Carer

Date: ______


  • Apply on line or return the Application Form to the Local Authority by the closing date 31st October 2016
  • Return the following to the Admissions Officer, Cardinal Newman Catholic School by 31st October 2016:
  • Photo copy of child’s Baptismal Certificate/Dedication (where applicable)
  • Supplementary Information Form
  • Proof of Address

Proof of Address ie:

  • photo-copy of your Child Benefit or tax credit statement, bank/building society statement or letter, showing your name, your child’s name and your home address or
  • photo-copy of your child’s medical card showing your home address or
  • letter from Social Services or the Housing Department confirming placement at your address

Plus one of the following

  • Copy of a current Tenancy Agreement
  • solicitor’s letter confirming the date that contracts were exchanged and the proposed completion date if you are about to move house; you must have exchanged contracts or entered into a binding Tenancy Agreement by 25th January 2017
  • copy of a recent utility bill for your home address showing usage
  • copy of your driving licence
  • letter from National Asylum Support Services (NASS)
