For this project, you will create a globe out of a pumpkin. You will use your knowledge of geography, an atlas, class notes, internet, and/or our geography book to help you.
Your globe should include:
Seven major continents
Four major oceans (extra credit will be given to the newly added fifth ocean)
Lines of longitude and latitude labeled with their numbers/degrees
Prime Meridian
Any four major landforms and four human features (with the coordinates)
Compass rose
Please make your globe as neat, creative, and accurate as possible.
**You may include additional information for extra credit.
What Works Best
Using acrylic paint, nail polish, or permanent markers (be careful not to smudge) tends to work best, but you can use your resources and imagination.
Tempera/poster paint tends to peel.
Start with a medium sized pumpkin (about 12-15 inches high). If it’s too small, it will be difficult to get the shapes on correctly. If it’s too big, it may end up being too much work. Students may bring their pumpkin to school to work on them in class for one week (2 class periods –week of October 6th -10th). If students chose not to bring the pumpkin to school, they may work on the research part (finding the coordinate for landforms, etc.) in class.
Do NOT carve the pumpkin; however, use your creativity. You may glue/hot glue various items (gum drops, cotton balls, Twizzlers, whatever you think would be best or have available) to represent your features.
**If you have any questions, please ask.
DUE DATE______
Name______Homeroom ______
Pumpkin Globe Rubric / Self Evaluation / Teacher EvaluationDrew continents and labeled them (14 points)
Drew oceans and labeled them (8 points)
Labeled at least 4 major landforms (8 points)
Labeled at least 4 human features (8 points)
Drew a compass rose (3 points)
Drew and labeled the Equator (3 points)
Drew and labeled the Prime Meridian (3 points)
Drew & labeled lines of longitude with degree number
(10 points)
Drew & labeled lines of latitude with degree number
(10 points)
Did you give the absolute location of each landform and human feature? (8 points)
Creativity (10 points)
Neatness (10 points)
On Time? (5 points)
Demonstrates Understanding of Basic Concepts: I W P B
Participates in Project: I W P B
Demonstrates Effort: * + ^ - / TOTAL: /100
Middle School Grade: A B C D F