/ Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle aspire to:
  • Be centred on the person of Jesus Christ and grounded in the Scriptures, in the teachings, traditions of faith and prayer in the Catholic Church and the witness of its past and present saints and scholars
  • Be an integral part of the evangelising mission of the Church, and reflect Gospel values of justice, truth, peace, forgiveness, love, reconciliation and service of one another
  • Promote the active partnership of home, parish and school and recognise the family as the primary focus of the educational process
  • Recognise the individuality and dignity of each young person, and foster the development of each one’s unique potential and spirituality
  • Develop a challenging, authentic and inclusive educational environment that encourages lifelong learning
  • Be enlivened by staff, both teaching and non-teaching, who are dedicated, committed and generous in their efforts on behalf of young people
  • Acknowledge our responsibility to be stewards of our earth and all of God’s creation

School Vision Mission Statement


Vision Statement:

St Pius X High School seeks to be a community which is:
  • authentically Catholic
  • just, caring and sensitive to the needs of all its members
  • committed to promoting a strong and vibrant school spirit, and to inspiring all students to do their best.
Mission Statement:
St Pius X High School is a Catholic community dedicated to the education of young people in an environment that is safe and caring.

School Profile

/ St Pius X High School is a vibrant, positive, future-directed Catholic School community belonging to the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
St Pius X High School is a junior co-educational Catholic high school catering for students in Years 7 to 10. Our student population is just over 1000 and we have a staff of 105 (71 teachers & 34 Support Staff). The school is located in Park Avenue, Adamstown and draws pupils from the local Catholic primary schools including St Therese’s Primary School, New Lambton, St John’s Primary School, Lambton, St Patrick’s Primary School, Wallsend, St James’ Primary School, Kotara South, St Columba’s Primary School, Adamstown, Holy Family Primary School, Merewether Beach, St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether and Our Lady of Victories Primary School, Shortland. On completion of Year 10, our students move on to St Francis Xavier’s College at Hamilton for Years 11 & 12. Together, all of the schools mentioned here form the Central Cluster of the Maitland/Newcastle Diocese.
The school buildings are situated on spacious grounds and occupy six different levels. Since 2006 a large amount of work has been done to improve the physical and environmental aspects of the school.
A Master Plan has been developed for the school. Catholic Block Grant Authority (CBGA) grants were obtained to complete Stages 1 and 2 of this Master Plan. Stage 1 was completed in July 2012 and consisted of the complete refurbishment of the Factory Wing of the school to provide many excellent, modern teaching facilities, and a partial refurbishment of the Administration area. Although not funded by the CBGA money, our Canteen was refurbished and work was also done on our Bus Shelter/COLA at the same time as the Stage 1 works to transform this area into a usable area for PE Practical lessons and a whole-school assembly point. Stage 2 of the Master Plan was completed in 2014. Stage 2 included the construction of new TAS Workshops (Woodwork) and a Marine Science laboratory on the ground floor of the Western Block, the refurbishment of the Metal Work Workshop and Textiles Room, the refurbishment of the existing TAS Workshop areas as two Science Labs to replace the old labs on Level 6, the refurbishment of these old labs as three general purpose classrooms, the provision of two new student toilet blocks and the beautification of the western block of the school. Also completed in 2014 was the construction of the new Sr Marie Centre on Level 5, replacing Sr Marie Hall which burnt down in 2012.
As can be seen from the above, St Pius has undergone considerable upgrading and refurbishment in recent times. This work will continue over the next few years to enable us to provide students with 21st century education in 21st century facilities.
At St Pius X High School we strive to offer students the best in pastoral care in a safe, welcoming environment. We offer a variety of high quality experiences designed to nurture spiritual awareness and faith development. Teachers strive to deliver high quality teaching to create the best possible academic, sporting and cultural learning opportunities for all students. Many opportunities exist for the development of positive social skills. At St Pius X we challenge students to use their abilities, gifts and talents to the full. We encourage and nurture students to develop a positive self-concept, an active sense of service of others, an acceptance of the diversity of people and cultures, a steadfast self-discipline and a strong work ethic.
At St Pius we believe that students should be encouraged and enabled to take responsibility for their own learning. We believe that student centred learning in interactive learning environments has a role to play in accomplishing this goal. In this philosophy, high quality teaching and learning is seen as a moral imperative. The provision of excellent teaching that facilitates student engagement, sets high expectations, encourages creativity and ensures a high level of social support for all students is seen as essential to enabling the best possible learning outcomes for students.
Over recent years we have introduced various types of technology as a tool to facilitate student centred learning. This has included the introduction in 2012 of the 1:1 student laptop program in Year 10, 1:1 computer availability for Year 9, interactive whiteboard systems in most classrooms, video-conferencing, the MNLive Learning Gateway, virtual classrooms and access to Maths Online. In 2014 we commenced a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) tablet computer program with Years 7 & 9 to coincide with the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum in those Years. This program will be extended to Years 7 & 9 again in 2015, so that all students in the school will have access to digital technology in the classroom. Our Internet access was greatly expanded in 2014 to facilitate this plan. All Teachers have access to tablet computers as well.
Ultimately, we want teachers to relinquish the role of “gatekeeper to knowledge” and to feel comfortable in the role of learning guide, learning mentor, learning coach and learning consultant. We want students in classrooms to have ready access to technology, software, the internet and to whatever web tools are appropriate for the particular learning they are doing at a particular time. We want students in classrooms to be working at their own pace, with appropriate programs and extra assistance available for those with special learning needs, including the gifted and talented. We want to encourage and foster an active, hands-on approach to learning. We want to encourage interactivity – between students and teacher, between students and students, between students and learning programs/tools/software and between students here at St Pius and the outside world, whether via guest speakers, excursions, workshops or video-conferencing to any part of the world. There is much staff professional development occurring at present in the area of contemporary pedagogy to enable this to be the case.
The challenge of secondary schooling today is an exciting one and requires a truly co-operative relationship between parents, students and staff. Good communication, honesty, trust and mutual respect are essential qualities of that relationship. St Pius X High School welcomes and encourages parental involvement and participation in the life of the school. The school is fortunate to have a dedicated and active P&F Association at the school. Parental input, opinions, suggestions and advice are sought on all manner of issues, including school policy decisions.
Within the school community there is a strong sense of confidence and hope in a bright future. In framing our Strategic Plan for the next two years, we do so with the best interests of our students in mind, always conscious of the fact that it is our moral duty to strive to provide the best in educational environments and experiences for our students at all times.

Strategic Intent Summary 2015–2016

In constructing our Strategic Plan, St Pius X High School has followed the learnings gleaned from the well-respected research of Douglas B Reeves on Strategic Planning. We have developed a focused and brief plan. The planrequires us to frequently analyse student performance, teaching strategies and leadership practices. It also requires us to evaluate initiatives in the school to assess their effectiveness.

“School leaders should embrace the importance of strategy by developing plans that are focused and brief and that provide consistent monitoring and evaluation. Most important, the teachers and leaders who implement strategic plans should begin the process with the confidence that their professional practices truly influence student achievement.”

~ Reeves (2008)

1. / Commitment to the nature and purpose of Catholic schools in the 21st Century
2. / A focus on learning
3. / High quality staff to deliver identified strategic priorities
4. / Contemporary framework for leadership that builds capacity
5. / Provision of a high quality teaching and learning environment
6. / Ensure transparency and accountability across all aspects of our school

Key Strategic Areas

The six Key Strategic Areas of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle reflect the strategic priorities to be addressed over the next 2 years.

Key areas define the framework for the Plan and are:

  • Priority areas for Action
  • The ‘Core Business’ of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic School System
  • Strategic to the CSO and schools and critical to their success, effectiveness and accountability

Strategic Intent Statements

Strategic Intent statements are aspirational. They define what outcomes the school is striving to achieve in the six key areas.

Strategic Intent will evolve from a range of sources including:

the school’s vision, values and environmental context

the Catholic Schools Forming Catholic Minds and Hearts 2013-2015 Strategic Plan and CSO system priorities identified for the year

analysis of student outcomes from the school self-evaluation and school review or SEVDEV outcomes

information from Annual Audit

the strategic planning community consultation process

discussion with other schools, networks and other providers

the government’s priorities for education and early childhood development.

Schools have the flexibility to define their strategic intent according to the needs of their school however they must be within one of the six key areas.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators are statements of outcome.

KPIs bring sharp focus to where the school intends to be by the end of the year. As such, they state the school’s clear intentions for the strategic intent.

Key Question:

If you were successful in implementing this particular strategic intent, what would success look like?

Key Performance Indicators are:

Reflective of the school’s Mission

High impact, whole school (ie, are for whole school improvement)

Fundamental to the school’s achievements and success

Are written explicitly for Key Areas and Strategic Intent Statements

Achievable and measurable

Able to be validated with evidence

May include targets

Reviewed and revised annually

Generally written in the past tense as if already achieved


1.Commitment to the nature and purpose of Catholic schools in the 21st Century


1.1Renew our school vision, mission and values statements to reflect the purpose of St Pius as a Catholic School in the 21st Century.

1.2Implement the recommendations of the review into the teaching of Religion in secondary schools.

1.3Promote student access to Eucharistic celebrations in school, parish and regional settings.

1.4Support and resource active and meaningful daily prayer in our school.

1.5Ensure social justice awareness and charitable works programs reflective of Catholic social teaching are in place at St Pius.

1.6Develop and implement a program of retreat and formation experiences for staff.

1.7Promote a sense of invitation, welcome and inclusivity between school and parish.

Quality LearninG

2.A focus on learning


2.1Develop St Pius as a Professional Learning Community (PLC).

2.2Establish a focus on the use of data to inform teaching and enhance learning for all students.

2.3Investigate and promote contemporary pedagogical and ICT approaches to support excellence in teaching and learning.

2.4Identify and implement strategies for improving literacy and numeracy across KLAs.

2.5Ensure access to a broad and differentiated curriculum for all students.


3.High quality staff to deliver identified strategic priorities


3.1DevelopProfessional Learning Teams (PLTs) and provide them with time to meet regularly.

3.2Provide teachers with professional learning opportunities in contemporary pedagogy.

3.3Encourage and assistteachers to attain the appropriate level of AITSL Accreditation.

3.4Implement systems that assist teachers to reflect upon and review their own performance at regular intervals.

3.5Explore, identify and develop mentoring programs and structures to support the development of newly appointed teachers.


4.Contemporary framework for leadership that builds capacity


4.1Encourage leaders and potential leaders to attend relevant professional development.

4.2Promote opportunities for staff to experience leadership positions at various levels as they arise.

4.3Promote and nurture student leadership and an active Student Representative Council.

Meeting Student NeedS

5.Provision of a high quality teaching and learning environment


5.1Provide teaching and learning support to enhance learning for special needs and indigenous students.

5.2Provide specific programs to engage and extend gifted and talented students.

5.3Provide the necessary support structures to facilitate a “whole school” approach to pastoral care, behaviour support and student wellbeing.

5.4Provide high quality, contemporary teaching and learning spaces and school site.


6.Ensure transparency and accountability across all aspects of our school


6.1Continue to implement the ideas, plans and decisions made by staff at our 2014 Conference “St Pius At Its Best”.

6.2Provide appropriate support and resources to promote the safety and well-being of staff.

6.3Significantly reduce expenditure on printing through increased use of digital technology.

6.4Promote the Factory Entertainment Complex as an income stream for St Pius.

6.5Plan for Stage 3 of our School Master Plan.

6.6Monitor student performance, teaching strategies and leadership practices regularly.

6.7Evaluate all initiatives that run in the school to assess their effectiveness.