In attendance: Chair: Peter Cloke

Dr T J Douglas, Carolyn Partington,Kathryn Allen,Carl Raynes,

Peter Hinchliffe,Sandra Boot,Jean Wright, Maureen Rogers,

Brian Lenihan,Paul Barson.

Apologies: Ken Ward, Lorraine Platt,Iain St John, J M Reynolds,

Jeanette Williams, Kennedy Lowe.

Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

Matters arising

  • Anston Phone system –CP updated that we have had the new phones put in. We are just waiting for IT to sort out a problem with the band width with the Weston Group. We are hoping to switch it on before the next meeting! All patients ringing will be held in a queue and told what number they are in the queue.

Medicines Management – Patient experience of ordering meds – Stuart Lakin

  • Unfortunately nobody turned up from medicines management and no apology was received either before or after the meeting.

Electronic Prescribing

  • It was reported that so far the electronic prescribing was going very well. All the staff and GPs have been trained and quite a few patients have signed up with the pharmacies. It helps reception in dealing with any queries over missing prescriptions as they can track where the prescriptions are in the process.
  • Prescriptions are still done in 48 hours and the pharmacies can put in the monthly request.
  • Woodsetts patients who do not use their dispensary are able to sign up for EPS. It is not worthwhile to put the EPS software in the dispensary. It was discussed that funding at Woodsetts would be affected if patients left the dispensary to go to another pharmacy for EPS.

Extra Funding

  • CP announced that we had put in a bid for some extra equipment and managed to get a new phlebotomy chair for Woodsetts. MR was very grateful.

Key Priorities

  • The group was asked for ideas on its key priorities for the current year. KJA suggested we could look at how we support Carers. KJA explained a new referral service that we are piloting for Carers of patients with Dementia. It provides extra support and information and some funding for respite care.
  • Communications – the group suggested we look at how the Practice communicates and if we could improve things like getting patient’s email addresses and using texting. It was suggested that we could do presentations in places like schools to promote our IT systems and how patients can contact us via the website etc. It was suggested that we capture email addresses when patients register
  • Interacting with Local Groups- it was suggested that the Practice could go and do talks or small teaching sessions in the community. GPs could go and talk about the appointment system to educate patients. It was discussed and thought that there was a problem with time and resource to achieve this. The PPG members can be ambassadors for the Practice and discuss things at WI’s etc. The PPG are the eyes and ears of the Practice and can take part in surveys and helping to explain them. An access survey was discussed with having a few questions to see if things have improved but all the questions we previously asked are now done nationally. CR stated that we have had no formal complaints about access since we began the triage system.

PPG Networking Group Meeting 3 March 2015

  • PC fed back regarding the meeting. Julie Kitlowski the chair of the CCG presented to them on the programme for the coming year. The NHS Trust has overspent by 4 million and needs a major saving programme. The Rotherham CCG has now taken over control of many areas from NHS England. The plan is to save 75 million over the next 5 years. It was explained that the hospital had overspent and the community and GP side had bailed them out.
  • The new emergency centre is starting to be built.
  • The terms of reference for the PPG networking group were agreed.
  • Medicines management discussed the issue of waste in medication.
  • FFT – there is a wide variation in uptake. It was agreed that we had a good response to it.
  • The next PPG networking group has been cancelled as there is a Healthy balance event on 3 June 2015 and all PPG members are invited to it (at New York Stadium). PC will go a report back at the next meeting

Patient Feedback

  • CR discussed the details of the 6 complaints that we have had since the last meeting. Some were regarding clinical treatment, one about the message on the phones when we are closed for training, another about a patient wanting midwife telephone number and reception refusing to give it out as it is not policy, another with problems getting through on the phone.
  • Problems with identifying patients who go through Healthwatch to complain was discussed. It is difficult to deal with anonymous feedback.
  • FFT – the FFT results for January & February 2015 were discussed. Overall they are very good with lots of positives. The group were shown how the Practice communicates the results to the public both in the practice and on the website. It was commented by the PPG members that compared to how many patient we see it is very good. The feedback regarding receptionists has improved and the Practice does receive a lot of thank- you gifts. It was explained that patients can fill in the FFT form at any time and we particularly promote if by giving it to nearly every patient on the Fifteenth of each month.

PMS review / Contract changes

  • CP will update at the next meeting due to lack of time. The Practice has had its PMS review and they are taking money off the Practice and giving opportunity to earn some back


  • Electronic discharge letters – we should be signing up to deal with discharge letters from wards at Rotherham hospital very soon. We will probably get about 10 a week. It should cut down time and improve communication between the Practice and the hospital

Next Meeting

10 August 2015

Summary of Actions

  • PC to report back on Healthy balance event at next meeting.
  • CP to discuss contract changes & PMS review at the next meeting