Baptism on March 31, 2013 (Easter Sunday)
CCCFC Student Ministry
4500 McDermott rd Plano, TX 75024 Phone: 214-387-8301 Website: CCCFC.ORG
Thank you for indicating an interest in being baptized here at CCCFC. We are very happy that you desire to publicly declare your personal faith in Jesus. Baptism is very important to us at CCCFC because it is very important to God, and it is a time for celebrating changed lives. CCCFC is all about the transformation of lives and of our community. We thank God that He has saved and brought you to this Family! Basic Information, Significant Steps, and information Packet (with application form) are included:
Basic Information
Baptism Class: Mar. 3, 10, 17 and 24
12:30-1:15 pm
Baptism: March 31, 2013
Where: DCFC Time: 2:30-3:30
Address: 2640 Glencliff dr., Plano, Texas 75075
Significant Steps:
1. Register for baptism as soon as possible.
2. Mark dates of your Baptism Class and Baptism on your calendar, and plan to arrive on time.
3. Complete your Baptism Application Form, or begin working on it before the Mar. 10 deadline.
4. Attend Baptism Classes (Mar. 3, 10, 17 and 24)
5. Prepare for your baptism.
6. Invite your family and friends to your baptism.
7. Be there on March 31, 2013 (arrive 15 minutes before the Baptism service)
We are really excited about your possible baptism. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at the church office (214) 387-8301. May God richly bless you as you consider your baptism!
Information Packet
What Is Baptism?
Baptism is one explicit instruction (sacrament) that Jesus gave to his followers. New life in Jesus consists of repenting of sins, believing in Jesus, receiving the Spirit, being baptized by water, and identifying with God’s community. The idea of an un-baptized or lone-ranger Christian was simply not entertained by the Early Church. Baptism is a public initiation into God’s community.
Why should I be baptized?
Although water baptism does not “save” you¾only God’s grace does through your personal faith in Jesus¾it has a significant role at the beginning of the Christian life. When you are baptized, it shows three important things about your Christian beginning:
· Obedience: "If Jesus said so, I'll do it."
Jesus specifically instructed that His followers be baptized after they had come into a saving relationship with Him. This is not merely a suggestion, but rather a command to be acted upon. In fact, beginning with the Early Church, the Christian church has practiced baptism throughout its history. Here at NewSong, we believe that baptism is an act of personal and community obedience that sets us on the right path for growth as followers of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Baptism indicates that we are serious about developing our relationship with Jesus, and following him fully.
· Identification: "I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and a member of his community."
We identify with Jesus Christ and his people when we are baptized. When you are physically baptized, you outwardly express the inward reality that you have now died to your old life, and are now resurrected to new life in Christ (Romans 6:3-4). You identify with Jesus Christ and make a public statement that along with his people you are a true follower of His as you are baptized in His name.
· Declaration: "I want others to know."
Not only do we privately acknowledge our belief in Christ, but we go public with our faith, and declare the fact that we have decided to become followers of Christ. This public declaration is a very meaningful experience for us as it is a time of community celebration and can be a public witness to others who have not yet decided to follow Christ (Acts 2:41, 47). It is also a powerful time for witnessing changed lives, and for telling our stories.
When should I be baptized?
As soon as you can if you have made the decision to believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-39). After you have trusted in Christ as your Savior and Lord, water baptism is your initiation into the Christian life and community. Hence, one of the first things you need to do as Christ’s follower is to be baptized. Don’t delay.
Should I be baptized at CCCFC?
The answer is “yes”, if you are not yet baptized, and:
· You have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
· You are ready to declare yourself as a follower of Christ.
· You understand what God intends baptism to symbolize.
· You desire to obey Jesus' instructions about baptism.
· You desire to identify with God’s people. (If you desire to call CCCFC Student Ministry your spiritual home)
How can I get baptized at CCCFC?
Look for the next Baptism Celebration date and Baptism Class time in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office at (214) 387-8301. Our next baptism will be on November 24, 2013. Here are a few simple steps that you need to take:
· Register as soon as possible.
You may sign up at our Info. Table (Youth Center) e-mail Roberto:
· Begin working on your Baptism Application and return it as soon as possible. We need to have all Applications in by March 10, 2013
· Attend the Baptism Class.
This class is required for all baptism candidates. It will be held 12:30-1:15 pm, Mar. 3, 10, 17 and 24 at Roberto’s Office. This class will help you to better understand the meaning and purpose of your baptism and to be better oriented to the procedure of baptism here as well as your continuing growth.
· Prayerfully prepare for your Baptism prior to the Baptism Sunday.
On page 6 of this information packet, there are some Scripture references to help you prepare for the baptism class. Please study the given passages and bring this page when you come to the Baptism Class. Prepare your heart for your baptism through prayer.
· Be at the Baptism Service Sunday, Mar. 31, 2013 @time: 2:30 – 3:30 pm.
At the baptism class you will be given a basic orientation regarding the logistics of the actual procedure of water baptism. If you are being immersed, please bring a towel, T-shirt and shorts/pants in which you want to be immersed. Have a dry change of clothes available.
· Invite your family and friends to this joyful celebration of your new life.
Since your baptism celebration happens only once in a lifetime, you may want to invite your friends and family to share your joy on that day. Prayerfully consider inviting your un-churched family and friends since this is a great opportunity to hear and witness the Good News.
We are excited for your baptism. Feel free to call us with your questions at the church office
(214) 387-8301. May God richly bless you as you prepare for your baptism!
Collin County Chinese Fellowship Church
4500 McDermott rd , Plano, Texas 75024 Phone: 214-387-8301
Baptism Application Form
Full Name / Birth Date
Address / City / State/Zip Code
Home Phone / Cell Phone / E-mail
Describe briefly why you want to be baptized.
From your understanding, what does it mean to be a Christian?
Under what circumstances did you accept Christ? If needed, continue on the backside of this sheet, or use a separate page for your personal testimony (relate what your life was like before you received Christ, how you received Christ, and how your life has been changed since receiving Christ.).
Area (s) of service you are interested in (CCCFC Student Ministry):
ÿ Worship Team / ÿ LeadershipTeam (S.M.A.T) / ÿ Greeterÿ TeamKid - Helper / ÿ Audio/Video / ÿ Publicity
ÿ Decorating Team / ÿ Set-Up Team / ÿ Newsletters
ÿ Scripture Reading / ÿ Visitation & Caring / ÿ Play musical Instrument
ÿ Church Office / ÿ Drama Team / ÿ Community service
ÿ Presider / ÿ Christmas shoe box / ÿ Children’s worship
Application’s signature: ______Date: ______
Parents or Guardian: ______Date: ______
A Study for Baptism Preparation
In this lesson you will look at some of the significant Scriptures on baptism and attempt to find out why Jesus wants His followers to be baptized. You will also discover what the physical symbol of water baptism means for believers. To the best of your ability, write down your thoughts on the following questions. Please bring this sheet with you to the Baptism Class.
Please read the following and write down your thoughts on the questions.
· Matthew 28:19-20 (Mark 16:15-16). In Jesus' marching orders to His disciples, what importance do you think Jesus placed on baptism?
· Romans 6:3-4. Water baptism is symbolic. According to Romans 6, what do you think it symbolizes?
· Acts 8:26-40. Write down a timeline of events in the Ethiopian's life that ended with his water baptism.
· Acts 16:25-34. Write down a timeline of events in the life of the jailer, which ended in his water baptism.
Preparing a personal Testimony
I. Why prepare a personal testimony?
A. Careful organization insures that your testimony will be clear, simple, and attractive.
B. Common objections to a prepared testimony are that it will be
II. How to prepare a personal testimony
1. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and guidance as you prepare.
2. Follow a three-point outline:
a. Life before knowing Christ (your goal in presenting a testimony is not to tell “YOUR STORY” but to present, in an interesting way HOW a person can come to know Christ personally and WHY by telling how it happened to you!)
b. How you came to know Christ.
c. Life after you received Christ (changes He has made; what He means to you now)
3. Begin with an interesting, attention-getting sentence and close with a good conclusion.
4. Speak in such a way that others will feel associated with you in past and present experiences.
5. Give enough details to arouse interest.
6. Use at least one, but no more than two Scripture verses.
7. Edit carefully and change as necessary before you give your testimony.
B. Don’t
1. Be too wordy, beat around the bush, or emphasize how bad you used to be.
2. Speak critically or negatively about any other individual
III. How to present a personal testimony
A. Before sharing your testimony
1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower you Acts 1:8
2. Be very familiar with your testimony and practice it.
B. While sharing your testimony:
1. Speak loudly and clearly in a natural, relaxed voice.
2. Avoid mannerisms when you speak, such as: rubbing your nose, jingling coins in your pocket, clearing your throat, using “uh’s”, and “ah’s”
3. Smile!
Before I received Christ I lived and thought this way:
How I received Christ:
After I received Christ these changes have taken (or are still taking) place:
CCCFC Youth ministry Page 8