15th July 2016
Dear Parent/Carer,
Dinner Money - £2.00 per day
From September 2016 Sunderland Council are increasing the cost of School Meals. It will now be £2.00 per day.
Dinner money must be brought into school every Monday morning (unless paying half termly or termly then it must be paid in advance at the start of term.) It must be in an envelope (you can get this from the school office if needed) clearly marked with your child’s name. This would greatly help with the office administration of dinner money.
It is school policy not to let more than two weeks worth of dinner money to be outstanding. If your child moves onto packed lunch, all money owed must be cleared within two weeks of them changing.
Options for paying dinner money next term are:
Option 1Payment every half term – by cash, cheque or online (payable to City of Sunderland) on the first day back to school
(Tuesday 6thSeptember 2016) for amount of £68.00
For the 6week, 4 dayhalf term.
Option 2Payment by cheque or cash - £10.00 per week.
Option 3E-payment - on-line payments via City of Sunderland website, further information overleaf. Weekly£10.00, half termly£68.00or termly£142.00.
If your child wishes to change from packed lunch to school meals or vice versa please
let the school office know, this can only be done on a half-termly basis to keep dinner
numbers and accounts correct.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Mr Gary Wright
Head Teacher
Online Instructions for E-payments
- Click onto “Do it Online” – “Pay for It”
- Please select Schools Miscellaneous Income
- Search for Usworth Colliery Primary School
- A drop down menu will appear, asking you which service you wish to pay for i.e. School Meals, Music, School Visits.
- Complete fields. Please note: the message box is a mandatory field and must include as much information as possible i.e. child’s name and class number; amount paid and what the payment relates to i.e. School Meals, Music, School Visit (include destination and date of visit)
- Continue: the next screen will ask if you wish to continue with payment or whether you require another service. If you have multiple payments click add another service function which will take you back to step 2. It is extremely important to opt for add another service function if you are paying for various lessons/meals/visits as this will allocate your child’s payment to the correct account.
- Input card details.
- Once payment has been processed you will receive a confirmation email and school will receive a notification email stating payment has been made.