Dining Service for the Porter Cafe
Issued: October 18, 2016
Due: November 10, 2016
University of California Santa Cruz
The University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) is inviting proposals from a group of restaurant food vendors (“vendors”) who wish to be considered for selection as a restaurant operator and provider of a menu offering main-stream vegan and vegetarian options at the UCSC location known as Porter Café.
All information required by this Request for Proposal (RFP) must be provided in order to be considered as “responsive” to the requirements. No proposals will be received after 5:00 p.m. November 10, 2016.However, the Universityreserves the right to request, receive, and evaluate supplemental information after the above time and date at its sole determination.
The proposals shall be submitted (via email or mail) as a whole document - responses must not be submitted piecemeal. Mailed proposals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes marked on the outside, “Request for Proposal, Dining Service for the Porter Café – Restaurant Vendor”.
Proposal should be submitted to:
Michael Yamauchi-Gleason
University of California, Santa Cruz
Porter College, College Administrative Office
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(831) 459-5015 //
Note: Please call ahead, if you intend to deliver in person.
Informational inquiries should be directed to:
Michael Yamauchi-Gleason
831-459-5015 //
Key Action Dates:
Release of RFP / October 18, 2016Bidder’s Conference and Tour / October 26, 2016
RFP due date / November 10, 2016
Interview and Taste Testing (Top vendors) / November 29, 2016
Award Date (approximate) / December 8, 2016
Lease Commencement (approximate) / January 6, 2017
Porter College is looking for a new vendor to occupy their 1,647square foot indoor restaurant area. Porter Café is located on campus at Porter College in Building C. Please refer to the following link to the campus map:
The property consists of a cooking/prep and service area that is 397 square feet, a kitchen storage area that is 301 square feet, café cold storage area that is 75 square feet, café dining closet which is 9 square ft, café dish washing area that is 111 square feet and dining area that has seating and table space for 34 people totaling 754 square feet, outdoor seating for 16 peopleand indoor mezzanine seating for 12 people.
The property has a kitchen sufficient for on-site preparation of casual food, a serving area,a walk-in cooler and dishwashing area. The University will provide the vendor with a sundry IT account for on-line training requirements and may provide Internet access, compliant with UC policy. IT costs may be charged to vendor for Internet access.
Refer to Attachment A,copy of the Porter Café floor plans; Attachment B, Landlord Equipment List, Attachment C, Academic Calendar and Attachment D, Porter Cafe Restaurant Hours of Operation.
The vendor for the Café will be selected on or aboutDecember 8, 2016and the opening date is expected to be in early 2017, which is the start of Winter Quarter classes. Dates are subject to change depending on minor repairs and installation schedules.
UCSC Demographic Data
UC Santa Cruz has a current enrollment of more than 17,000 graduate and undergraduate students. In addition, UCSC employs approximately 7,300 staff and faculty. Over 9,200 students, faculty, and staff live on campus. On average, over 25,000 people visit the UCSC campus on a daily basis during the fall, winter, and spring quarters.
We anticipate Porter Café will serve a variety of customers including students (85%), faculty, staff, and other visitors (15%). Approximately 2,000 student residents live in the vicinity of the café.Most students with a campus meal plan will have a cash balance (Flexi dollars) that can be used in any campus restaurant, at the election of the restaurant vendor. Refer to Attachment E - Flexi-Dollar Terms.
Current UCSC Food Service Operations
During the academic year (late September to mid-June), dining service is provided (cash and credit card sales) in other campus locations. These facilities are mentioned below and included for informational purposes only; they are not part of the bid. Most of these are closed during the summer months (mid-June to late September). Their operational hours are variable depending upon their type of service, target population, and university needs. Most offer day, evening, and weekend service. They are as follows:
-5 Dining Halls - operated by University Dining Services (Crown/Merrill, Cowell/Stevenson, Porter/Kresge, College 9/10, and Rachel Carson College/Oakes).Porter/Kresge, Cowell/Stevenson, Rachel Carson College/Oakes, Crown/Merrill, and College 9/10 are open for Continuous Dining, Monday-Friday. Dining Halls open at 6:30 am and (other than late night dining) close at8 pm. Dining halls also open for Brunch (10am - 2pm) and Dinner (5pm - 7pm) on weekends. The Porter/Kresge Dining hall closes at 7 pm M-F and is closed on weekends.
-11 Coffee Shops/Restaurants operated by Dining Services and other off-campus vendors- (Cowell Coffee Shop, Stevenson Coffee House, Merrill Restaurant- Vivas Organics, Crown - Banana Joe's, Kresge – Owl’s Nest, Rachel Carson College Restaurant, Oakes Café, Global Village by Amazon Juices, and The University Center Restaurant Terra Fresca). Schedules of coffee shops and restaurants vary from college to college; most are open during the morning (8am) until late afternoon (4pm) or into the evening (10pm). The Bay Tree Bookstore sells coffee and snacks. Weekend schedules vary.
-Coffee Kiosks (4)- operated by University Dining Services and located in the following Academic buildings: Earth & Marine Sciences, Physical Sciences Building, University Center and Baskin Engineering. Most kiosks are open from 7:30am to 4pm M-F, varying on academic schedule.
Visit the UCSC dining website to view all the food service operations/dining information on campus.
To view dining locations in proximity to the Porter Café location, view the campus maps and search dining to view all dining locations located on campus.
The Porter Café vendor will offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal options emphasizing ethnic food and ingredients obtained locally to the extent possible, and preferably prepared on-site at the Porter Café. Pre-packaged items will be permitted as a small percentage of the menu mix. In addition, compostable disposables should be used whenever feasible. The distribution of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products will not be permitted in the Porter Café.
The Porter Café is expected to provide service throughout the calendar year with the exception of legal holidays and campus closure(s). As an example, the 2016-2017 campus calendar is provided as Exhibit C and can be reviewed at the calendar changes each year. Services can be scaled back during the summer and during finals week each quarter as negotiated with Porter College. The leased premises will include the equipment listed in Attachment B.
Vendors are encouraged to conform to the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices and the Food Services subsection for third party certified sustainability criteria that meets both campus and system wide goals located at the following url: a minimum requirement is that no bottled water be sold.
A recent survey of the UCSC community indicated that the top five desired food items are espresso/coffee/tea, salads, sandwiches, smoothies/fresh juices, in that order. The results also indicated that 70% of the campus community would be willing to pay a maximum of $10 for lunch, 26% would be willing to pay a maximum of $15 for lunch, and only 4% would be willing to pay $20 or more. Participants expressed an interest in healthy, sustainable, and hormone/antibiotic free foods. The vendor must provide a variety of healthy dining options. The survey results are available upon request.
The vendor will collaborate with Porter College on hosting events in the café. Special events held in the café must be University-related. All events need to be reviewed and approved by the Porter College Administrative Officer (CAO) prior to holding a special event.
Interior décor will be provided by the vendor. Proposed decorations provided by the vendorneed to be reviewed and approved by the Porter College CAO.
The vendor will pay Porter College a monthly rental rate. Typically, the on-campus rate is an 8 percent commission based on the restaurant’s operation’s Net Sales (defined as gross food service and catering sales less sales tax) with a minimum base amount of $600.00 that must be paid every month.
The goals of this program include creating an effective working relationship between Porter College and the vendor that:
- Offers reasonably priced, high-quality meals, snacks, and specialty coffee/espresso/tea drinks, with meal options emphasizing fresh, healthy ingredients. The vendor must provide diet-sensitive options such as vegan, vegetarian and gluten free offerings.
Demonstrates commitment to environmental responsibility and agricultural sustainability, including experience with and/or commitment to recycling and use of sustainable materials. In addition to a commitment to recycling, the vendor should be willing to work within the provided University infrastructure to compost and provide compostable food service ware for customer use.The vendor will ideally serve sustainably sourced food items that include hormone and antibiotic free, organic, fairly traded, and local products to the extent possible, conformance with the UC’s Policy on Sustainable Practices is preferred but not required, please refer to the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices and the Food Services subsection located at the following url: and the University’s sustainability goals located at the following url: Vendors who are Green Business Certified, or intend to be certified, will be preferred. A minimum requirement is that no bottled water be sold.
- Maintains a financially self-supporting and revenue generating program providing a dining service operation that supports and works in conjunction with Porter College.
- Adheres to UCSC principles of community.
- Operates during the academic calendar year with the option of operating during the summer to optimize facility utilization and provides exceptional customer service to clients.
- Implements and maintains a sound facility management program that ensures the maintenance, preservation, and safe operation of the supplied equipment and facility.
- Adheres to University business and environmental health and safety policies.
- Collaborates with Porter College on hosting events in the restaurant.
- Adheres to the University Title IX/Sexual Harassment policies.
- Adheres to the University’s Fair Wage Fair Work policies.
For more detailed campus lease terms, please refer toAttachment F– Standard Campus Lease Terms.
The request for proposal process will be evaluated in two different phases. Phase One will consist of participation in a bidder’s conference and inspection of premises, and submittal of the written response to the request for proposal. Based on the evaluation of the request for proposal responses, a short list of vendors will be invited to participate in Phase Two that includes an interview and taste testing session and a possible vendor site visit.
Phase One
Bidder’s Conference/Inspection of Premises
The University will offer a combined site visit and bidders conference/question and answer session. This important meeting will be offered only once. Vendors are invited to view the Porter Café prior to submitting a proposal in order to understand all requirements associated with the lease. Failure to do so shall not relieve the successful vendor from the necessity of furnishing and installing any materials and equipment, or performing any labor that may be required to carry out the intent of the resulting lease. The vendor will assume these costs. A meeting for vendors will be conducted as follows: 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday October 26, 2016 in Porter Café, located in Porter Building C. Bidders can park in Parking Lots 124 or 125, as spaces are available. There is a combination of metered spaces and permit spaces in these lots. Permits can be purchased at the parking kiosk at the main entrance of campus. For specific questions about this proposal or the selection process, please contact: Michael Yamauchi-Gleason at 831-459-5015 or .
The responses to the request for proposal are due November 10, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.
RFP Review and Selection Process
The Porter Café Selection Committee will evaluate proposals and select vendors to completethe second phase of the process.
Phase Two
Interview And Taste Testing
The short-listed vendors will be required to participate in an interview and taste-testing session. The purpose of the interview session is to provide the selection committee with information regarding the vendors’ and on- site manager’s experience and qualifications, and to evaluate the vendor’s and on-site manager’s interpersonal skills, dependability and flexibility. The taste testing session will provide the selection committee and invited Porter Café constituencies (staff, faculty and students) with the opportunity to evaluate the menu by tasting a representative sampling of the food being proposed in the menu, and to provide feedback to the selection committee.
Site Visit
Members of the selection committee may visit the vendor’s current operation, if deemed necessary.
Final Vendor Selection Process
The selection committee will evaluate the RFP responses, interview and taste testing session feedback, and vendor site visit feedback (if applicable), and submit a ranked list of finalists to the Porter Café Selection Committee, who will make the final decision.
Lease Commencement
It is the intent of the University to award the resulting lease agreement on or about December 8, 2016 with an opening date in early January 2017. Lease commencement may be delayed for completion of the move and installation of restaurant equipment as agreed upon by the vendor and the University.
General Requirements
A. The vendor shall furnish the data requested formatted in the order prompted. Statements are required to be complete and accurate, and we ask that you submit documents in order of the checklist. Omission, inaccuracy, or misstatement may be sufficient cause for rejection of proposal.
B. From the information requested, determination shall be made of the vendor’s financial and operational ability to conduct a successful business operation. As determined by the University, only proposals from financially responsibleorganizations or individuals will be considered. Financially responsible is defined as demonstrating profit over a number of years and solvency, enough assets to cover liabilities. Representatives from the University reserve the right to inspect the vendor's facilities and dining service equipment.
C. The University reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Final selection of the vendor will be based on the proposal which best meets the needs of the University/Porter College, with consideration given to the proposed rental rate, the quality of food produced, the suitability of the menu submitted, pricing, hours of operation, demonstrated ability to maintain a clean working environment, sustainability, and related practices.
D. Qualifying vendors must meet the following minimum qualifications:
●Conducted business within the State of California in the past year.
●Operated a food service program in at least one location during the past year.
●Operated a single dining service facility or coffee shop with an annual gross sales volume of at least $300,000in the past year.
●Be able to meet the insurance requirements as stipulated on page 19 of the lease terms.
●The county health permit must be in good standing.
Proposal Submission Requirements
Proposals should be clear and present an accurate representation of your offer. They should follow the guidelines provided in this section. Please address each item. Failure to include any of the proposal submission requirements sections may be grounds for disqualification. After an award has been made, all information submitted as part of a proposal is subject to public disclosure or inspection to the extent required under University policy and applicable law, including the California Public Records Act.
●Length of time and experience in the dining service field. Include experience, as applicable, in a university/college environment.
●Financial record. Include annual balance sheets and income statements for the last two to three years and your food service gross annual income for the previous two years associated with your current or recent operation. Also, include copies of your business tax returns for the last two years. Finalists may be asked to provide a copy of their credit report. All financial information will be confidentially held by the University, if the financial information is clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL,” subject to the requirements of University policy and applicable law, including the California Public Records Act.
●Proposed capital investment. Include a summary statement of investment funds that would be provided and utilized to set up a restaurant for Porter College and a detailed listing of equipment that will be required.
●Proposed Business Operations Plan. Include the vendor’s projected business plan for operation of Porter Café. Areas covered by the plan should include at a minimum the following:
- Proposed staffing plan. Include your proposed hours of operations, your serving procedures and proposed staffing levels for peak and non-peak service times, your hiring plan with proposed wage rates and the number of staff and student staff to be hired, which conforms to UC’s Fair Wage Policy, and describe your personnel policies, fringe benefits and plans for training staff. Include the amount of time you anticipate the manager to be on-site, and the food safety courses or programs successfully completed by the on-site manager.
- Percentage of food prepared on- and off-site, delivery schedules, methods of displaying and serving food, etc.
- Outline how you will meet goals of environmental responsibility and agricultural sustainability. Describe previous or planned commitment to waste reduction through recycling and composting, as well as using organic, hormone and antibiotic free, and/or locally grown ingredients.
- Detailed projection of start-up costs. Prior to award of the lease, the vendor may be required to demonstrate the availability of sufficient capital to defray start-up costs.
- Projected operating expenses in the categories of staff, food and staples, paper and other consumables, rent, and other routine operating expenses.Personnel costs should be presented in a form that demonstrates conformance to UC’s Fair Wage, Fair Work policy.
- Projected sales revenue with a detailed analysis to support the revenue projection.
- Copy of the latest valid County Health permit.
- Proposed menu. Include a menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and beverages. Include prices to be charged. Describe the items on the proposed menu and their ingredients, along with the recipe and portion sizes (in standard units of measurement) and the proposed method of preparation and presentation. The proposed menu shall emphasize fresh, healthy, sustainable, and hormone/antibiotic free ingredients that are obtained and prepared locally, where feasible and, at a minimum, include the following categories of food:
●Coffee, espresso, specialty coffee drinks, tea, hot cocoa, milk