HIV/AIDS Update for Health Care Professionals
with Alice Coulter, MSN, RN
Self Study
CONTACT HOURS: 2.5 ANCC Contact Hours.3.0 KBN Contact Hours.
ANCC Accreditation: Eastern Kentucky University, the Division of Continuing Education and Development, is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
American Nurses Credentialing Center approval of an individual continuing nursing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program content. Accredited Status as a provider does not imply ANCC endorsement of any commercial product.
KBN Provider Offering:#3-0007-12-17-111
KBN Approval: Eastern KentuckyUniversity, the Division of Continuing Education and Development, has been approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). Provider #3-0007. Expiration Date December 31, 2014. Kentucky Board of Nursing approval of an individual nursing education program does not constitute endorsement of program content.
Release Date: January 1, 2013
Expiration Date: December 31, 2014
Nursing Home Administrators: All programs approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing are considered pre-approved by the KBLNHA.
FEE: $40. Includes handout materials and contact hours.
TARGET AUDIENCE: This program is designed for nurses and other health care professionals.
LEARNING GOAL (PURPOSE): This program has been developed to meet the mandated AIDS education requirement in the state of Kentucky, including a basic medical and epidemiological information about AIDS and HIV; methods of transmission, prevention, and current medical treatment; and management of HIV in the healthcare workplace and other environments, consistent with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standards.
Alice Coulter, MSN, RN, professional work experience includes many areas of nursing, including Medical-Surgical, Surgical Services, Maternity, Infection Control, and Nursing Administration. She has served on EasternKentuckyUniversity faculty as a part-time clinical instructor for the Associate Degree Nursing program form 1999-2006, and became a full-time faculty member in Fall 2006.
- Recognize how HIV affects the human immune system.
2. Describe the history, virology, epidemiology, transmission and prevention of the HIV disease and AIDS.
- Discuss testing, diagnosis, the disease process, and current medical treatment.
- Describe some of the psychological and physical effects of HIV/AIDS, and the psychosocial impact of the disease on patients, families, and significant others, and caregivers.
- Discuss the implications, appropriate attitudes, rewards, and benefits for health care and the helping professionals who provide care for persons with AIDS or HIV disease.
- List services for the person with HIV/AIDS.
Receiving Credit: In order to receive contact hours, you need to read the packet and complete the post-test and activity evaluation. If you pass the post-test, you receive a CE certificate in the mail. If you fail, you have the option of completing the test again at no additional cost. All of the requirements must be met by providing necessary documentation.
Planning Committee Members:
Kathy Hall, RN-BC, MSN(NCEAC)
Director of EKU’s Division of Continuing Education & Development
Peggy Tudor, EdD, RN, CNE
Department Chair, EKU’s Associate Degree Nursing
Judy Ponder, RN, MSN (NCEAC)
Director of Hospital Education at Shriners Hospital for Children
Karen Kryscio RN, BC, MPH (ANA certification in Community Health Nursing) (NCEAC) Retired from the Lexington Fayette County Health Department.
Mary Reinle Begley, BSN (NCEAC)
Executive Director, Office of the Inspector General, Cabinet of Family and Health Service
Sherrie Isaacs, RN, BSN (NCEAC)
Medical Career Training Center, Richmond, KY
A. Denise Humphreys,Administrative Assistant (NCEAC)
EKU’s Division of Continuing Education & Development
N:\Colleges\chs\ced\Shared Files\Self Studies\HIVAIDS 2013 exp 12.2014\HIVAIDS Online Flier 2013.doc