IL 3016 (1280)
DIL PhD Writing Seminar
CRN 27525
Spring 2016
Posvar 5511
Every other Wednesday, 11 am – 12:45 pm
1 credit/HSU grading
This course is a writing workshop designed to provide DIL PhD students beyond their first year of study with regular feedback on their academic writing, including research articles, grant proposals, and milestone documents.
Ellice Ann Forman
(412) 648-7022
Office location: 5527 Posvar Hall
Office hours by appointment
Required Texts:
None. I will distribute short readings about academic writing via email as topics come up in our discussions.
Recommended Text:
Graff, G., Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. (2015). “They say/I say”: The moves that matter in academic writing with readings. (third edition). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Course Format:
• We will meet every other week starting the first week of the semester.
• Feel free to bring your lunch since we will meet over the lunch hour!
• Each week, one to two students will share their written work for feedback. The written work can be a milestone, article, research practicum paper, dissertation, research proposal – any kind of academic writing.
• We will also use the time for writing and revising.
This course is not a grade-focused course. The main goal of the course is for you to complete a major piece of writing by the end of the semester. An additional goal is to learn to give productive feedback to academic peers.
To earn a grade of S, you will need to distribute your writing to your peers, on time, twice per semester. You will also need to read your peers’ work carefully, make notes, and provide substantive feedback to your peers each time we meet. Feedback can be written or oral, but please bring notes on the major suggestions and ideas you wish to share with the writers for that week.
Class meeting dates for fall term
First class on 8/31/2016Please bring your laptops and current writing project
*Note: This date is three weeks after the previous date, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday on Nov. 23-25.