School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Digital Measures Guide
For Accreditation Data Entry

Nov. 1, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, SPHIS is in the process of drafting a self-study as part of the CEPH reaccreditation process that will culminate in a site visit in Jan. 2013. We will be using Digital Measures to capture some very important information about your research, service and professional activities over a CEPH-mandated three-year period (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012).

Having faculty enter and verify information in Digital Measures is crucial. We plan to collect this information in two phases:

·  Phase 1 Data Entry, July 1, 2009 – Dec. 31, 2011; Phase 1 data entry should be completed by Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 so it can be used in the Working Draft of the Self-Study document (due Feb. 15, 2012).

·  Phase 2 Data Entry, Jan. 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012. Our milestones are as follows: Phase 2 data entry should be completed by Friday, June 29, 2012 so it can be used in the Initial Self-Study document (due Aug. 16, 2012).


W. Paul McKinney, MD
Professor and Associate Dean

I. How to log in to Digital Measures

Step 1. Go to SPHIS home page:

II. Digital Measures Section Guide

The following sections are available in the “Manage Your Activities” tab. A brief explanation of the purpose of each section, how it is populated, and how the data may be used is provided next to each section heading. The symbol “ó” denotes a section that is required for accreditation.

General Information.

For the first six sections populated by PeopleSoft download, please verify the information and report any errors to . Do not modify the information in these sections, as these changes will be lost upon subsequent PeopleSoft downloads.

Personal Information. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download.
Contact Information. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download.
Citizenship. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download.
Education. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download for faculty.
Faculty Rank & Tenure. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download.
Job Information. This section is populated by PeopleSoft download.
Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc.
Administrative Assignments. This information is not required for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc.
ó / Awards and Honors. Please enter any awards and honors received. Examples, but not an exhaustive list, may be provided in the self-study document making this section relatively low-priority. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 9) for more information.
ó / Consulting. Please enter any consulting activities, paid or unpaid. Consulting types include Academic, For-Profit Organization, Government, Litigation, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or Other. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 9) for more information.
External Connections and Partnerships. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes.
Faculty Development Activities Attended. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc.
Licensures and Certifications. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc.
Media Contributions- This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc. In addition, please report any media contributions, such as TV interviews, radio talk shows, taped interviews, magazine/newspaper interviews, etc., going forward to the SPHIS News service account. As a reminder: all requests from the media should be routed through the university’s Office of Communications and Marketing prior to the activity taking place.
ó / Professional Memberships. Enter memberships in professional organizations, agencies, clubs, etc. Examples, but not an exhaustive list, may be provided in the self-study document making this section relatively low-priority. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 9) for more information.
Workload Information. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from the SPHIS faculty development database.


Academic Advising. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from the SPHIS faculty development database.
Directed Student Learning. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from the SPHIS faculty development database.
Non-Credit Instruction Taught. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from the SPHIS faculty development database.
Scheduled Teaching. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from the SPHIS SharePoint site.


Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits. This information is not applicable to SPHIS.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. Instead, it will be captured from PeopleSoft – University Reports.
ó / Intellectual Contributions. Enter any peer-reviewed or scientific publications. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 9) for more information.
Intellectual Property. This information is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes.
ó / Presentations. Enter any peer-reviewed oral or poster presentations. Do not include presentations to a lay audience, which will be captured from the Service – Public section. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 10) for more information.
ó / Research Currently in Progress. Enter any intramural or unfunded research activities. Examples, but not an exhaustive list, may be provided in the self-study document making this category relatively low-priority. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 10) for more information.


Department. Information regarding department-level committee memberships and service activities is not required in Digital Measures for accreditation purposes. However, individuals may wish to use Digital Measures to track this information for their curriculum vitae, promotion and tenure review, etc., and departments may use this section to track activities.
ó / College. Enter information regarding school-wide committee memberships and service activities, which will be used to verify dean’s office records. Since the information will be used for verification purposes only, this section is low-priority. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 10) for more information.
ó / University. Enter any university-wide committee memberships and service activities. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 10) for more information.
ó / Professional. Enter any extramural service activities, paid or unpaid, including work done with professional organizations and societies. Do not include: (a) peer-reviewed oral or poster presentations, which will be captured from the Scholarship/Research – Presentations section; or, (b) presentations to a lay audience, which will be captured from the Service – Public section. See the list of “Required Fields” (page 11) for more information.
Public. Enter any service activities involving the general public such as rotary club, church, sports teams, etc., including presentations to a lay audience. See the list of “Required Fields” for more information.

III. Required Fields

The following is a list of sections required in Digital Measures for accreditation reporting, as well as the required fields within those sections.

Section. / Required Fields.
Awards and Honors. / ·  Award or Honor Name
·  Organization/Sponsor
·  Purpose. Please select from dropdown menu: Leadership, Teaching, Scholarship/Research Service, Community Service, Professional Service, University
·  Scope. Please select from dropdown menu: International, National, Regional, State, Local, University, College, Department
·  Date Received
Consulting. / ·  Consulting Type. Please select from dropdown menu: Academic, For Profit Organization, Government, Litigation, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Other
·  Explanation of “Other” if applicable.
·  Client/Organization
·  Compensated or Pro Bono?
·  Brief Description
·  Start Date
·  End Date
Professional Memberships. / ·  Name of Organization
·  Abbreviation of Organization
·  Scope of Organization. Please select from the dropdown menu: International, National, Regional, State, Local
·  Start Date
·  End Date
Intellectual Contributions. / ·  Contribution Type. Select from dropdown menu: Book Review; Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-New; Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-Revised; Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New; Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-Revised; Book, Chapter in Textbook-New; Book, Chapter in Textbook-Revised; Book, Non-Scholarly-New; Book, Non-Scholarly-Revised; Book, Scholarly-New; Book, Scholarly-Revised; Book, Textbook-New; Book, Textbook-Revised; Broadcast Media; Cited Research; Conference Proceeding; Instructor's Manual; Journal Article, Academic Journal; Journal Article, In-House Journal; Journal Article, Professional Journal; Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal; Law Review; Magazine/Trade Publication; Manuscript; Material Regarding New Courses/Curricula; Monograph; Newsletter; Newspaper; Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper; Research Report; Software; Software, Instructional; Study Guide; Technical Report ;Translation or Transcription; Working Paper; Written Case with Instructional Material; Other
·  Explanation of “Other”. If applicable.
·  Status
·  Title
·  Authors. Please designate student authors.
·  If book chapter, Title of Book. If applicable.
·  Journal/Publisher/Proceedings Publisher.
·  City and State of Journal/Publisher. If applicable.
·  Volume. If applicable.
·  Issue Number/Edition. If applicable.
·  Page Numbers or Number of Pages
·  Editor(s). If applicable.
·  Was this peer-reviewed/refereed?
·  Date Published
Presentations. / ·  Conference/Meeting Name
·  Sponsoring Organization
·  Location
·  Presentation Title. Select from dropdown menu: Demonstration, Exhibit, Keynote/Plenary Address ,Lecture, Oral Presentation, Paper, Poster, Reading of Creative Work/Performance, Other
·  Presenters/Authors Required. Please designate student authors.
·  Was this peer-reviewed/refereed? Select from dropdown menu: Yes, No
·  Date.
Research Currently in Progress. / ·  Title
·  Description
·  Collaborators
·  Status
College. / ·  Committee Name
·  Position/Role. Please select from dropdown menu: Attendee, Meeting Committee Chair, Committee Member, Faculty Advisor, Faculty Mentor, Student Placement, Other
·  Explanation of "Other" if applicable
·  Elected or appointed?
·  Compensated or Pro Bono?
·  Responsibilities/Brief Description
·  Start Date
·  End Date
University. / ·  Committee Name
·  Position/Role. Please select from dropdown menu: Attendee, Award Ceremony; Attendee, Convocation; Attendee, Graduation; Attendee, Meeting; Attendee Orientation; Chairperson; Committee Chair; Committee Member; Conference-Related; Faculty Advisor; Faculty Mentor; Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal; Guest Speaker; Prepare/Grade Certification Exams; Program Coordinator; Program Organizer; Session Chair; Special Institutional Assignment; Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org); Student Org Advisor (Professional Org); Student Placement; Student Recruiter; Task Force Chair; Task Force Member; Track Organizer; University Senate Service; Workshop Organizer; Other
·  Explanation of "Other" if applicable
·  Elected or appointed?
·  Compensated or Pro Bono?
·  Responsibilities/Brief Description
·  Start Date
·  End Date
Professional. / ·  Organization/Committee/Club
·  Position/Role. Please select from dropdown menu: Attendee, Meeting; Board of Advisors of a Company; Board of Directors of a Company; Chairperson; Committee Chair; Committee Member; Conference-Related; Editor, Associate Editor; Editor, Book; Editor, Conference Proceedings; Editor, Journal Editor, Editor, Senior Editor; Editor, Textbook; Editorial Review Board Member; Interaction with Industry; Member; Officer, Other Officer; Officer, President/Elect/Past; Officer, Secretary; Officer, Treasurer; Officer, Vice President; Prepare/Grade Certification Exams; Program Coordinator; Program Organizer; Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer; Reviewer, Book; Reviewer, Conference Paper; Reviewer, Grant Proposal; Reviewer, Journal Article; Reviewer, Textbook; Session Chair; Task Force Chair; Task Force Member; Track Organizer; Workshop Organizer; Other
·  Explanation of "Other" if applicable.
·  City
·  State
·  Country
·  Elected or appointed?
·  Compensated or Pro Bono?
·  Audience. Please select from the dropdown menu: International National Regional State Local
·  Responsibilities/Brief Description
·  Start Date
·  End Date

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