Digital Literacy

Mr. Kyle Chappell

Business Education


Course Description

Students will use a computer and application software including word processing, presentation, database, spreadsheets, internet, and email to prepare elementary documents and reports. The impact of computers on society and ethical issues are presented.

Course Objective

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1.  Use a word processing program to produce a well formatted, grammatically correct, and visually pleasing document.

2.  Create, modify, save, delete, rename, and print a document.

3.  Use an electronic spreadsheet program to solve mathematical equations, organize data, present data, and produce graphs.

4.  Use a presentation program to present information in a clear, accurate, organized, and visually appealing way with text, graphics, and animations.

5.  Use a database management program to create maintain and print reports from a simple relational database; customize the user interface by creating and maintaining forms and reports; use basic query including functions of and, or, not, etc.

6.  Use a World Wide Web browser to navigate a hypertext document.

7.  Use internet search engines and differentiate between their uses

8.  Use email to communicate in a professional manner

9.  Identify components of a computer and speak in computer terminology

10.  Understand the impact of computers on society

11.  Participate in and support FBLA activities

Grading Scale

A / 90-100
B / 80-89
C / 70-79
D / 60-69
F / 59 or below

Students will be graded on a mix of in-class assignments, research papers, quizzes, tests, class participation, and a cumulative mid-term and final. Points are based on a points system and will be calculated by divided points earned by the total possible points.

Classroom Rules

1.  Students will show respect to the teacher, substitutes, their peers, and all other persons in the classroom at all times.

2.  Students will be in their seats, ready for class to begin when the bell rings.

3.  Students may not have food or drink in the classroom with the exception of bottled water with a lid.

4.  Students should raise their hand to speak or ask questions.

5.  Students may not talk to their classmates unless collaboration is required and approved by the teacher.


Should students fail to follow the rules of the classroom points may be deducted from their participation grade, students will earn checks, and the following hierarchy for discipline shall be observed.

Checks / Consequence / Participation Points Deducted
1 / Verbal Warning / 5
2 / Meet with me after class / 10
3 / Detention and call home / 20
4 / 3 Days Detention and parent meeting / 50
5 / Office referral / 100

Severity of actions gives me the right to move to the necessary step in the hierarchy at my discretion.

Hall Pass

Students are allowed 2 hall pass per nine weeks. Unused hall passes may be turned in at the end of each quarter for 10 bonus points each.

Absences / Make-up Work

Students have three days to complete any missed assignments for absences. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about missed assignments.

Late Work

Students may turn in late work before 3:20 p.m. on the day that the assignment is due. Final grade on late work will be divided in half.

One on One

If students need one on one help, please arrange a meeting with me during second period (my planning), lunch, or before/after school.


Please feel free to email or call me if you have questions regarding your student’s activities in my class. I feel an open communication between parent, student, and teacher is pivotal in the long term success of our students.

Student Signature

Parent signature Phone Number Email