2011 National Catholic Development Conference

43rd Annual Conference & Exposition

September 10th – 14th, 2011

The Peabody Orlando Hotel · Orlando, FL

____ CD 1: Opening Presidential Address: Sr. Georgette Lehmuth, OSF, NCDC

____ CD 2: General Session: More than Just Friends: Reaching and Building Relationships with the Next Generation: Holly Ross

____ CD 3: Rebuilding After a Downturn: Strategies and Techniques for Growth

____ CD 4: Diversify Your Portfolio: How to Expand Your Prospecting Audience and Reactivate Lapsed Donors

____ CD 5: One Too Many: Using Multiple Mass Marketing Channels in Fundraising

____ CD 6: Donor Segmentation and Selection: Slicing the Pie

____ CD 7: Manage the Magic: How to be Super-Creative, On-Time, and On-Budget

____ CD 8: Going Mobile: Can You Hear Me Now?

____ CD 9: Status Update: How Social Media Worked For Me!

____ CD 10: Finding New Donors Through New Media

____ CD 11: Key Indicators and Trends in Online Fundraising

____ CD 12: Amplify Your Impact: Influence Your MVP's in Social Media

____ CD 13: Inbound Marketing: Listening and Managing Your Presence

____ CD 14: Ten Things We Know After Three Years of Fundraising

____ CD 15: Growing Your Annual Plan: You Can Do It!

____ CD 16: What's Working, What's Not: Small Shop Fundraisers (Panel)

____ CD 17: Strategic Planning for Beginners: It Takes Heart, Soul, and a Plan

____ CD 18: Techniques in Monthly Giving: A Case Study

____ CD 19: You Had Me at Thank You! The Top 5 "Must-Haves" of a Successful Acknowledgment Program

____ CD 20: Understanding the Heart of the Catholic Hispanic Donor

____ CD 21: The U.S. Hispanic Market: Don't Miss Out!

____ CD 22: Twenty Years of Experience: What I Have Learned About Hispanic Fundraising

____ CD 23: Mission-Centered Giving in the Hispanic Community

____ CD 24: Latinos Online: How to Find and Engage Hispanic Donors

____ CD 25: The Who, What, and Why of Fundraising in the Hispanic Community (Panel)

____ CD 26: Terms of Endearment: Is Your Fundraising Mission-Focused and Donor-Centered?

____ CD 27: Leadership for Small Shops: Focusing on Big Results

____ CD 28: Leading in Lean Times: How to Do More With Less

____ CD 29: It's the Same Mission: Working with Finance Officers

____ CD 30: Developing an "All Things are Possible" Mentality

____ CD 31: Motivating and Inspiring Your Board to Develop a Vision of Greatness

____ CD 32: Major Gifts in a Small Development Office

____ CD 33: Ask Without Fear!

____ CD 34: In, Around and Through: Reaching High Net Worth Donors Where it Counts

____ CD 35: Major Gifts in a Recovering Economy

____ CD 36: All for One, One for All: Doing Major Gifts Together

____ CD 37: Planned Giving and Major Gifts: Different Silos, Same Grain (Panel)

____ CD 38: Planned Giving After the Return of the Estate Tax and the IRA Charitable Rollover

____ CD 39: A Conversation About Best Practices in Planned Giving

____ CD 40: It's the Law! Gift Annuity and State Registration

____ CD 41: Guaranteed Simple Steps to Raising Planned Gifts

____ CD 42: Discovering the Secret Giver: Groundbreaking Research on the Behavior of Bequest Givers in America

____ CD 43: Planned Giving and Major Gifts: Different Silos, Same Grain (Panel)

____ CD 44: Spiritual and Contemplative Dimensions of Development Ministry: Being a Wholly Holy Provider

____ CD 45: Creative Fundraising: How to Create a Webinar Experience

____ CD 46: Best Fundraising Practices We Probably Do Not Practice

____ CD 48: Grant to Us O Lord…an Abundant Gift

____ CD 49: Restructuring Your Fund Development Office: A Case Study

____ CD 50: General Session: Addressing Change Proactively: Making Every Nonprofit a "Small Giant" Judith E. Nichols, Ph.D., CFRE


Single CD $ 10.00

Buy any 16 CDs and get the Next 5 Free (With a Custom Album) $ 160.00

Entire Conference Package on Individual CDs (Savings of $200.00) $ 300.00

Entire Conference Package on (mp3 audio) Format $ 119.00


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1698 N.E. 183rd Street ∙ Miami, FL 33179 ∙ Telephone: (786) 566-0972 ∙ Fax: (305) 947-6199

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