Different Points Of View

Hello my name is Frances Wright but some may know me as Fanny Wright. I was born in a small town named Dundee on September 6th in 1775. You may say that I am the cause of the Woman’s Suffrage. Well let me tell you that would not be a lie. I started everything just with a simple few letters, periods, words, and believe me that wasn’t as easy as it sounds. As our story begins me and my husband will let you hear our views on different events back in time then we will take a peek into the future.

My name is Guillaume P. Darusmont I am the husband of Frances Wright. I have a story of my very own. I was not born in this country I was born overseas. Though my name my not pop up in your history books like my dear wife’s I was an important person to. I am a famous French doctor that married the lovely Frances in 1831. We have different takes on events in time so sit back and let us voices our opinions.

“Have you ever heard about “The First Global Age”?” said Fanny Wright. “Yes dear are you talking about when the Spanish wanted to find a better route so they started exploring more and more?”said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Why yes I think it was amazing how Christopher Columbus found America all by mistake?”said Fanny Wright. “I would have to completely disagree because it unfair how he gets all the credit when the Vikings found America first!” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Your right but the Vikings didn’t stay here so why should they get all the credit?” said Fanny Wright. “If you want to talk about unfair, do you think it was right how Hernan Cortes took over The Aztecs of Mexico?’ “What you think he had to take over the land for his home and for respect” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “It still wasn’t right how they killed everyone just because they wanted land” said Fanny Wright

“Well lets’ see how you feel about the Revolution?” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “For one I’m glad for the war because we are free from the British” said Fanny Wright. “You Patriot I would rather stay loyal to the King George III because he provided for us for so long now you just want to turn your back on him!’’ said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Wellim behind George Washington all the way he was a great leader of the Patriots, and Ethan Allen led 300 soldiers from Vermont to victory over the British control group” said Fanny Wright. “The only good thing that came from that is the Constitution and that wasn’t even the best thing.” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “The good thing that happened is the Boston Tea Party, and Sons of Liberty.” Said Fanny Wright

“I guess we won’t be able to see eye and eye on the Revolution so lets change the subject’’ said Fanny Wright. “What would you like to talk about maybe A New Nation?” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Don’t get me started on those Articles of Confederation” said Fanny Wright. “So I guess we do have something we can agree on.” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “They was the worst thing that happened to the nation” said Fanny Wright. “I know they was the backbone of our nation, thanks to everyone on the Second Continental Congress they left our nation in war debt for.” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Even with the Articles woman aren’t still able to vote” said Fanny Wright. “Thanks to the Articles this caused a man named James Wilson who lived in Pennsylvania to come up with the three-fifths compromise which helped the South with tax problems but that didn’t last for long.

“Next in time is the Civil War and Reconstruction” said Fanny Wright. “This is the war that ended many this it helped stop one of your causes you fought for slavery!’’ said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “This war was fought in many places like New Mexico,Valverde, and Tullahoma, we lost a lot of man in this war and it lasted for a while but out of all the blood that was shed we gained the freedom for all slaves.” said Fanny Wright. “It was also the downfall to the southern planter aristocracy, I’m for one to see that come to a end too” said Guillaume P. Darusmont.

“Lets’ take a jump to the future and look at Today’s U.S. Society’’ said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “ I love that we have a black president that is a people person, and that woman everywhere no matter what race is able to vote.” said Fanny Wright. “It is amazing to see that all your hard work paid off and that everyone is created equal” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “ I am proud of the success of everyone that fought but may I say that I disagree with the way Michelle Obama dresses, I think that the way see dresses in public is a little reveling ” said Fanny Wright. “She’s being herself and that’s what you fought for so I say she has the right to wear short sleeve shirts as long as she is being a great strong woman behind her husband and a wonderful mother to her kids” said Guillaume P. Darusmont. “Your right as long as she take charge of her new found rights and use them the right way with power.” said Fanny Wright.


Different points of view was created and written by TerraceUniq Johnson and Andrew Robinson to show that behind every great man there was an even greater woman. This passage shows Frances Wright and Guillaume P. Darusmont take on different events over time.