1 / Data Category / : / Credit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
2 / Statistics Disseminator / : / Directorate of Economic and Monetary Statistics (DSM), Bank Indonesia
3 / Address / : / Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2
4 / Contact / : / Directorate of Credit, Rurals and MSMEs
5 / Telephone / : / 62-21-3818044
6 / Facsimile / : / 62-21-3518951
7 / Email / : /
Credit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is :
All money provided or debt in equivalent, stated in IDR currency or foreign currency, based on lending agreement between the banks and third party (non-bank) that meet the criteria of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, based on the existing Act of The Republic of Indonesia concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
  1. Credits for Micro Enterprise is all credits provided to Micro Enterprise debtor/borrower that meet the criteria of Micro Enterprise as regulated in Act of The Republic Indonesia Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Based on the Act, the micro enterprise is a productive enterprise owned by individuals and/or firm which fulfill the criteria of the micro enterprise,namely:
  1. Possessing the net asset of maximum Rp50.000.000,00 (fifty millions rupiah), excluding the sites and buildings of the enterprise;
  2. Possessing the annual sale income of maximum Rp300.000.000,00 (three hundred millions rupiah).
  1. Credits for Small Enterprise is all credits provided to Small Enterprise debtor/borrower that meet the criteria of Small Enterprise as regulated in Act of The Republic Indonesia Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Based on the Act, the small enterprise is an independent productive economic enterprise, which runs by individuals or companies which is not a branch companies owned, run, or becomes both, directly or indirectly, the part of the medium or big enterprises, fulfilling the criteria of the small enterprise, namely :
  1. Owning the net Asset more than Rp50.000.000,00 (fifty millions rupiah) up to Rp500.000.000,00 (five hundred millionsrupiah),excluding the sites and buildings of the enterprise;
  2. Owning the annual sale income of more than Rp300.000.000,00 (three hundred millions rupiah) up to Rp2.500.000.000,00 (two billions five hundred millions rupiah).
  1. Credits for Medium Enterprise is all credits provided for Medium Enterprises debtor/borrower that meet the criteria of Medium Enterprises as regulated in Act of The Republic Indonesia Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Based on the Act, the medium enterprise is an independent productive economic enterprise runs by individuals or companies, which is not a branch companies owned, runs, or becomes both directly or indirectly the part of the small or big enterprises, namely:
  1. Owning the net asset of more than Rp500.000.000,00 (five hundred millions rupiah) up to Rp10.000.000.000,00 (ten billionsrupiah), excluding the sites and buildings of the enterprise; or
  2. Owning the annual sales income of more than Rp2.500.000.000,00 (two billions five hundred millions rupiah) up to Rp,00(fifty billions rupiah).
MSMEs credit data are presented with many variations (excluding data Rural Bank), such as: MSMEs Credit by group of Banks, by economic sector, MSMEs, type of utilization (working capital and investment), based on the collectability and the project location of MSMEs credit.
Included in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises credits is credit with a certain assurance.
Credit with a certain assurance is credit/financing or claim that can be equalized with, base on the lending agreement between the Banks and debtors that is guaranteed by the Company Guarantors with a certain criteria, as a Government Credit Program with Specific Guarantee Scheme known as Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR).
KUR is a working capital credit/financing and or investment to Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (UMKMK) for productive and decent but not yet bankable, guaranteed by the Company Guarantors in accordance with government program of KUR, with a credit limit up to Rp500.000.000, - (five hundred millions rupiah) for KUR given directly to borrowers, and the credit limit up to Rp2.000.000.000, - (two billions rupiah) to KUR provided through linkage institutions executing pattern.
Certain assurance is the activity of providing collateral for the fulfillment of financial obligations of the debtor by the Company Guarantor/Insurance accordance with Circular Letter Number 13/6/DPNP dated February 18, 2011, concerning Guidelines for Weighted Average Capital Riskfor Credit Risk by using the Standard Approach.
KUR funding source is 100% came from the Bank’s fund. All KUR given by the conventional based banks (non-islamic/sharia based banks), either in the form of direct distribution of KUR from banks as well as linkage institutions.
The credit data with certain guarantees are presented with variations (excluding Rural Banks data) with the scale:Micro,SmallandMedium.
6 (six) weeks after the end of reference period (website)
7 (seven) weeks after the end of reference period (CD and printed matter)
ARC (attached) will disclosed every year on December.
Monthly Banking Report (LBU)
Data is prepared based on the compilation of commercial bank monthly reports of all reporting banks in Indonesia.
  • The data are final when first disseminated.
  • Changes in methodology are noted along the data with the new methodology published for the first time.

Data is disseminated through:
  • BI’ Website
  • Indonesian Financial Statistics (SEKI) Publication (printed matter and CD).

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