Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – 7:30am
254 Westbrook Road, Ottawa
1. Attendance, welcome, and opening remarks / Present: Councilors: Eli El-Chantiry (Chair), Allan Hubley, Marianne Wilkinson, Citizen Reps, Bob Hillary, Greg LeBlanc, Janet Mason, Waste Management (WM) Ross Wallace, Wayne French, Bill McDonough.
Regrets: Lauren Ashe,Jana Makusova,Councilors Scott Moffatt, Shad Qadri
Meeting started at 7:30 am. / Action Items
2. Resignation of Secretary / Resignation for current secretary Ginny Barlow read and a request for a replacement was discussed
3. Conflict of Interest / None
4. Approval of Agenda and June 14, 2016 meeting minutes / Allan Hubley moved to adopt the minutes and Bob Hillary second. Carried
All approved
5. Business arising from minutes of June 14, 2016 / Annual Report
C&D Waste from Western Quebec
Soil Amendment
See more discussion under Landfill Operations Update / ACTION
Janet to send a copy of memo from Mr. O’Connor to committee members
6. Landfill Operations update / Site Operations
Proceeding as normal. Worth noting:
- Replaced 5 gas wells.
- Power generation: Was 6.4 MW and now down to 5.2 MW being sent to the grid. Expect continuing decline as methane production declines.
- Did 2 to 3 acres of poplar reforestation.
C&D (Construction Demolition) from Western Quebec
Application was sent to MOECC and City of Ottawa May 17, 2016. WM has been granted approval for West Quebec C&D.
Eli presented letters sent to the city Sept 15/16 and Feb. 1/17 to object to receiving this waste. The city is to file for relief for appeal to the ECA so not to miss deadline. Deadline for appeal is today March 21, 2017. As of the time of this PLC meeting, if an agreement is made between WM and the City the appeal could be withdrawn. Discussion around WM permit which allows 400 tonnes per day of material to the facility. Concern from individuals regarding the tonnage as they understand the permit states 400 tonnes of waste which potentially could come from Ontario or Quebec when in fact it is 400 tonnes per day in total from all sources. C&D Recovery from Quebec would be from WM company and not from third party companies. This would compute to 1 to 5 trucks extra per week with a total volume not greater than 25 to 30 ton of Construction Demolition material only.
Soil Amendment
Application was sent to MOECC Jan 6th, 2017 and City of Ottawa January 9, 2017.
Part 1 of the application is for WM Carp Rd facility to be a Receiver site for materials that reach soil standards that apply to this program. These materials would be used on site for berm construction, landscaping and landfill maintenance purposes. The intent here is to gain access to these materials for the site and to provide an environmentally controlled option for these materials and not have them end up in non-regulated small third party properties/operations including third party vendors selling to non-regulated or tested materials to unsuspecting property owners for fill or end up on farmland.
Part 2 of the application is to construct a soil treatment pad to treat hydro carbon impacted soils, these materials once they meet strict soil analysis would also be used on site for the same purposes as above and including cover material for the landfill/waste operation, none of this material would leave the site. Comments from the members included the need of this material to cover waste at landfills, does this happen at all landfills the answer was yes this is common practice at local landfills including Trail Road (City of Ottawa landfill), other comments included the need for a City like Ottawa to look after large soil remediation projects like Labretton Flats etc. Better to do this in a controlled environment than not.
2015 Annual Report
Received email from MOE Sept 30, 2016. Have not received final 2015 Annual Report from the MOECC. WM will post the 2015 Annual report on the WCEC website as soon as the final copy has been received from the MOECC and final revision by WM is completed.
2016 Annual Report
Under final review and due for submission by March 31, 2017 / ACTION
Mr. Rick O’Connor to provide update on appeal
7. Correspondence received / None
8. Open mike / Status on host agreement negotiations. Still in negotiations. Both the Site Plan and Host agreements must be completed simultaneously hence the lengthy time to complete.
A member of the public asked to see agreement before it is signed. It was explained that it is not possible as the agreement is between the city and a commercial applicant and that it would be available after it was signed only since the Host Agreement is confidential until signed by the City and WM.
9. Meeting adjournment & details of next meeting / The Site Plan Agreement has 35 conditions. WM has completed, 33; 2 remain including the Host Agreement. Many meetings have been completed with City of Ottawa planning department and these meetings will continue until the Site Plan is completed.
To be determined.