Radcal CorporationThe Gold Standard in Radiation Measurements

System Packages

Integrated Diagnostic (Dose & kVp)

SYS2000-DFully Integrated Service/QA System $8,425


9010RM-SRadiation monitor controller w/ serial port, cable & converter

OPT-CAnalog signal capture

10X5-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose

4082Accu-kV meter digital readout

40X5-WDiagnostic wide range sensor, 40–160 kV

8305ACoax cable w/BNC & banana adapter for accu-kV control unit to

9000 series monitor

823240X5-W & 40X5-Mo sensor support

8231M60cc chamber support

8201M-2Lab stand assembly (includes stand, rod & 2 clamps)

8215HVL filter holder for 8201M

8220HVL kit

20V55Integrated case for faster measuring



SYS2000-D w/Mammo 10X5-6M-3 ion chamber and 40X5-Mo

kVp sensor



OPT-CAnalog signal capture

10X5-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose

4082Accu-kV meter digital readout

40X5-WDiagnostic wide range sensor, 40–160 kV

8305ACoax cable w/BNC & banana adapter for Accu-kV control unit

to 9000 series monitor

20V81Carry case for 4081W accu-kV meter

SYS2000-D2 w/Mammo 10X5-6M-3 ion chamber and 40X5-Mo

kVp sensor

System Packages

Integrated Diagnostic (Dose & kVp)

SYS2000A Fully Integrated, State-of-the-Art Service/QA System$6,965


9010RM-SRadiation monitor controller with serial port, cable & converter

OPT-CAnalog signal capture

10X5-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose

4081WAccu-kV detector w/ wide range sensor. 40–160 kVp

8305ACoax cable w/ BNC & banana adapter for accu-kV control unit

to 9000 series monitor

823240X5-W & 40X5-Mo sensor support

8231M60cc chamber support

8201MLab stand assembly (includes stand, rod & clamp)

8215HVL filter holder for 8201M

8220 HVL kit

20V55Integrated case for faster measuring



SYS2000 w/ Mammo 10X5-6M-3 ion chamber and 40X5-Mo kVp sensor



9015RM-SRadiation monitor controller with serial port, cable & converter

OPT-CAnalog signal capture

10X5-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose

4081WAccu-kV detector w/ wide range sensor. 40–160 kVp

8305ACoax cable w/ BNC & banana adapter for accu-kV control unit

to 9000 series monitor

20V81Carry case for 4081W accu-kV control unit



Options for Integrated Diagnostic System Packages

OPT-PAutomatic pressure compensation

9000XLExcel add-in data capture program for the 9000 series

(add-ins include software, templates, manual and cabling;

Excel version 4–7 required but not included)

4081kV measurement detector (can replace the 4082 meter for reduced

measurement needs)

System Packages

Dose Measurement System Packages

Integrated Diagnostic (Dose & kVp)

2026CSSStarter system for……….$2,967


2026CRadiation monitor with cable

20X6-60Service ion chamber, image intensifier input dose to 100 R/min

20V15Carry case

2026CMSMeasurement system for……….$3,808


2026CRadiation monitor with cable

20X6-6General purpose, in-beam ion chamber

20X6-180Low dose rate applications, 100 cm2, leakage & II, ion xhamber

8201M Lab stand assembly

20V30Carry case

2026CXRMExtended measurement system for…………. $4,832


2026CRadiation monitor with cable

20X6-6General purpose, in-beam ion chamber

20X6-180Low dose rate applications, 100 cm2, leakage & II, ion chamber

20X6-6MDedicated mammography ion chamber

8201MLab stand assembly

20V30Carry case

9015SS Multifunction starter system for…………..$5,022


9015RM-SRadiation Monitor Controller with serial port, cable & converter

10X5-60 Service ion chamber, Image Intensifier Input dose

9015MSMultifunction measurement system for………. $5,910


9015RM-SRadiation monitor controller with serial port, cable & converter

OPT-CAnalog signal capture

10X5-6General purpose, in-beam

10X5-180Low dose rate applications, 100 cm2, leakage

System Packages

kVP Measurement(Invasive & Non-Invasive)

Invasive kVp

M-ACDynalyzer III U with Cables, for use with an oscilloscope display $7,388


M-96311Dynalyzer High Voltage Unit

M-536055 ft 3 conductor High Voltage cables with Federal terminals

(quantity 2)

M-DS“The Invader” -The Basic Dynalyzer System includes:$14,750


M-96311Dynalyzer High Voltage Unit

M-96320PDisplay unit with printer

M-536055 ft 3 conductor High Voltage cables with Federal terminals

(quantity 2)

M-CDS“The Equalizer” -The Complete Dynalyzer System includes: $19,800


M-96311Dynalyzer High Voltage Unit

M-96080Dynalyzer radiation probe

M-96320PDisplay unit with printer

M-536055 ft 3 conductor High Voltage cables with Federal terminals

(quantity 2)

M-96115Carrying/Shipping case for the High Voltage Unit

M-96321Carrying/Shipping case for the Display unit

10T5BRH Test Stand for FDA compliance measurements

Non-Invasive kVp

4081WMoNon-invasive kVp detector (use with Radcal 9000 series unit or scope) $3,085


4081 kVp Detector

40X5-WDiagnostic Wide Range sensor

40X5-MoMammography sensor

20V81Carry case

4082WMoNon-invasive kVp Meter with Digital readout $3,810


4082 kVp Meter

40X5-WDiagnostic Wide Range sensor

40X5-MoMammography sensor

20V81Carry case

System Packages

AEC Electronic Cassette

AEC5S-MAEC mammography system evaluation for $3,130


AEC5IWElectronic Interface Module, software, cables

AEC5MCElectronic Mammography Cassette, aluminum filters, adaptor

AEC5PHPhantom Set

AEC5BStorage and Carry case

AEC5S-MRAEC Mammography -Radiography System evaluation includes: $3,905


AEC5IWElectronic Interface Module, software, cables

AEC5MCElectronic Mammography Cassette, aluminum filters, adaptor

AEC5RCElectronic Radiography Cassette

AEC5PHPhantom Set

AEC5BStorage and Carry case

AEC5S-RAEC radiography system evaluation for $3,010


AEC5IWElectronic Interface Module, software, cables

AEC5RCElectronic Radiography Cassette

AEC5PHPhantom Set

AEC5BStorage and Carry case

Individual Components


10X5 Dosemeters

1015C-ABRadiation monitor with converter, 6m cable (includes options A, B)$5,700

1015 options

OPT-HAutomatic barometric pressure compensation $525

OPT-IElectronic bias supply (300V battery replacement) (recommended) $470

20X6 Dosemeters

2026CRadiation monitor—next generation 2025AC, includes 6 m $1,705

extension cable

Available options

20C6-76 meter extension cable for the 2026C (will not work with the 2025AC) $50

25A260.25 meter 2026C to 20X5 series ion chamber/converter adapter cable $95

OPT-P2026 automatic pressure compensation $195

20-series converter/ion chamber assemblies (for use with 2026C)*

20X6-6General purpose, in-beam $751

20X6-6-3General purpose, in-beam, with 3 meter triax cable $825

20X6-6A20X6-6 chamber with 20A5 adapter (for use with 10T5, BRH test stand) $810

20X6-6MDedicated mammo chamber for best results in mammo region $1,025

20X6-6M-3Dedicated mammo chamber with 3 meter triax cable $1,105

20X6-60EExtended energy range 20X6-60 to include mammo region (see below $1,065**

20X6-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose to 100 R/min $965

20X6-3CTCT, for measurements in phantom, 2 meter cable $1,245

(includes phantom adapter)

20X6-180Low dose rate applications, 100 cm2, leakage $965

20X6-1800Very low dose rate applications, scatter and environmental $1,325

20X6-0.6Therapy QA, in-beam, 12 meter cable (with 10B5-2 build-up cap) $1,565**

20X6-0.18Very high dose rate applications $1,595**

  • The 20X6 chambers are not compatible with the 2025AC. Please contact Radcal for 20X5 chamber pricing.

** Standard delivery 6–12 weeks after receipt of order.

Individual Components


30X5 Dosemeters

40X5 Dosemeters

Individual Components



1515U-B1515 radiation monitor with 1050U converter and 6m cable, $7,150

w/electronic bias supply

1515 options

1550High-sensitivity converter, recommended for special procedures $1,865

8315Battery charger for 220VAC, CEE7/7 plug (1515’s come standard $60

with 110V charger)

3036Dosemeter/Ratemeter/Timer (internal ion chamber included) $2,035

3036 options & 30X chambers (10X chambers compatible via

the 30A adapters)

30A6Multi-chamber adapter (adapts 10 series ion chambers to the 3036) $535

30A6TModified 30A6, allows the 3036 to be used with 10 series chambers & $645

10T5 BRH stand

30X6-11General R&F, in-beam, ion chamber assembly, 1-meter triax cable $520

30X6-6MMammography ion chamber assembly, 3-meter triax cable $675

Individual Components


9010RM-SRadiation monitor (includes 9010, serial port, 9060 converter,$3,570

90C5-6 cable)

9010RM-S-IRadiation monitor (includes 9010, serial port, 9060 converter,$3,532
90C5-0.7 cable)

9015RM-SRadiation monitor (includes 9015, serial port, 9060 converter,$4,210

90C5-6 cable)

9010/9015 options

90C5-0.70.7-meter 9010 converter/control unit cable for inspector kit $272

90C5-66-meter 9010/9015 ion chamber/converter cable $310

90A250.25-meter 9010/9015 to 20X5 series ion chamber/ $185

converter adapter cable

OPT-RInfrared remote control $340

OPT-CAnalog signal capture $395

OPT-PAutomatic pressure compensation $195

9000XLExcel add-in data capture program for the 9000 series $750

(add-ins include software, templates, manual and cabling,

Excel version 4–7 required but not included)

Optional 10-series ion chamber assemblies

(for use with 1000, 3000 and 9000 series radiation monitors)

10X5-6General purpose, in-beam $550

10X5-6-2 General purpose, in-beam, with 2 meter triax cable (inspector kit) $620

10X5-6-3 General purpose, in-beam, with 3 meter triax cable $630

10X5-6MDedicated mammography chamber $855

10X5-6M-3Dedicated mammography chamber with 3-meter triax cable $935

10X5-60EExtended energy range 10X5-60 to include mammo region (see below) $985*

10X5-60Service chamber, image intensifier input dose $810

10X5-3CTCT, for measurements in phantom, 2-meter cable $1,095

(includes phantom adapter)

10X5-180Low dose rate applications, 100 cm2, leakage $75

10X5-1800Very low dose rate applications, scatter and environmental $1,125

10X5-0.6Therapy QA, in-beam, 12-meter cable (with 10B5-2 build-up cap) $1,235*

10X5-0.18Very high dose rate applications $1,235*

* Standard delivery 6–12 weeks after receipt of order.

Individual Components

kVp Meters (Invasive & Non-Invasive)


M-96300 HV-1 voltage divider, lightweight kV divider for use with a scope $1,885

M-96305HV-1 same as M-96300 except for 4 conductor applications $2,195

(grid control)

M-96311Dynalyzer III U, works for both DC filament and AC $6,800

filament supplies

M-96311-4Dynalyzer III U, Same as 96311 but for 4 conductor applications $6,950 (grid control)

M-96320PDynalyzer III digital display with printer and RS232 serial port $7,650

DISCMAS1Absolute mAs & ms, 0.1–999.99mAs, 1 ms–9999 ms $595

Optional kVp accessories

M-96080Dynalyzer Radiation Probe. Adds mR, mR/sec, mR/mAs capability $2,895

M-53605One 5 ft 3 conductor high voltage cable with federal terminals (2 req.) $285

M-96115Heavy duty shipping container for M-96311 $675

M-96321Heavy-duty carrying/shipping container for digital display M-96320P $395

M-55440Mammography Adapter, mates ALDEN cable termination to $275

Federal Standard

M-247581Dynalyzer display printer paper $5

M-247582Dynalyzer printer ribbon cassette $18


4082Non-invasive kVp meter with digital readout for$2,095

4081Non-invasive kVp detector control unit (use with Radcal $1,370

9000 series unit or scope) for

Optional sensors

40X5-W Diagnostic Wide Range kV Sensor, 40-160 kV $795

40X5-Mo Mammography kV Sensor, 22-40kV $795

Optional carry case, adapter cable & sensor support

20V81Carry case (4082 or 4081 with two sensors) $105

8305ACoax cable w/BNC & Banana adapter for Accu –kV Control unit $55

to 9000 series Monitor

8232 40X5-W & 40X5-Mo sensor support $35

Individual Components

AEC Evaluators

AEC5MCAEC 5 mammography cassette, aluminum filters and adaptor $895

AEC5RCAEC 5 radiography cassette $775

AEC5IWAEC 5 interface module, software and cables $1,850

AEC5PHPhantom set $90

AEC5BStorage and carry case $295


Build-Up Caps (required for very high energy applications)

10B5-4(4 MeV for 10X5-0.6, 20X6-0.6) $55

10B5-6(6 MeV for 10X5-0.6, 20X6-0.6) $55

10B10-2(60Co or 137Cs for 10X5-6) $55

10B20-2(60Co or 137Cs for 20X6-3) $55

Carry& Storage Cases

20V10Storage case for 20X6-series chamber (chamber must be specified) $185*

20V159010 or 2026 starter System $295

20V20Storage case for 10X5-series chamber (chamber must be specified) $150*

20V309010 or 2026 measurement system $275

20V4010X5-1800 $230

20V5020X6-1800 and the 2026C or the 9010RM-S $375

20V559010/4081 integrated system $325

20V579010/4082 inspector kit $295

20V6020CT6 head phantom (will accept the 2026C and 20X6-3CT chamber) $475

20V7020CT14 body phantom (will accept the 2026C and 20X6-3CT chamber) $550

20V814081 detector with 40X5-W & 40X5-Mo sensors $125

20V853036 with 2 pocket sized kVp meters, 30X6-6M, 30X6-11 or 30A6 $95


20CT6CT head phantom (one piece with endplate) $795

20CT14CT body phantom (three pieces) $1,265


10T5Test stand assembly set (BRH stand) $1,095

8201MLab stand assembly (includes stand, rod & clamp) $110

8215HVL filter holder for 8201M $95

8220Al half value layer filter set, 100 mm2 (0.1mm–5mm in 0.1mm $105



8148Beam alignment template (also available as metric [8148-M]) $155

8195Chamber cable support (for -CT,- 0.18 or- 0.6 ion chambers) $25

8231M-60 ion chambers support. includes 350mm extension rod $35

83101515 charger for 110V AC operation $15

83151515 charger for 220VAC operation, CEE7/7 Plug $60

8493Electronic bias supply (for factory installation add $50) $470

(append -product number & serial number [i.e., 8493–1015])

8305ACoax cable w/BNC & banana adapter for Accu -kV control unit $55

to 9000 series monitor

823240X5-W & 40X5-Mo sensor support $35


41667.5V battery (for 3035, 3036) $33

493300V battery (for 1015C, 1515, 2025AC) $88

* Contact Radcal for availability.

Information, Ordering & Terms

Need Help?

Information for International customers:

Option IStrongly recommended for international customers

Gy readoutFor the 2026C & 3036, please specify SI

8315220V charger for the 1515 (all other meters use batteries)

L/C PaymentMake sure you contact us for L/C terms before issuing the L/C

Information about options (general)

Pressure compensationAuto pressure compensation is recommended for mountainous regions

and for other high altitude measurements, such as tall buildings)

Information about accessories

8220Half value layer kit; meets MQSA purity requirements

8231MRecommended for spot film device measurements w/ 60cc

8201MSimple test stands designed for proper positioning of the chamber

CasesContact Radcal for help choosing the right case!

Orders, Quotations & Customer Services*

Address:426 West Duarte Road, Monrovia, CA 91016

Telelphone:626-357-7921; Fax: 626-357-8863


Web site:

Min. Order:$30

* Specifications and prices may change without notice. Contact Radcal for quantity Discounts.

Typical availability is 1–4 weeks.


U.S. Terms: International Terms:

F.O.B. Monrovia, California Payment-in-Advance

0.5% discount for payment in 10 days- F.O.B. Ex Factory Monrovia, Incoterms 1990

Net due in 30 days with approved credit Letter of Credit acceptable by arrangement only

Past-due balances subject to 1.5% per (please contact us for terms)

month service charge until paid

Visa and Mastercard accepted (administrative fee applied)

Sales Taxes added where applicable

Warranty & Certifications

New Instrument Warranty

Radcal Corporation warrants that in the event any defects in material or workmanship should develop within one year from date of shipment, the company assumes full responsibility for servicing equipment of its manufacture without charge upon return of the equipment to Radcal, shipping costs prepaid. Costs to return-ship to customers (via UPS surface) will be paid by Radcal if the repairs are warranty-applicable. Radcal shall not be held liable for damages or delays caused by defects beyond making repairs or furnishing replacement parts, nor shall Radcal be liable for any defective material replaced without its consent during the period of this warranty. Radcal reserves the right to perform warranty service at its own factory. This warranty specifically excludes batteries.

Certificate Of Conformance

(all products)

A Certificate of Conformance is issued with all new products. The Certificate of Conformance establishes that the certified instrument meets, or exceeds all applicable manufacturer’s specifications. This includes all operating modes and the entire dynamic range of instrument performance. In determining this conformance, Radcal uses standards and methods traceable to NIST and other established national and international standards. This meets the needs of most of our customers in satisfying ISO 9001 - 9003, Section 4.11 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test equipment.

Certified Calibration

(new radiation monitors)

When your measurement program requires specific calibration data, Radcal is equipped to handle these needs. This service provides measurement of correction factors under controlled conditions. Please contact Radcal to determine which of the available calibration points meet your requirements. The Certified Calibration is normally performed after the Certificate of Conformance has been issued. All measurements are performed using a NIST or PTB calibrated three-terminal ion chamber. MQSA Certified Calibration available upon request.

Monitor and first ion chamber at one point$235

Additional point(s) on any chamber(s)$130 per point, per chamber

Prices effective May 1, 2001