Environmental Issues Research Paper—
Please take this CRUCIAL job of peer editing this
75-point assignment seriously!
Focus: Awareness of Task/sharp focus (4 points)
Does the writer, in the first paragraph answer THREE of the following problems? Check the questions that are addressed and give the answer in your own words. The writer MUST have answered # 5 because this would be his/her thesis. You MUST answer # 6 for the writer.
1) ____ What is the issue?______
2) ____ Why is this an "issue"? In other words, who does this affect and what are the consequences? They could answer the "why is this an issue" question in another way.______
3) ____ When did this become a problem? And has the problem grown?______
4) ____ Is this more about people who are affected or natural resources that are affected or both?______
5) ____ Where are you going with the rest of your paper? This may not be a three-point thesis, but it should give an idea to you, the reader, what else this paper will talk about. ______
***This last one is hugely important. If you don't think the thesis is clear enough, come back to it after you finish the paper and make a suggestion for improvement. Or call over Mrs. Barnhart to help you brainstorm how to help the writer. For #6, you'll have to wait until you've read the whole paper.
6) SCORE the follow-up: On a scale or 5 4 3 2 1 (5 being the most clear), how focused is the rest of the paper on what the thesis statement said?
Content: Awareness of Task/sharp focus (20 points)
As we have suggested in the past, the best way to organize content is to build from the topic sentence. Each body paragraph must have CLEAR connections to the thesis statement and must develop and each idea very well. A couple reminders:
- A strong paper demonstrates all four ways to write, but mostly uses "my analysis":
1) paraphrase and 2) direct quotation—BOTH need to be cited!!
3) common knowledge 4) my analysis
- A strong paper has REAL examples of the opinions/facts/ideas presented
- A strong paper uses development/organization strategies such as Illustration- States a general idea (thesis statement) and follows specific reasons, examples, and/or facts; Compare/contrast- Shows how subjects are alike and not alike; Cause/effect- Makes connections between a result and what came before it. Begin with a cause of something, then discuss general or specific effects; Problem/solution- Fully addresses the problem(s) FIRST then addresses the few solutions—some which may have worked, others which have not; Definition/classification- Places the subject in an appropriate class and then provides details that show how your subject is different from or similar to others in the same class
You should be able to follow the arguments and main points of each paragraph very easily
Paragraph 2 Main Point (should be in topic sentence)
illustration/supporting points or real examples?
Paragraph 3 Main Point (should be in topic sentence)
illustration/supporting points or real examples?
Paragraph 4 Main Point (should be in topic sentence)
illustration/supporting points or real examples?
Here are a few other items you might see for strong CONTENT:
- Name dropping—in other words, what organizations or key players would be connected to this issue? You may see acronyms (letters), but the first time the organization is mentioned, it should be written out. What NAMES of real people and organizations are used?______
- Are these people and organizations quoted or cited? YES NO
- Are these citations correct? YES NO Take a closer look. Remember, see me if you're not sure! You can look back at the notes you received last week to confirm.
- Are IMPACTS clear and the explanations well developed?? YES NO COULD BE IMPROVED.
If you circled NO or NEEDS improvement, make a suggestion for how to improve______
- Are SOLUTIONS clear and the explanations well developed?? YES NO COULD BE IMPROVED.
If you circled NO or NEEDS improvement, make a suggestion for how to improve______
- Is there repetition of points or thoughts or facts? Or is there too much repetition of words?
YES NO Please go to the writer's paper and write "REPETITION" where necessary.
Organization (20 points):
- Is the text double-spaced consistently? YES NO
- Is this typed and in 12 point font and Times New Roman? YES NO
- Is there evidence of transitions (like clear topic sentences)? YES NO
***Avoid obvious transitions like "first" "second" and "in conclusion"
***Stay in ONE point in each paragraph. Do not transition into the next idea until you get to that paragraph! No end of the paragraph transitions!
- Are there 4-5 sources on the Works Cited page? YES NO
- Does the Works Cited page look like the sample you were shown? YES NO **If not, correct!
- Take a careful look at the 3-4 in-text citations. Do they match the WC page? YES NO
**If not, correct!
Style (6 points):
- Did the writer STAY in third person? YES NO Please make sure you scan the paper for "I" or "me" or "we" which are all unacceptable pronouns for formal research writing.
- Are there various sentence structures: simple, compound, complex? YES NO
* please look carefully to see if the writer uses conjunctions correctly
(FANBOYS= SV, fanboys SV) There are many solutions, but most are too expensive
Conventions (10 points):
- Please proofread while you read—help the writer with spelling, grammar, awkward sentences, etc.
Followed directions (5 points):
- Title page is included and is set up exactly as the sample you have YES NO
- No encyclopedia or Wikipedia is used YES NO
- Supplied copies of Internet sources (you may not be sure) YES NO
Notecards (10 points): No need to evaluate this
Overall notes to the writer: Give the writer brief feedback about what you think is very strong and what could use improvement
Way to go! ______
Perhaps you might work on ______
I would like to know more about ______
The most interesting fact I learn is ______
If I were trying to solve this issue, I would ______