DHS Choral Music Boosters
Fundraising Committee Meeting Notes
A Choral Music Boosters fundraising sub-committee meeting was held in the Cannon Room at DHS on 9/19/16. The following items were discussed.
- Election of Subcommittee Co-chairs: Abby Thompson and Stacy Black
- Discussion of role of subcommittee: This subcommittee will function to first solicit fundraising ideas, decide which are most feasible, and present these ideas to the next full Booster Meeting. Discussion focused on larger fundraisers with the most potential rather than many smaller fundraisers.
- Ideas forwarded are:
- Concessions at the Powder Puff Football Game on 9/28/16. Athletic Boosters will not be serving any, so soliciting baked goods packaged to sell for $1 will be posted on Facebook. As of now, (9/20/16) DHS doesn’t have enough girls signed up, so will hold until we know more.
- Restaurant Night: Restaurants will be solicited to donate part of the proceeds for a “DHS Choral Music Boosters” day/night. First night will be 9/29/16. Flyers are being made up & will need to be distributed, plus they will be available at the restaurant that day. They are offering 20% of sales!
- Partnership (Ad Sales) Kick Off will be October 7th. Kids are not in school that day, but teachers are working. Need people to be at the kick off to explain the importance of this fundraiser to kids and/or parents.
- Holiday Helper Raffle Tickets will be here this week. Will need to separate & distribute to kids along with an explanation letter. First 10 tickets go to the General Fund to support the raffle and increased costume expenses. Anything beyond 10 will go to student funds. Need a volunteer to supervise the ticket collection. Early bird drawing at the Fall Gala concert. Should we consider some type of silent auction as well as concessions for the concert?
- Some type of exclusive cocktail event featuring a preview of the Show Choir shows, prior to Prima Vista. A problem with this idea is that costumes were already ordered late, and will not be here until after the holidays, making it difficult to schedule anything of this nature.
- Penny Drive has been approved by Mrs. Norton, with the winning class getting a free “no dress code” day.
- Wine Tasting at a parent home – has been done by Mr. Mercer before with success. Would need to have sponsors?
- Comedy Night by Charlie Hester & Christopher Hightower. They are willing to help organize. Checking with Turtle Run (show choir parents) to see about availability for the venue.
- Singing “telegrams” – either at Christmas or Valentine’s Day. Cheerleading group did something similar for $20 each that was purely profit.