Dear Delegate Partner,
We hope that everyone was able to attend the DHS training on 6/23/16 entitled “Person –Centered Practice and Planning.” This training included updates to both the LTCC and the Collaborative Care Plan necessary for the new requirements of person-centered planning.Please begin using the attached revised forms on July 1st.
  • 6.23 Collaborative Care Plan (loaded to the care coordination portal in Word – fillable PDF coming soon)
  • DHS 3428 LTCC assessment (DHS eDocs)
  • DHS 3427 LTC screening Document (DHS eDocs)
Questions and Answers:
  • The Safety Plan section, page 8, was changed after the LTCC/Collaborative Care Plan videoconference as a result of Care Coordinator (CC) feedback. The first question is a place for CC to document discussion of any safety concerns with additional space for any CC documentation (notes aren’t necessarily required, but there is space available if needed). The second question is where the CC can document the member’s risk plan as applicable. If the member doesn’t have a plan (because he/she either doesn’t have risk or doesn’t believe they have any risks), the CC should note this on the care plan. All members will have something documented in this section; either a risk management plan, or a note that it is not applicable as the member doesn’t identify any risks.
  • If a Delegate partner uses their own HCBS plan/budget worksheet, they need to include a column that indicates which services were offered to the member. This is a required person centered planning element and will be included in the care plan audit protocol.
  • **Care Plan instructions will be sent out once finalized and will be available on the portal.
  • We’ve had some questions about whether it is a requirement to use “I” when writing the care plans. This is not a requirement but is something the CC could consider.The CC should choose what is comfortable for the CC and the member when developing the plan.A combination of language choice will be fine from an audit perspective. However, remember this is intended to be a person centered and member focused plan. Members should be involved in the development of their care plan and understand both their options and choices when developing a plan to meet their needs.
  • Attached here you will find the Person-Centered Practice and Planning PowerPoint
  • Live presentation of DHS presentation: Archive
Please contact your Partner Relations Consultant with any questions.

Thank you,

Government Programs Partner Relations Team,

Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association