DG05 Private Provider Application offering to host training in partnership with a SASSETA Employer January 2012
DG05 Private Application offering to host training in partnership with a SASSETA
January 2012 Funding Window
EmployerSkills Levy No.
Project Name
Project Reference No
Closing Date for Submission
Table of Contents
1Completing the application for a Private Provider which is not a SASSETA Employer
1.1Submitting the Application for a Private Provider which is also a SASSETA Employer
2Company Details
3Provider Accreditation Details
4Assigned Project Team for this learning programme
5Amount Requested
6Analysis of Cost per Leaner
7All Projects applied for during this SASSETA DG funding window
8Current SASSETA and Other Projects
9.1Please complete this checklist against each of the Annexures
9.2Please complete this checklist against each of the Annexures G - I
11Checklist before Sending your Application
12Please cut out this template and paste it on the back of the sealed envelope in which this application would be placed
1Completing the applicationfor aPrivate Provider which is not a SASSETA Employer
- A private provider should be in partnership with a SASSETA employer in order to offer a training programme.
- A project proposal must be submitted on the prescribed template available on the SASSETA website. (
- Complete the prescribed Application form for an Employer which is also a SASSETA Accredited Providerwhich could be downloaded from the website.
- Ensure that each relevant field in the application is completed otherwise the application form would be deemed as incomplete.
- A separate application shall be completed for each project being applied for.
-This application shall be accompanied by an Application for SASSETA Employers
-Include the fully completed Provider Application(s) with full supporting evidence with your application.
-Please sub-divide each section using clearly identifiable tabs
Only hard copy fully signed and dated submissions will be accepted
Incomplete as well as non-compliant applications shall be disqualified without any recourse.
1.1Submitting the Application for aPrivate Provider which is also a SASSETA Employer
- Both the Application form as well as CV’s shall be originals.
- Certified copies of supporting documents should not be older than three months
- All submissions should either:
-Be hand delivered to the mailroom at the SASSETA Office: Level 3 East · Gallagher House · Gallagher Estate · 19 Richards Drive · Midrand
-Posted to SASSETA PO Box 7612, Halfway House, 1685
- Each submission shall be placed in a sealed envelope and marked as follows:
Please indicate on the outside (back) of the envelope (template is supplied on the last page of this application):
- That it is an application to offer training for a Discretionary Grant Project
- Name of the Provider or Employer/Provider
- The Chamber
- The Project Name
- The Project Number
- Closing date for submission of applications
Effective date: / January 2012
Date of Last Review: / 16 November 2011
Date of Next Review: / 30 May 2012
DG05 Private Provider Application offering to host training in partnership with a SASSETA Employer January 2012
2Company Details
Full Name of ProviderTrading as / BEE / Yes / No
Company Owned exclusively by / Youth / Women / People With Disability
Management includes / Youth / Women / People With Disability
Provider Contact Details / Physical Address (including Postal Code)
Postal Address (including Postal Code)
Phone / Fax
Company Registration No. / Company Tax No
Location of company / Rural / Urban / Province
Provider Contact Person / Name & Surname
Phone / Cell / E-mail
3Provider Accreditation Details
Project Name / Evidence: Please attach each of the following supporting documents as Annexure A.Certified copy of SETA Letter of Accreditation Certified copy of learning programmes accredited for Annexure A 1.
Primary Accreditation / SETA
Accreditation No
Accreditation Term / Beginning
Programme Approval with a SETA / SETA: / Evidence: Please attach each of the following supporting documents as Annexure A2.
Certified copy of SETA Letter of Programme Approval
Including details of each programme.
Learning Programme(s)
Programme Approval / Beginning
Registration with Umalusi / CHE / Dept of Higher Education and Training / Registration No. / Date / Compulsory for any provider offering a full qualification or Learnership
Please attach Certified copy of official letter from DHET / Umalusi / CHE as Annexure A3
4Assigned Project Team for this learning programme
Name and Surname / Main ResponsibilityProject Manager:
Project Administrator(s): / 1.
Workshop Facilitators to facilitate the specific learning programme / Name and Surname / Evidence:
Please attach each of the following supporting documents for each person as Annexure B.
1. / Abridged CV including qualifications and experience in facilitating the relevant learning programme.
(Use only SASSETA Templates as attached)
Assessors registered with the relevant SETA for the specific learning programme as per the contract / Name and Surname / Reg No # / Expiry Date # / Evidence:
Please attach each of the following supporting documents for each person as Annexure C.
1. / Certified letter of Registration on SETA letterhead detailing learning programme / unit standards that may be assessed against. (Annexure C 1)
Abridged CV including qualifications and experience in assessing the relevant learning programme.
(Use only SASSETA Templates as attached)
(Annexure C 2).
Project Team
Moderators registered with the relevant SETA for the specific learning programme as per the contract / Name and Surname / Reg No # / Expiry Date # / Evidence:
Please attach each of the following supporting documents for each person listed here on the left as Annexure D.
1. / Certified Letter of Registration as a Moderator on the relevant SETA letterhead detailing learning programme / unit standards that may be assessed against Annexure D1
Abridged CV including qualifications and experience in moderating the relevant learning programme
(Use only SASSETA Templates as attached)
Annexure D2.
Contactable References(Supply three recent contactable references)
Name of Client / Relevant work performed / Dates / Contact person and contact details
5Amount Requested
No / Discretionary Grants Project as advertised for the specific Chamber LS or SP / LS orSP / NQF
level / No of learners / Amount Requested
18.1 / 18.2
6Analysis of Cost per Leaner
Learning ProgrammeNumber of training days
Item / Cost / Explanation
Workshop Training costs
Training Materials
Facilitator(s) fee
Venue hire
Audio-visual equipment
Assessments of Portfolios
Moderation of Portfolios
Certification of learners
Road Travel (R per km)
Toll fees (where appropriate)
Flights (where appropriate)
Car hire (where appropriate)
Project Management Cost
7All Projects applied for during this SASSETA DG funding window
Chamber / Name of project / Type of Programme: (Please tick-off)Learnership (LS) / Skills Program (SP) / Other
Explain in no more than 200 words how you would, should this application be successful; add value to SASSETA’s skills development objectives, through the implementation of this project.
Note:Accredited Training providers must declare any other engagements that they are currently involved in, especially where there is an overlap. An overlap pertains to when a SASSETA project will commence while the other project is still proceeding, even if the overlap is for a small period. As long as one project will commence while the other project is still in place, SASSETA needs to be informed of such.
8Current SASSETA and Other Projects
Chamber / Project Code / Project Name / Contract amount / Dates (from...to)9Checklists
9.1Please complete this checklist against each of the Annexures
No / Supporting Evidence / Included- Certified copies may not be older than three months
- Use only the SASSETA template for CVs
Annexure A. / Certified copy of SETA Certificate of Accreditation
Annexure A 1 / Certified copy of learning programmes* accredited for including the program applied for here.
Annexure A 2 / Certified copy of SETA Letter of Programme Approval including details* of the programme applied for.
Annexure A 3 / Certified copy of Letter Umalusi / Dept of Higher Education & Training to offer full a qualification / Learnership
Annexure B. / Abridged CV on SASSETA template for each facilitator who would be involved in this programme.
Annexure C 1 / Certified Letter of Registration*for each assessor from the relevant SETA
Annexure C 2 / Abridged CV on SASSETA template for each assessor
Annexure D1 / Certified Letter of Registration for each moderator from the relevant SETA
Annexure D2 / Abridged CV on SASSETA template for each Moderator
Annexure E / Copy of the unit standard(s) / qualification for the programme to be delivered
Annexure F / Copy of your SETA’s latest Verification Report for the relevant programme.
Please note each of the following in respect of the checklist above:
*Please highlight or underline:
1)The relevant unit standard(s), of the project applied for, in the list of unit standards the provider is accredited against.
2)The relevant qualification,of the project applied for, in the list of qualifications the provider is accredited against.
3)The relevant unit standard(s) / qualification(s) each assessor is registered to assess
9.2Please complete this checklist against each of the Annexures G - I
No / Supporting Evidence: / Included- Certified copies may not be older than three months
- Use only the SASSETA template for CVs
Annexure G / Certified Company Registration documents
Annexure H / Certified copies of first page of the ID of each Director or each CC member
Annexure I / Organogram of the management of the company to show the inclusion of Youth, Women and PWD
Annexure J / Current Valid Original Tax Clearance (No copies would be accepted)
NB.Failure to complete these two Checklists renders this application as incomplete.
In respect of this training intervention we commit ourselves to:
1)Conform to applicable and relevant Skills Development Act, Learnership regulations as well as relevant ETQA requirements without exception. We will take immediate action to control any non-conformance related to any of the above that may arise at any stage during the administration, training process and training output of the delivery of learning programme we have been contracted to deliver.
2)Deliver a learning programme that is appropriate, relevant and effective for the particular workplace in respect of the skills, knowledge attributes and value requirements of the learning programme.
3)That, to the best of our ability, we will provide a workshop environment that is conducive to effective teaching and learning for each learner that is appropriate in respect of:
-Health and safety requirements
-Seating that is reasonably comfortable
-Provision of effective audio-visual aids
4)The following Key Performance Indicators:
-Effectiveness of training programme administration, training process (including quality assessment and moderation) as well as training output.
-Effectiveness of workshop facilitation as well as quality assessment and moderation by registered assessors / moderators linked to the provider
-Learner support & services
In respect of the abovementioned Key Performance Indicators
-Our assessors and moderators are well qualified, experienced and registered in the relevant learning programme with the relevant SETA.
-Our facilitators are experienced subject matter experts who have presented this learning programme before
-Each facilitator is conversant with Outcomes-based education and training principles. They each practice and respect the principles of adult education
-As a provider we conduct workshop evaluations for each training intervention and apply lessons learnt from such in subsequent training interventions. We thus strive towards continual improvement.
-We have in place, a Learner Complaint Resolution procedure to deal with learners` grievance and undertake to speedily resolve all complaints
-We will take immediate action to control any non-conformance that may arise during the facilitation of any learning programme that we are contracted to deliver.
I solemnly and sincerely declare that the information provided in this document is up-to-date, accurate, complete, and honest - to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I also understand that SASSETA reserves the right, at its discretion, to conduct an on-site visit and subsequent monitoring visit, at any time, to verify theinformation provided here. Be advised that should the contrary be proved SASSETA reserves the right to cancel the contract forthwith and claim compensatory damages.
Duly Authorised representative of the provider
Full Name(s): / Surname / Position / Signature / Date11Checklist before Sending your Application
Yes / N/A / NoWe requested assistance from SASSETA where clarity was needed
The Discretionary Grant Guidelines were considered in completing this application.
Each relevant and required section of the application form has been duly completed.
Each supporting document is in line with the application requirements
The accreditation details requirements are in order.
The capacity requirements (assessors / moderator) requirements are in order.
Each of the legal compliance (Tax clearance / CIPRO) requirements is in order.
The certified documents are not older than three months.
The application is an original (not a copy of a copy)
Each relevant organisational party endorsed this application?
The applicable and authorised company representative signed-off the application form.
The application is a product of consultation with the relevant stakeholder parties?
The application is signed and dated (where appropriate) by each relevant party
The coversheet template is pasted on the back of the envelope.
An independent person checked this application for compliance with each requirement.
The application is posted / hand delivered to reach SASSETA by the due date and time.
12Please cut out this template and paste it on the back of the sealed envelope in which this application would be placed
Application to offer training for a Discretionary Grant Project(This application form is not valid if not accompanied by an Employer Application)
Project Name
Project Reference No
Closing date for submission
Effective date: / January 2012
Date of Last Review: / 16 November 2011
Date of Next Review: / 30 May 2012