Privacy Workshop Glasgow CILIPS - Flipcharts 22 November 2017
CILIP Workshop on Privacy – Flipchart TranscriptionsHeld in Glasgow CILIPS on 22 November 2017
Number of Attendees: 10 (Public libraries, a post MSc student, HE)
Two tables
1 hour session
1. What is privacy? (Open session for ideas on defining the term)
2. What are the privacy challenges you face in your work? (Post-it notes session)
3. What do you think are the major privacy issues facing
the information profession? (Post-it notes session)
4. Do you think privacy has an impact on freedom of access to information? If yes, how/ in what ways? (Table discussions)
5. What would you change about CILIP’s Ethical Principles and Professional Code of Practice as they relate to privacy? (Table discussion)
6. Does CILIP need a policy statement on privacy? If yes - what should it say?(Open discussion)
Question 1
- Control what you divulge/ control your data
- Protection of the rights of the individual
- Who is allowed to know?
- My right to decide
- The right not to be observed (CTTV/ photography)
- Duty to raise awareness of consequences ie tweets, facebook posts etc.
- Right to be forgotten (Came up as part of the discussions around previous comment)
- Lack of awareness amongst young
- Being denied access to information when needed (concern for family members)
- What you say in public spaces
Question 2
- Parents wanting private information about a child
- Access to inappropriate private information (this comment refers to the shared use of public libraries where librarians are coming across personal/ private information left in rooms, overheard conversations of other organisations)
- Having sight of sensitive documents
- What personal information we release on library members to other people ie terrorism issue
- Ownership (past and present) of items in our collections (donor’s right to privacy? right to keep price secret?)
- Public/ private – what can I share on social media about work or workplaces?
- Digital users lack knowledge of privacy
- Leaving personal documents on photocopiers/ scanners
- Paper records - not a high priority, staff training, acceptable storage especially for casual storage
- Members of staff grumbling on forums or in staffroom
- *Police wanting access to records
- *IT monitoring internet access
- Open wi-fi
- Printing
- Dealing with vulnerable groups
- Sharing information with official bodies
Question 3
- Protecting sensitive data against security breaches
- No loyalty: No privacy!
- Lack of understanding
- Full understanding of privacy among library staff at all levels
- Telephone in open area no privacy to take calls
- Expectations of zero hours staff maintaining privacy
- Pressure from researchers to make use of data
- Data in the cloud
- Keeping a right to privacy under commercial pressure to sell
- Processing personal information for organisation records
- Data storage – is it secure?
- Government legislation
- Evolving technology
- What people consult/ borrow/ e-resources/ onine in your library is this private?
Question 4
- Having to give ID to access information
- Filtering eg gambling websites
- Privacy too tight eg NHS data can’t be shared for research purposes (now people have not consented due to lack of trust?)
- Privacy laws in other countries can help and/ or hinder
- FOI takes so long to process it is worthless
- FOI and privacy often clash
- Digital can be altered easily
- Yes, FOI requests that can’t be answered
- Why do you need to give your name and address to get information?
- Too much requirement for proof of ID can restrict access to information
- Filtering (often called protection) can restrict access
- How do you protect academic data AND support open access?
- Profiling can restrict access to information
- Privacy can be too tight and restrict access
- Privacy laws in other countries can have an impact on international sharing
Question 5
- Enabling as well as respect/ protect
- Providing information
- Judgement is still important
- Mostly OK but too passive. We are also teaching users
- Personal/ professional responsibility to make judgement calls
Question 6
- Information profession needs to point out privacy is an issue statement on information professionals role
- How would it help?
- Robust guidance
- In US explicit information/ guidance should CILIP do the same?
- A “where we stand” document
- No policy statement can cover it all but CILIP needs to take a stance