XVIII Intern. Conf. on "Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research"
14-18 September 2009, Paris, France
Oral orPostermodel of abstracts for H2BR
Title given in up to 2 rows of text, 14 pt. bold, Times New Roman
X. FirstAuthor1, Z. SecondAuthor1, V.R. Tual2, C. Bidon1,2, A. LastAuthor2,*(12 point)
1Department of Physics, University of Old Columbia, Postal Code, City, Country (11 point)
2Department of Chemistry, University of South Pole, NW4 4J2 Quebec City, Norway
*Corresponding author:[e-mail add. (italicized, in 10-point)]
Abstracts must be sent electronically, to , not later than September 1st, 2009 for poster presentation.At least the presenting author must register and pay his/her registration fee before September 1st, 2009, for their paper to be included in the final program of the Meeting. Only abstracts accompanied by presentations at the meeting will be published. The submission format is preferentially in Microsoft Word (version 2003 or earlier or in "Compatibility Mode") or with Open Office source, exclusively. The maximum length of the abstract is one page. Abstracts longer than one page will be rejected.
The sample file produces correctly formatted camera ready abstracts on an A4 page with30 mm margins. The font should be Times New Roman. The formats to be used are as follows: (i) the abstract title (Times New Roman, Bold, 14pt) should be no more than 2 rows in length (centered); (ii) the authors’ names (Times New Roman, Normal, 12pt) should be listed as shown in the above example, with the presenting author’s name listed first and underlined; (iii) author affiliations (Times New Roman, Italic, 11pt), indicated using superscripts, should be reported concisely (i.e. no line breaks) and followed by the e-mail address (Times New Roman, Italic, 10pt) of the corresponding author. The author list and affiliations are left-justified.
The body of the abstract (Times New Roman, 11pt) should be both left- and right-justified and there should be no blank lines between paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.6 cm. A succinct list of keywords (Times New Roman, Normal, 11pt), separated by commas, follows the abstract. The references (Times New Roman, 10pt), are cited in the text like this [1] etc. The reference list should use the format shown below.
You are encouraged to insert a maximum of one captionless image for visual effect. The abstract book will not be printed in colour, so please ensure that the image appears in either black-and-white or grayscale format. It is advisable to proof print your abstract using a laser printer in order to check the graphic quality before submission.
For any further request, please contact H2BR 2009 Conference Secretariat, .
Keywords: keyword-1, keyword-2, keyword-3
[1] I. Newton, B. Pascal, and E. Schrödinger,Phys. Rev.A 240 12345 (2999).
[2]B. Godounov, I. Albeniz and G. Mahler, Le Monde de la Musique, 999 87654321 (3456).