Appendix A
DFM Oracle General Ledger 11i Upgrade Analysis
Key Questions and Answers
Q1: The current system seems to meet our needs, do we really need to upgrade?
A: Yes
-The Oracle Applications 10.7 version currently in use by DFM is now fully de-supported by Oracle. The life-time support recently announced by Oracle for their applications does not apply to the 10.7 version.
-The Oracle 7.3 Database currently in use is dated/de-supported.
-The hardware being used to host the DFM system is antiquated and expensive; DoIT would like to replace it.
-DoIT’s utilizes Oracle Applications version, several major releases beyond the current 10.7 version making it difficult to provide DFM cost-effective and quality support.
-DoIT can no longer guarantee it can provide system operational integrity
Q2: Why didn’t DFM upgrade along with DoIT in the past to stay more current?
A: With earlier DoIT upgrades it was determined that a DFM upgrade was not required and that the release’s benefits to the stable General Ledger module would not justify the effort and expected costs.
Q3: Is use of Oracle Applications GL still the right choice for DFM?
A: That’s ultimately a DFM decision. DFM staff havediscussed their requirements, reviewed Oracle GL’s capabilities, and have determined that they are a good fit. DFM has an investment in the current system. DoIT support staff has significant Oracle experience and continues to be in position to provide cost-effective support.
Q4: Which Oracle Applications version should we implement?
A: The DoIT project team recommends installing Oracle Applications release, with Financials Family Pack G, and the latest patch level. Factors include:
- with Financials Family Pack G includes significant product enhancements.
-DoIT has tested and implemented
-Once we begin testing with a specific release, changing gears to newly announced release would add costs and risks to the project.
- has been implemented by a significant portion of Oracle’s 10,000 applications customer base.
- users should be able to eventually move directly to the Oracle Fusion product line.
-11.5.10 is projected to be the terminal release of Oracle 11i.
Q5: What is Oracle Fusion and what impact will it have on us?
A: Fusion is Oracle’s code word for the planned next-generation system middleware infrastructure and applications product line. It represents Oracle’s effort to blend the best elements of at least three lines of business management software including the former PeopleSoft and JD. Edwards products. Oracle’s E-Business suite version 11i is projected to be the starting point for the financial applications. Oracle’s stated goal is to release the first version of the Fusion application suite in yyyy. Oracle has pledged to provide full support for Release through at least November, yyyy. They have pledged extended and sustaining support, lower support levels, for years beyond that date. Oracle has also announced their intention to release E-Business Suite upgrade Version 12 in yyyy. Version 12 is an optional upgrade that has generated little interest at DoIT or in the larger OAUG user community. Oracle clients on version will be well positioned for long-term system architectural compliance, vendor support, and eventually the product enhancement available with Oracle Fusion.
Q6: Which Oracle database version will we be implementing?
A: Oracle database version 9i was the latest data base version fully certified with Oracle Applications when DoIT finalized it’s upgrade architecture in the summer of yyyy. It has successfully supported our use of Oracle applications, has proven to be reliable, and has significant market share. Oracle 10G provides some nice features and was certified for Oracle Apps in August, yyyy. However, we believe 9i (9.2.0.x ) is the best database choice for Oracle applications at this time and we propose implementing it for DFM.
Q7: What will be the other underlying software technology components of our new system?
A: They include:
-Internet, 3-Tier Network Architecture
-Oracle 9i database (9.2.0.x)
-Oracle Forms/Reports 6i
-PL/SQL and Java
-Oracle Workflow
-Oracle Application Server
-Oracle J-Initiator for the client machines
-Oracle ADI (Applications Desktop Integrator) 7.2.x (installed after upgrade)
Q8: Is DoIT committed to Oracle Applications (now referred to as the E-Business Suite)?
A: Yes, for at least the immediate future. DoIT’s January, yyyyupgrade to the latest Oracle Applications release, version, assures us a viable, stable, and integrated system to manage our financial and retail operations. The high cost of Oracle Applications support and more stringent state purchasing guidelines have led some to discuss exploring other options. Any possible move by DoIT away from Oracle Applications would likely take years to complete. Any movement by DoIT on this front will be fully communicated to DFM.
Q9: Is DoIT still willing to host Oracle Applications GL for DFM?
A: Yes, the project team met with DoIT Oracle Applications system (CBS) sponsors in March yyyyto confirm their willingness to support the existing arrangement.
Q10: What is the license arrangement with Oracle in regard to DFM?
A: Dealing with Oracle on licensing issues is always a challenge. DoIT bought excess concurrent licenses as part of our Oracle Applications contract. When DFM was initially considering using the Oracle system, the informal allocation of two concurrent licenses, the planned use of the system, and DoIT/DFM joint arrangement was reviewed with our Oracle reps and determined to be fully within the bounds of our contract. We continue to operate under that contract and agreement.
Q11: Which Upgrade Approach should we pursue, migrate or re-implement?
A: Whether to migrate or re-implement is a major decision. The technical implementation team, after several discussions and some research on this topic, recommend that we freshly re-implement the system for the following reasons:
-Likelihood of a cleaner end result. Ability to purge disabled and obsolete data. Resulting long-term usability and performance benefits.
-Less installation DBA effort and lower costs due to the significantly reduced complexity and the ability to eliminate running thousands of conversion programs.
-Manageable effort and risks to re-implement the system from scratch due to the ability to utilize well-documented, generic install processes, the ability to reference existing system configuration data, to use standard data loading programs, and to run parallel system testing.
-Possible reduced risk due to not having to utilize extensive ad hoc Oracle upgrade scripts.
-Reinstalling provides scheduling benefits as the new system can more readily implemented in parallel with the existing production system vs. relying on a conversion window.
-Possible system improvement as we will have the opportunity to make design, Chart of Accounts, and configuration changes.
Q12: If we re-implement, how will our existing configuration and historical financial data be moved forward?
A: Where possible and warranted by the data volume, Oracle Application or ad hoc tools will be used to “reload” the data from the current system. The following are candidates:
-Chart of account values
-FSG definitions.
-Historical journal entries
-Monthly budget amounts
However, it will likely be prudent and beneficial to enter some of the data manually such as setup values, calendar information, and maybe some account beginning balances. Additional analysis and testing will be needed in this area.
Q13: What functional benefits will the new system provide?
A: The list of new features is long but many are optional and unlikely to be of immediate value to DFM. Most can begin to be utilized at a later date if you later determine they will be useful. The new features include:
-Navigational aides (colors, tabs, pop-up menus, buttons, etc.)
-Oracle ADI reporting and account hierarchy management enhancements
-Additional automation options for posting, allocations, and mass budgeting
-Additional standard reports to aid system maintenance (COA detail listing, calendar setup, inactive account listing, etc.)
-Journal Entry reversal, scheduling, and approval automation features.
-GL Diagnostic reports to assist in system documentation, month-end closing preparation, confirming setups, problem solving, etc.
-Account analysis and drill down to supporting journal entries.
-Ability to graphically display journal entry t-accounts.
-FSG, Account Analysis, Journal and Trial Balance Detail standard reports integrated with XML
-Minor FSG enhancements (e.g. - page size, absolute values, column definitions for year-end balances)
Q14: How significantly has Oracle GL changed from our current 10.7 release to the new 11i product? What training will be required? What are our options for pursuing it?
A: There has been little change to existing core GL functionality. Some new features have been added and significant navigational changes have occurred. DoIT staff will provide informal introductory training and tutoring. This will allow you to perform all critical basic operations. We will also point you towards other possible, more formal and comprehensive, optional training and educational opportunities.
Q15: What will it cost to do the upgrade?
A: Costs will consist of the actual time it takes DoIT and DFM staff to plan for and implement the upgrade. No other direct costs are expected. DoIT technical staff bill out at $ XX - $ XX/hour. See the DFM project charter or the project plan documents for the latest estimates.
Q16: Will our ongoing support costs remain the same?
A: No, we wish they could but increases are likely on two fronts:
- Initial production support staff costs for yyyy-yyyywill increase as we deal with new system issues and explore new features. The amount will vary based on the need for DoIT support.
- Annual fixed Oracle support license and operating charges will change. This projected monthly increase beginning July, yyyyis a result of accumulative missed Oracle annual support increases and server hardware costs. DoIT Financial Services is now responsible for proposing and reviewing these rates with DFM. They will contact you soon to discuss the proposed rate increases.
Q17: What are the hardware/software requirements from DFM’s perspective?
A: The general rule is that the bigger and faster machine the better. We’ve read recommendations that advocate minimum configurations for client machines at 400 MHZ and 512MB of memory. Client software should be running Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer version 6 or later.
Q18: Where can we get additional information on Oracle
A: There are multiple resources that you will be introduced to, including:
-Oracle manuals and documentation
-A demo of DoIT’s current system
-Oracle upgrade papers and new features lists
-Oracle Application Users Group presentations and papers
-Oracle GL newsletters
mm / dd / yy Project Charter EZ Appendix Page 1