GHA Delegates meeting 24/2/15
Combined meeting- opened 6.30
Present- Lyn Newby, Rebecca Oseland, Maria Felton, Chris Kelly, Susan Loy, Trydy Schultz, Yvonne Cameron, Mary Day, Cheryl Kinnane OAM, Kerry Barton, Marie Mathew OAM, Stephen McIlveen, Julie McIlveen, Peter Ryder, Phil Wainright,Trevor Pate, Kylie Winters, Peter Gibbons, Chris Blanchard, Ross Thorley, Darryl Clark, Jodie Forbes, Lauron Brown, Brett Bennett, Cheryl Ethell, Judith Butterick, Debbie Hill, Mandy Cotten, Sue Norman.Jacob Andrews, John Neilson
Apologies- Janelle Pole, Linda Stevens, Peter Mcphillips, GerelleBlancherd
Minutes from last meeting - were emailed to Lyn Newby and forwarded onto all she had contacts for. Not all got them.
Read by Alf Groves to meeting - moved Marie Mathew seconded Mary Day - carried
Business arising from minutes-
still need a publicity officer for Daily Examiner. no radio. Maybe we need to look a renumeration?
Mary coaching workshop with Tony Meldrom was excellent - looked at what is good for Hockey to grow.
Clubs to fill in club contact sheets of GHA website.
Womens Grading forms need to be in by 13/3/15. Mens nominations due tonight.
Grass field have been booked. Still waiting on fees schedule from council.
Still looking for someone to look after Minky - under Juniors sub committee
Junior sign on - poor roll up, bad weather, online registration may have been issues. Royals had a trial day for new players had a good roll up and attracted some new players.
We need to look at sign on, recruitment, for next year . Mary suggested Tony Meldrom might be able to help us with this. Lyn - he may only be working with FNC as of April
Mens masters - have nominated 1 team O55s hopefully 2 teams for O50s at Morrebank
Stephen McIlveen - Nothing in the minutes re issue around GHS players being misinformed about there not being any teams for 1015. There was a lengthy discussion about this at the previous meeting. GHS will have 2 teams. Sue to add to previous minutes.
Delegates meetings 4th Tuesday in the month. To save confusion meeting agreed to call meetings delegates meeting not Competitions Committee meeting.
Premier League for women. Looking at for 2016
Presidents report by Lyn - As tabled.
Julie McIlveen - publicity is a big job, needs a committee of people. Cheryl has done it over a long time with some issues raised.
Chris Blanchard - Lease we had will Sue Livermore runs out this year. GHA did not get much from the lease so was put up for tender- replies were received. Just Hockey will be taking on the lease working with Barry. All brands now available.
Treasurers report. - disappointing but we had to increase fees this year. We have not put away enough put away so we need to do some planing. Cutting costs and trying to generate more money so when our turf needs replacing we can afford to do so. We will be looking out for grants.
Peter gibbons asked if a submission of budget was needed as in the past. It is a good idea but not something Maria is familiar with at this stage.
Mary asked re life members - NSW component to be payed by individuals, will get back to the next meeting re GHA component.
Mary - asked about special rates for school groups
Chris Blanchard- cricket have not changed their dates - fixtures to decide based on what fits best and start date.
Womens meeting opened at 7.34
Rep committee- u 18 trials next 2 sundays- wayneConyard coach- Lianne Fisher manager
U15s and U13s to be organised
Opens - maybe private travel arrangements might keep costs down. Recommendation
So far about 10 interested in womens opens.
Committee has Called for nominations for rep coaches and managers. Form on GHA website
Masters to look after selection of teams, managers and coaches not Rep committee
Publicity- committee a good idea with womens, mens and juniors to publicise. Ask around amongst clubs for interest. Most important we have this.
Grading and fixtures. - grading forms 13th march. Possibility of playing Friday sat last weekend in March if needed. As Easter the following week. Once we know how many teams in each grade fixtures will make this decision.
Anzac we can play but after 1.30 . We discussed the possibility of making it a special event to celebrate 100 years of Anzac.
grading / fixtures meeting 14/3 1.30 Barton household
Match officials and rules - meeting to be confirmed to discuss rule changes
Changes are on Hockey Aus website. Green card, long corners, stick height, stick length, breaking at penalty corner.
Names of umpires to umpiring committee. Sarah Ryder by 13th
Masters - no change to previous meeting
General business- bye laws - changes to be voted on at March meeting.
Cheryl spoke re reasons for the proposed change .
We can register with Hockey NSW now!
Junior committee may request change back to Div 1 play full field for 2015 depends on numbers
Suggestion to put minutes on website rather than email out. To be emailed out this time so that clubs are aware.
Next meeting 24th march
No meeting 10th March