Child Supervision Policy and Procedure

Policy Dates

Created: / April 2016
Reviewed: / April 2017
To be Reviewed: / April 2018


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that everybody is aware of their responsibilities in relation to the supervision of children that are left in the care of staff at Fountain Springs Day Nursery Limited and Holiday Club.

Supervision is not only a legal requirement but is also one of the key requirements in the prevention of accidents and injury throughout the setting. The appropriate supervision of the children is paramount at all times.

Other Policies and Procedures referred to in this Policy:

·  Snack time supervision

·  Toileting procedure

·  Sleep procedure

·  Outings procedure

·  Lost child procedure

·  Uncollected child

·  Play, Provision and Risk Policy

This Policy has been developed using the following current National Legislation:

·  Equality Act 2010

·  EYFS Welfare Requirements 2017


·  To ensure the potential for accidents and injury to children is reduced through appropriate supervision.

·  To ensure staff are aware of the variables relating to ratios of staff to children.

·  To ensure safety for children when participating in Nursery activities.

·  To support the individual needs of all children left in the care of Fountain Springs Day Nursery.


Management will:

·  Ensure all staff, volunteers and students are aware of correct policies and procedures and that they are adhered to.

·  Ensure that at all times correct legal ratios according to the EYFS welfare requirements (2017)are adhered to :

·  1:4 for children aged between 2 -3

·  1:8 for children aged 3-5 – This is also adhered to within the Holiday club ratios reception age and upwards.

·  Ensure that there are 2 members of staff in the room with the children at all times and at least one is level 3 qualified. If the correct ratio is in tack and the second member is needed to leave the room .The next open plan room will be alerted to ensure the staff member and correct ratio children can be seen and heard within the close proximity. If this occurs in the pre-school room a member of the management team who is not included in ratios will provide support in the pre-school room if other members of staff cannot be deployed.

·  Only those aged 17 or over may be included in ratios. Students on long term placements and volunteers (over 17) and staff working in early education (aged 16 or over) may be included in the ratios if the provider is satisfied they are competent and responsible.

·  Ensure that at all times there is a staff member on site who is not included in the legal ratio requirement.

·  Exceptionally, and where the quality of care and safety and security of children is maintained, changes to the ratios may be made.

·  Ensure all staff are subject to a DBS check.

Staff Will:

·  Ensure a staff member is always in close proximity of the children thus reducing the possibility of an incident/accident occurring.

·  Staffing arrangements meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety. Staff must ensure that children are adequately supervised and decide how to deploy staff to ensure children’s needs are met. Staff must inform parents and/or carers about staff deployment, and, when relevant and practical, aim to involve them in these decisions. Children must usually be within sight and hearing of staff.

·  Ensure a child is NEVER left alone in the playground or in the rooms

·  Ensure that where multiple areas are available to children at the same time (indoor/outdoor activities) that such areas are appropriately supervised.

·  Staff to communicate effectively to other staff when they are moving from an area.

·  Ensure children are only released to authorised people.

·  Ensure all children’s safety is not compromised in mixed age groups by adhering to correct ratios for ages of children.

·  Complete accident/incident forms for all injuries under their supervision. (See Accident Policy).

·  Be consistent in enforcing risk limit setting. (See Play, Provision and Risk Policy).

·  Ensure water play is supervised at all times and water trays are emptied after use.

·  Do regular head counts of the children in their care, especially when entering and leaving the outdoor area and on outings.

·  Ensure that supervision is active and interactive with children. It is not acceptable for staff to stand and watch, or talk for long periods of time to other members of staff and parents. Staff will discuss with each other the best positions of supervision, especially in the playground.

·  Question any strangers to the setting in a friendly way, e.g. “hello, can I help you?” while observing the persons actions. Any concerns should be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Manager.

·  Ensure correct supervision on outings.

Parents will:

·  Personally deliver children to a staff member and ensure a staff member is informed when they are departing;

·  Inform staff if a person, other than the authorised person will be collecting the child and complete a “changes in circumstances form” Emergency collection form. In the event of emergency parents/carers should telephone the nursery and sign the form the next time they attend.

·  Inform the setting if there is a change in personal circumstances that could affect the child e.g. separation, bereavement.

·  Ensure that the entrance doors are closed after entry and are not held open to allow others to come in to the building.

Snack time Procedure

The nursery will observe currant legislation regarding food hygiene, registration and training. In particular each adult will:

·  Always wash hands before handling food - please read the hand washing procedure.

·  Have a basic awareness of food hygiene and endeavor all staff to have completed level 2 in food hygiene and safety. Staff will not be involved with the preparation of food if suffering from any infection or skin irritation; please see the Illness and Medication Policy.

·  Never cough or sneeze over food.

·  Use correct colour coded cloths for Snack times.

·  Keep food covered at all times until serving.

·  Ensure waste is disposed of properly and the lid of the bin is kept on. Wash hands after use.

·  Wash fresh fruit and vegetables thoroughly.

·  Ensure any food or drink that requires heating will be heated immediately prior to serving.

·  Use tea clean towels at all times.

·  Keep all utensils clean.

·  Will not use cracked or chipped crockery.

·  Clean all tables with antibacterial solution before each Snack time.

·  Children will be encouraged to go to the toilet before Snack and wash their hands, Staff to assist where required.

·  Snack will be free flow , children will make their own choice when to come for snack if wanted

·  Children will be supported to sit at the table.

·  A member of staff will sit at the children’s level and encourage children to remain seated at the table whilst eating.

·  All children will be offered fresh water or milk to drink.

·  Staff will encourage children to serve their own food and support and praise them.

·  Children will be encouraged to try food presented to them.

·  Under close supervision children will be encouraged to feed themselves.

Outdoor Play Procedure

·  A risk assessment will be carried out before the session begins

·  Staff on outdoor duty will continually undertake safety checks of the area throughout the day, this includes checking that the gates are closed and locked.

·  Staff should at all times ensure that children have appropriate clothing according to the weather conditions. (Coats and gloves in cold weather and sunhats and sun cream is applied in hot weather).

·  Staff will ensure that outdoor provision is set out in accordance with the planning and ready for the children to access throughout the day.

·  The children will be closely supervised at all times in compliance with EYFS Welfare Requirements 2014. Two members of staff should be outside at all times where possible.

·  Under no circumstances should the external gates be opened. If an object goes over the gate or fence it must be left until all the children are safely inside before a member of staff retrieves it. (STAFF MUST NEVER GO OUT OR OPEN THE GATE WHILST THEY ARE IN RATIOS).

·  Each child will be able to play following their own interests and enjoy the outside environment.

Outings Procedure

·  A named member of staff will take on the role of the emergency contact at the setting. This person will receive and pass on any messages. The unit manager will ensure that all emergency contact details are available for every child on the outing.

·  A risk assessment and outing form will be completed for every outing and where possible senior members of staff will risk assess the destination and deem it suitable.

·  A first aider will be designated for the outing and will be responsible for the first aid kit, ensuring that it is fully stocked and taken on the outing.

·  Regular head counts of the children will be undertaken during the outing.

·  All staff and other adults present will be constantly vigilant in their supervision of the children to minimise the risk of accidents or the group being separated.

·  Upon arrival at the destination all children and adults will be made aware of the timetable for the day and the procedures that they must follow should they become separated.

·  Each adult will be responsible for a specific number of children. This will be agreed at the beginning of the outing and all parties will be involved.

·  Correct ratio’s children to staff will be maintained at all times as identified on the outings form. (All ratios will be halved)

·  A senior member of staff will be made responsible during the outing and will be identified to all adults on the outing.

·  Before the outing staff members will discuss the groupings of children, staff ratio’s will then be determined according to the ages and abilities of the children.

·  Additional adults who are going on the outing will be allocated to a group. Adults who have not under gone an enhanced DBS check and who are not setting staff will have supervisory responsibility for the children and will not be left unattended with them.

·  In the unlikely event of a child getting lost, the group will re-assemble and act in accordance with the Lost Child procedure.

Fountain Springs Day Nursery Lost Child Procedure

At Fountain Springs Day Nursery we fully recognise our responsibilities to safeguard children in our care, and are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for them.

If a child appears to be missing whilst in the care of the setting the following procedure must be followed:

1.  If it is discovered that a child is unaccounted for then a full search of the area that the child was in will take place.

2.  Other children will not be left unsupervised at any time.

3.  The person in charge will designate a member of staff to thoroughly search the area where the child is thought to have been lost.

4.  The person in charge will ensure that at the same time, correct child/adult ratios are maintained, prioritising the safety and ongoing care of all the children in the care of the setting.

5.  The individual situation will be assessed as a matter of urgency. If the child is not quickly found, an immediate decision should be made to contact; the Unit manager, Parents and Police.

6.  The child’s parent/carer will be contacted and sensitively informed of the situation.

7.  After the event the following will be undertaken:

·  An full investigation of how this happened

·  Ofsted and Calderdale Council’s Health & Safety Department will be informed.

·  A review of policies, procedures and risk assessment.

·  Inform all relevant parties of findings; implications and outcome of the review..


Description of child’s clothing.
Distinguishing features.
Home tel. no.
Parent/carers name.
Date/time/location of disappearance.
Person(s) with responsibility for the child before disappearance
Circumstances of disappearance
Parents contacted? Time?
Police contacted? Time?
What happened next?
Signature of registered person.


To avoid unnecessary distress to children, we ask all parents or carers to ring us as soon as possible if they know that they will not be able to arrive at the agreed pick up time. We can then make arrangements to make sure that your child is not unsettled and that staffing cover is available.

If a child has not been collected from the setting by the expected time,and there has been no contact from the parent or carer to let us know of any delay,

the following procedure must be followed:

·  The Manager will be informed.

·  A minimum of two members of staff will remain on the premises until the child has been collected. One staff member will stay with the child to occupy and reassure him/her throughout any waiting period.

·  The other staff member will attempt to contact:

-  parent/carer/guardian

-  other persons authorised by parents (on Registration Form) to collect the child.

-  any other agency or person that may have knowledge of the family (e.g. health visitor) to enquire about any other known contact numbers.

·  The Manager and staff will consider all factors such as the child’s wellbeing, family circumstances, weather or transport difficulties.

Every attempt will be made to ensure that the child is collected.

·  If staff feel that it is no longer in the child’s best interests to continue waiting, or it is no longer possible for staff to remain in the setting with the child, then the Emergency Duty Team at Social Care Services will be contacted for further assistance.

·  Every effort will continue to be made to ensure that parents/carers are informed of their child’s whereabouts and wellbeing.