Technical Seminar
HomertonCollege, CambridgeUniversity, Cambridge, CB2 8PH
Wednesday 16th November 2011
Members:I / We wish to book place(s) at the above event@ £90(i.e. £75+VAT) per person making use of the’ early bird’ discount valid until 26th October 2011
Please note that bookings made after this date will be @£120 (i.e. £100+VAT)
Non-Members:I / We wish to book place(s) at the above event@ £150 (i.e. £125+VAT) perpersonmaking use of the’ early bird’ discount valid until 26th October 2011
Please note that bookings made after this date will be @£180 (i.e. £150+VAT)
Total Cost (including 20% VAT)
Company details:
Company Contact Name
Address1 Email
Address 2 Phone
Delegate OneDelegate Two
Job Title Job Title
Delegate ThreeDelegate Four
Job TitleJob Title
Payment details on next page.
Payment must be received in full prior to the Conference date
Please indicate as applicable:
I have made a direct BACS payment into your account, details as follows:
Sort Code: 60 14 55
Acc. number:37399543
Name: The National Energy Foundation (please quote the reference GSHP Association)
I enclose a cheque made payable to the National Energy Foundation in full settlement.
(a receipted VAT invoice will be sent on receipt of payment)
Please invoice me/my organisation for the full amount.
Please Read the Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
- To guarantee admission, exhibitors must pay prior to the event.
- Any cancellation must be received in writing and are subject to an administration charge of 15% perexhibitor which will be deducted from any due refund or invoice (as appropriate)
- The Association regrets there can be no refund should you cancel after the9th November 2011
- Substitutions of representatives are allowed up to 7 days before the Conference date.
- If you have not received an acknowledgement before the event, please contact us and make sure we have received your booking
- If for any reason we need to postpone / cancel the Conference we will give you a minimum of 5 working days notice with a full refund.
- The Association reserves the right to change the advertised speaker programme due to unforseen circumstances.
- Accommodation is not included. Information about local hotel accommodation at reduced rates can be obtained form the GSHPA offices.
- Registration of a participant entails acceptance of these conditions.
- For cancellations and substitution please contact Jake Salisbury, Head of Operations, prior to the event on 01908 354545 or by email
- The Association cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property of the delegate or exhibitor, whatever the cause may be.
- Should, for any reason outside the organisers' control (acts of terrorism, extreme weather conditions or industrial action), the venue or speakers change or the event cancelled, the organisers will endeavour to re-schedule but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by registrants.
- If, for any reason, the organisers decide to make material changes to this conference, they are not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by registrants.
- Registration of a participant entails acceptance of these conditions
Signed ………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………………………….
Name……………………………………………………………………….(Please print)
Please complete and return to: or send by post to the address below
Ground Source Heat Pump AssociationNational Energy Centre, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 8NG
E-mail: /